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Two of my favorite B/G were married to falang's and in both cases everything was going along fine untill they started to butterfly and drink and you know the rest of the story. Both of the guys lived her in LOS. I wonder if this is the major cause in break ups?

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:55 am on Jan. 8, 2003

Quote: from Packripper on 6:27 pm on Jan. 8, 2003Ý
Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý I think in any society, if you bring the absolute lowest of society into your household (BGs and MP gals), it's going to have an effect on your reputation (business, social, etc). ÝIf you can find a way to not let it effect you in real terms (not letting the gossip bother you, hiding your BG at home, etc.), then all the better. Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý I couldn't agree more. If you were to bring the absolute lowest members of society into your household it very well would have an effect on your reputation. However I'm a bit confused here. I would have thought that the lowest members of any society would be, oh I don't know let me think here for a minute, MURDERERS, THIEVES, RAPIST, KIDNAPPERS, CHILD MOLESTERS, ETC. Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý ÝI never would have guessed that Bar Girls and Massage Parlor ladies are considered even lower in society then those kinds of people. WOW, I guess you learn something new every day. Peace

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 7:41 am on Jan. 8, 2003
Alright, it looks like by asking for the thai perspective I am causing P-rip to take some heat. ÝBrother Cmore, I know no one loves the thai ladies more than you. Ý ÝAnd of course the types of persons you list are despicable and arguably not even part of a civilized society. ÝBut I think you are getting caught up in the choice of words and not the idea. ÝIn "polite" Thai society, the bg's and mp girls are not viewed by all as noble, selfless creatures. ÝThey are viewed as prostitutes. I don't think that surprises you. ÝAlso, as for slackers, there are plenty of trust fund babies here in the states and all over europe nothing new or different there either. ÝJust wish I was one of 'em.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:32 am on Jan. 8, 2003
Just an opinion but

I would put BG's higher up the social ladder than silverspoon slackers.

At least they serve a purpose in society.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 11:03 am on Jan. 8, 2003
 Yes, I think those that you mentioned would be pretty low on the scale.   But unfortunately they cannot be readily identified by local society.   MP girls and BGs can.  (again, there's no formula, but usually the locals can tell)

I shouldn't have used the word absolute.   And when I do, I certainly don't mean it in an offensive way towards them.   It was merely a straight forward comment on the unfortunate reality of life here for some people.   In application, I'm just as likely to treat these girls with as much respect as I would anyone else (probably more so... I'm more likely to be nice/civil to my favorite MP girls than to my accountant or suppliers).  

Quote: from cmore on 8:41 pm on Jan. 8, 2003

Quote: from Packripper on 6:27 pm on Jan. 8, 2003Ý


here. I would have thought that the lowest members of any society would be, oh I don't know let me think here for a minute, MURDERERS, THIEVES, RAPIST, KIDNAPPERS, CHILD MOLESTERS, ETC. Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý ÝI never would have guessed that Bar Girls and Massage Parlor ladies are considered even lower in society then those kinds of people. WOW, I guess you learn something new every day. Peace

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 5:09 pm on Jan. 8, 2003

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