Re nokna's s.o. - I suppose it may well be illogical that she objects to condoms on Catholic/moral grounds yet is happy with sex outside marriage, but that's up to her. I suppose most of us pick-and-choose from the ethical systems we grew up with. I know I do. At any event - yeah, if she objects to her views being criticised on a public forum, they should not be aired on a public forum. This is between her and nokna, I think. Catholic objections to condoms are not a major problem in LOS - though having said that, I had a lovely BG a few months ago who turned about to be a Catholic from darkest Isaan. Ultra-knowledgeable about the various saints. When we got down to business, she took the initiative on the condom front. Ý
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:19 am on Aug. 8, 2003
Quote: from Q on 9:59 pm on Aug. 8, 2003
With much respect and admiration, Q
Now you are really insulting .... somebody. Though not sure who; nokna, the rest of us, yourself or perhaps all? Ý 
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 10:07 am on Aug. 8, 2003
Don't worryy, nikna got my name wrong for ages, sometimes nukno called me Yurine, I think neknu was trying to be funny. I sorted it out by PM. He only picked on that because he probably couldn't argue with your post. It is one of naknu's favourite tactics.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:00 pm on Aug. 8, 2003
dirty guru
dear x.....we have to agree to disagree.....(does that make sense to you?).......your premise that because i think anal sex, being pissed on , rough role play rape victim stuff several times a week , or day, most likely in my opinion harms the mental frame work of that person,...doesnt mean i am vanilla sex!.......I simply have little morality, but can see undeniably(having spoken to workers associated in that industry that it is a mind f_ck ...consentual or not..when repeative. Look go away believing your right, say my logic is f_cked etc...it makes no difference to me. ÝI stand by the accounts told to me , that in order to cope drugs were taken...it was hell after a while..and "i couldnt face my family"' ok sure p4p is one thing, but really x...thats not our issue here...your simply not understanding the message, or pretend its different to what i am saying. For the last time, i am all for flavoured sex anal and uniforms..etc...but i would prefer to find a girl that thinks about it carefully and (aside from the higher fee) is not subject to the act repeatively...and less affected long term. If you Flying in the face of the horses mouth, decide that organization hard core p4p and rough role play pissing on is ok for suited girls cool, common sense tells me different, and i saw and heard it. I am no angel, i am unfaithful, f_ck good arse, take two girls some times play simon says with them,...i am not a good guy! but dont conclude wrongly i have a self agenda in saying that i wont exploit a girl (who even volunteers herself to degradation on a massive daily level Ý ) if i can quietly do it with a prettier less consumed soul..and pay well.........each to his own...but get real x...your giving the old line of i am strong i am Ýwoman....but in reality alot are silly girls in an evil system that we support!
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 7:56 pm on Aug. 8, 2003
DG, we have to agree to disagree Nah, I liked my original summation better, you're illogical and patronising. ÝYou can "agree to disagree" till the cows come home, but I reserve the right to state you're talking utter bollocks when I see fit. I simply have little morality You can say that again, I am glad we agree on something. your simply not understanding the message maybe that's because you're not very good at written English, or maybe it's because your logic is flawed and anyone with half a brain would disagree with you, or maybe it's a combination of these two factors. i would prefer to find a girl that thinks about it carefully and (aside from the higher fee) is not subject to the act repeatively...and less affected long term. So what about a girl who is "subjected" to blowjobs repeatedly, does she lose the plot too? ÝOr what about the girls "subjected" to vaginal sex on a daily basis, do they crumble too? Ý And how often does a woman have to be "subjected" to anal before she loses, the plot? ÝYou mention Ý"repeatedly", but that could be once a day, once a week, once a month, once a year... could you be more specific. ÝLike is anal safe for ones mental health as long as it's only once a week, twice a month.... be more specific please. Could you also tell me how you go about finding these girls who think about the impacts of anal sex carefully, and are less effected by it. ÝDo you hand out questionaires or something? ÝDo you take a psychologist along with you on the selection process? ÝAlso, since you already stated earlier that Thai women weren't mentally capable of consenting to anal sex, how do you sleep at night after having subjected the non-consenting woman to anal? Ý dont conclude wrongly i have a self agenda in saying that i wont exploit a girl (who even volunteers herself to degradation on a massive daily level Ý ) if i can quietly do it with a prettier less consumed soul..and pay well. Now that is about the most obnoxious statement of all. ÝBasically you don't give a shit if you exploit people or what effect your actions have, as long as you can soothe your own conscience by saying... "well I paid her a 1000 baht extra, so I'm a good guy". but get real x...your giving the old line of i am strong i am Ýwoman....but in reality alot are silly girls in an evil system that we support! Firstly, what has my strength (or your perception of my strength) got to do with women working in a system you perceive to be evil? Secondly, if you find the system evil, why do YOU support it?
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:48 am on Aug. 9, 2003
X: Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Ý Enough said.
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:17 am on Aug. 9, 2003
dirty guru
x...i really feel sorry for you.....your not that bright, honest do you really expect anyone to swallow that ordinary p4p is llike the scence at a place where (as i said is a factory of licking arse , being pissed on, f_cked up the arse a few times a day, or role play rape?.....ok ok ...sure its cool! ....no possibility its alittle damaging? waste of time......(its called damaging ones soul...even ex hookers and current ones have em)
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:38 am on Aug. 9, 2003
X: I don't see how you can get into a battle of wits with this guy. He is unarmed!!
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 9:44 am on Aug. 9, 2003
DG, you're still full of shit. Since I started off by stating that, it look's like we're back full circle, lol. Save your silly personal insults and half-cocked psychology and put your money where your mouth by answering the question I asked of you... that was, please tell me why you support a system that you consider to be evil. (the system = the farang p4p scene in LOS)
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:01 pm on Aug. 9, 2003