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Sir Rimalot
Well I guess i should add my song setang.....

Yes I have barebacked... while in thialand with my regular TG (good girl) and my regular TG (bad girl)..... and sorta with another regular (condom split and I carried on withdrew before shooting)........ I make sure I get tested on regular intervals as should all sexually active males......

One rule to note.... before sex I go down on a girl... if it stinks I don't go anywhere near it and pay her to go home.....

With my regular TG (good girl) i made her take blood tests (got myself done at the same time) just to be sure... (also did the same with my regular TG (bad girl) lessend the risk a wee bit.... but the regular TG (bad girl) could have been doing all unsundry and probabally was....

I know I took risks... but hey.. I cross the road every day... i fly on an aeroplane... I drink I smoke... (used to do some drugs) have ridden bikes since i was about 8...  I've jumped out of aeroplanes...

Everytime you leave your house theres a chance something will happen to you....

My views on this.....  Live for the moment......
you only get one chance on life.... so have fun....

rock on

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:41 pm on Aug. 7, 2003
Al Kiholic

I know we have not spoken much. (If at all) but I have to say.

You are right on the money Bro.


Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 9:16 pm on Aug. 7, 2003
Al Kiholic
I have barebacked only 1 time with a "working" girl.

It was in Singapore. The girl and I went for a few drinks and dinner and then back to the hotel room.
Took a shower together and then to the bed.
She started fooling around with me gave me a awesome BBBJ then she flipped to doggie style position and grabbed me by the weiner and pulled me into her and I resisted but not for long I was hard enough to cut diamonds so I said f_ck it and went for it.

I was worried for a year.

The only other time I did something that creaped me out was here in the US. It was at a massage parlour and a smokin hot korean girl was giving me  a BBBJ then jumped on top and went for the 69 position. Her twat was so nice, clean, NO HAIR, and smelled like new, then she pushed really hard into my face and again I said f_ck it and went for it.
Yet again I was worried as hell.

I just don't see how some fellas do the DATY with a "working girl"

Just my 2 cents

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:24 pm on Aug. 7, 2003

I think you know the issue in question has nothing to do with your Filipino girlfriends. I don't know why you choose to cheapen them by bringing them into a discussion about barebacking PROSTITUTES in Thailand.

They are not Catholics so that doesn't apply.

They are at RISK, that does apply.

But as is your way, you choose to get away from any actual issue and try to weave silly riddles that you perceive as clever.  As I said earlier, my initial statement was not aimed at you, but once again you little self centred 'Injured Darling of the Board' Martyr act comes out to full disinterest of those reading it.

As for the Kings Head if you are in there I'll recognise you, and will happily join you for beer and 'debate'.

As for me be able to guarantee being there, at this time I cannot I am 6000 miles from London and will only be there a short time. Who know what plans will be dreamt up between now and next Friday.

btw Devout Catholics do not have sex with anyone before marriage, particularly non Catholics.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 9:50 pm on Aug. 7, 2003

Quote: from Al Kiholic on 9:16 am on Aug. 8, 2003

You are right on the money Bro.

Right on the money ???...with what??.....His whining about how he treats his Filipino g/f??

Who gives a shit?...thats not the debate, nokna just changes an arguement when he is wrong to one where he is right. Always does.

If the thread was about barebacking your Catholic girlfriend who wants to be barebacked....then Yeah...way to go nokna....Right on the Money!!!

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 9:54 pm on Aug. 7, 2003
have to say i am 100% behind what yurune says - everything else said is one big field of bullshit....

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:44 pm on Aug. 7, 2003
dirty guru
x..... you say define done to them, and against their will?....unnatural acts?   look, firstly sister, anal is done to you..., this isnt in a thai girls case unconsented, asyou well know, nor does it correct the act from being (if frequently done daily..along with licking arse or being pissed on) somewhat mentally damaging to the soul, or shall i say self f_cking image........look i am all for agood arse f_ck!....and i do, but say if its a situation that you have a brilliant chick in stockings at your hotel who is up for it great!...places like eden that manufacture a consenting girl to perform this /as along with others things like pissed on, firsting, role play rape , etc, are placing the mental frame work of the girl at risk long term......junkies consent to a hit x...doesnt exonerate the dealer, i am simply saying, even the physical risk of barebacking , licking arse has a weigh in factor, i dont wish to contribute too. Even you said sweetheart in closing then decent men shouldnt  go there, (non specifically eden) but i gather all places that exploitation of woman is rife, consenting abuse or not...There are alot of chicks that will on balance to a special trick , and be less harmed long term than a factory type club where it is sheer degradation of soul and body, consentual or not.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:41 pm on Aug. 7, 2003
DG could be 100% right about everything....I'd never's nigh on impossible to read his threads.....

Frankly money would be on X as I can read hers and they usually make sense.

(I said usually in case she ever disagreed with me....)

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:44 pm on Aug. 7, 2003
I went bareback for years, then I found a saddle was more secure.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 11:48 pm on Aug. 7, 2003
dirty guru
next well have papa....what sort of karma is this boy in for?...pappa?.....go get pissed on ! Room 3...its cool consent and all that!...waste of f_cking time..shame on the arseholes that go there!

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:10 am on Aug. 8, 2003

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