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DG....Listening to your 'sorry f_ck' comments makes me wonder what kind of degenerate you must be. You're a disgrace!!! X, I like your style.
Now for a short musical interlude:

Strangers in the night exchanging glances,
Wondering in the night,
What were the chances we'd be sharing love,
Before the night was throughooooo!

Something in your eyes was so inviting,
Something in your smile was so exciting,
Something in your heart,
Told me I must have you........

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:51 pm on Aug. 10, 2003
but dont conclude wrongly i have a self agenda in saying that i wont exploit a girl (who even volunteers herself to degradation on a massive daily level Ý ) if i can quietly do it with a prettier less consumed soul..and pay well...

Well that takes the biscuit, DG. Your 'self-agenda' is in fact blatantly apparent - it is to do whatever you want to do, while at the same time granting yourself all sorts of spurious brownie points for compassion and affecting moral superiority over other guys who do just the same.

You either regard anal sex as degrading or you don't. How much you pay the girl has nothing to do with it. As for how pretty she is - what the f_ck does that have to do with anything at all except how much you get off on it?

It should be obvious that a woman who does this every day (even several times a day) must at least be habituated to it. It is not very likely that any particular bout will cause her either physical discomfort or mental trauma. I would say that must apply equally to girls who are not especially well paid (as at Eden) as to super-successful and wealthy BGs like Ms S at Barons.

We might contrast this with a BG who dislikes anal sex, and will only rarely consent to it when she is being pressed by a customer and happens to be very hard-up. How screwed up do you have to be to think that butt-f_cking a girl like this is morally superior?

As for the 'degradation' involved, we might observe that ALL women (including BGs) fall into 4 broad categories with regard to anal sex:

1) those who find it an enjoyable sexual activity

2) those who get little or nothing out of it, but are not bothered by it

3) those who dislike it, but will consent in order to please lovers/favoured clients or (in a BG's case) earn more money

4) those who regard it as disgusting, degrading &/or painful and just won't have it.

The same goes for piss-play, scat, S&M and any other sexual activity. All these things exist in the 'real' world - and for all that they are minority sports, there are some women who enjoy them as much as some men. There is no reason why these things should not cross over to the P4P scene, and no reason to see them as any more degrading than bog-standard vaginal sex in the missionary position.

The issue is simply agreement between consenting adults. And there is a wider issue of whether you are prepared to take BGs seriously as people capable of making their own choices. If you just want to hawk your conscience over pore wee pity objects, then go f_ck a sick koala. Ý Ý

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 11:59 pm on Aug. 10, 2003
Damn brother Arcadius have a little more pity for that poor koala. Nothing on this earth should have to suffer such a fate ( With the possible exception of Bin Laden or Hussain. Okay, not even them ). Peace

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:23 am on Aug. 11, 2003
dirty guru
look ,i use girls in thailand .....its who you use!....I spoke to one girl , who tried to kill herself(after hard p4p) sorry i was emotive after it all,(but her message was that clubs like eden are not good) and have upset members..peace. all i want to do is have fun but not be too hard on the poor souls in heavy hardcore clubs by going there... after all you have to go home live with yourselfs...why not do it with a regular girl?..those not doing it 10 times a day....and worse?

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 1:06 am on Aug. 11, 2003
Dumb Guy:

Please do us all a favor.  Either stop posting completely or get a translator to put your thoughts into English.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:28 am on Aug. 11, 2003
dirty guru
ok ......your so ....good chucky...sick c##t......have you stopped the holes in one yet?

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:36 am on Aug. 11, 2003
Hey DG I have just the Website for you to air your grieveances

- - - - - - - - - -

Listen Carefully!


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:47 am on Aug. 11, 2003
dirty guru
you are a f_ckwit posting sites that result in alot of members struggling to exit that site.....!

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:59 am on Aug. 11, 2003
OK.....I move that OZ be banned from this forum. Anyone care to second?

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 3:25 am on Aug. 11, 2003
AHAHAHA, good link Oz
I might re-une it one day !


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:29 am on Aug. 11, 2003

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