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Deleted Member
Nope not morty.  Original as they come...


Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:34 am on Sep. 18, 2002
Deleted Member
Nokna with all due respect I have read your trip reports and you have said/done things I don't necessarily agree with (even excluding the condom issue). ÝAnd though you may post on this board as "lover and keeper of the Thai lady" there are things that you have done that I could choose not to talk to you behind. ÝI am not that short sighted and understand all of us have certain preferences and not all will agree. ÝNot talking to someone to show what a martyr you are for the Thai "ladies of the evening" is a bit rash in my opinion. ÝBut once again, WHATEVER FLOATS YOUR BOAT!


Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 8:41 am on Sep. 18, 2002
Farang = farangseht = francais

It is not a negatively-connoted descriptor, unless you hate the French.

The Thais use it to mean a European, or more broadly, a white guy (or gal). It is NOT a term of disparagement.

The Thais have terms of disparagement built around farang, such as farang kii nok (birdshit farang, a white guy with no money). But it isn't the farang part that is negative.

The Thais have definitely negative terms for the Japanese (ai yun), Chinese (jek), Indians (kaek, "the guests"), and Vietnamese "ai yuan" and Khmer (jek dam, Black Chinese) any of these terms used to the face of these nationalities including the Thai-Chinese and Thai Indians, ir hurtful and is given and taken that way.

But farang is NOT in that category, really it is not. If you stay in a tourist trap ghetto you might feel differently but that is not an authentic or typical Thai experience. In a tourist ghetto you are surrounded by (sorry) parasites who feed off farang and probably despise themselves for it, and so despise their victims for their passive part in the symbiosis. Don't judge Thais by the attitudes of mafia taxi drivers or took took drivers or bar touts or illegal lottery sellers or the guy trying to sell you Boy Scout stuff or drag you to a jewelry shop, silk shop, tailor or massage parlor...those aren't Thais any more, they are bing, That's Thai for leeches.  

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:52 am on Sep. 18, 2002
Excellent and spot on!

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 8:58 am on Sep. 18, 2002
Cj, I will take your word for it on farang not being a derogatory term, but many (I will assume they know less and are wrong) "farang" have told me that the term does have negative connotations. ÝSo the perception is out there. ÝI also want to echo your sentiments on people's view of the Thais. ÝI am just a tourist and by no means as knowledgeable as the expats on this board but my first trip I never left the "tourist ghetto". ÝI came away with a very negative impression of the thai's. ÝOn subsequent trips I branched out quite a bit more and was pleasantly surprised by the warmth and genuine altruism of the people. ÝThis may all tie in to the topic that has been raging on the forum over the last few days. ÝIf you constantly feel someone is trying to cheat you, some may try to be hard-boiled negotiators when it is not necessarily the sporting thing to do. By no means am I advocating getting taken for a ride. And I myself have hangled with vendors/ tuk tuk, even establishments (see my post on drink prices), etc. over 40 baht (seems stupid in hindsight) but not with the girls. But just stop and think about it, Ý500 Baht? ÝCome on, you would be hard pressed to get a traditional thai massage + tip without spending around that much (and no I don't need directions to your favorite 50 baht thai massage place). ÝIf that is all someone can afford to pay (doubtful) and the girl is willing, knock yourself out I guess. ÝBut what I think folks are objecting to is the attitude that seems to prevail on this board that is exemplified by Ýstatements like "wait til 2 am and then they will be desperate for a customer and you can get them for 500 baht". ÝMaybe you are there for sex but Ýthe tg's are HUMAN, they are not the commodity, their services are, treat them humanely. Ý500 baht is not that much money in Thailand (and yes I know that they can ride the bus home for 10 baht (it takes 2 hours) and eat from a street vendor for 40 baht, but do you?)And I also have no dog in this fight. ÝFor me, go go's are for drinking only. ÝWhen in bkk, I see one particular girl for the time that I am there and I basically replace the income that she would have made (which unfortunately for me is a ridiculous sum) and I frequent mp's where I probably overtip. ÝThat is what works for me. But again so what? ÝWe all hunt in different places --no one is ruining it for you and jumping on everyone's back who pays more than you do is both misleading and as annoying to them as it is to those of you that choose to pay less to be called cheap. ÝDo yourself a favor and get to know the Thai people outside of Sukhumvit and your views might change.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 11:50 am on Sep. 18, 2002
A good post about getting out of the big cities and meeting real people, valid advice all over the world including France (g). As cj stated, some guys want to grind the girls faces in their poverty when they wait and enjoy the meat market at Nana Hotel at 2AM. These guys are a small % of the guys on the board. I personelly enjoy the good natured haggling over prices with the girls and it is done in a nice way over a few ladydrinks. I've also run into being ripped off by cabbies taking me the real long way around BKK the first couple of times I've been here. I won't even talk about tut-tut drivers.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:04 pm on Sep. 18, 2002

Quote: from nokna on 4:01 pm on Sep. 18, 2002
i never said you MUST respect them.

but i just think they deserve some.

Some do, some don't. ÝJust like everyone else. ÝI don't condemn them for being prostitutes, but I don't put them on a pedestal either.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:10 pm on Sep. 18, 2002

Sounds to me that "Farang" is the same as "Haole" in Hawaiin.

In Hawaii it can be used at both negative and neutral in standing. Depends on the tone and connotation.

So ... I my guess is that Farang could be negatively taken at times, but so could all the other terms CJ posted.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:44 pm on Sep. 18, 2002
Haole is a lot more negative; it comes out of a colonial experience from the point of view of the Hawaiians...

The Thais never had a colonial experience, and so lack the chip-on-the-shoulder, love/hate relationship that for example the Viets have with the French, or the Filipinos for the Americans.

Haole I'd guess is a lot closer to say, gwailo "foreign devil" in Cantonese, it's kind of hard to argue that that one isn't inherently negative. Not that I am complaining. The Middle Kingdom, historically, has a lot of reasons to despise and mistrust the Europeans/Americans.

What is the original literal meaning of haole?

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 4:02 pm on Sep. 18, 2002
One Eyed Jack
Haole means white person OR any foreigner (of non-Hawai`i origin

No derogatory connotation is implied when used for neutral, identification purposes.

Locals consider "Caucasian" to be a stilted term, less friendly than haole.

Hawai`i born, acculturated types call Ýthemselves "local haole" by the way.  

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:20 pm on Sep. 18, 2002

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