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I am sure that you have heard those immortal TG's words=
"I lub yoo, mark mark !"
For the uninitiated or the browser who has yet to visit LOS they mean :-
'I love you a lot'

Words are easy? (ask any salesman)
Acting is easy (watch any Thai girl ?)

So have you had those words turned into deeds and proved. Has your tilac proved her words of love rather than just gazed in your eyes, melted you and said,"I lub you!"

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:27 am on April 1, 2004
Yeh when she held out her hand for more money.

I lub yoo mark mark, my walking atm machine.


Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 1:37 am on April 1, 2004
Been there, seen it, done it, got the T-shirt.

I would however like to hear about people who have had situations where the affection was proved by deed rather than words and a cash handout ?

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:41 am on April 1, 2004
Well, I had one who produced a sworn affadavit to that effect, and another who ate a whole plate of Mutton Massala to prove that there was no torment she wouldn't undergo.

I leave out the multitude who have slashed their wrists when I've been a bit late for bar appointments. I believe this is far too commonplace and ambiguous to count as proof - at least not to the 'beyond reasonable doubt' standard which is presumably required.

I just take it for granted that they love me. Why shouldn't they? After all, I do.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 1:50 am on April 1, 2004

Quote: from Arcadius on 2:50 pm on April 1, 2004

I leave out the multitude who have slashed their wrists when I've been a bit late for bar appointments. I believe this is far too commonplace and ambiguous to count as proof - at least not to the 'beyond reasonable doubt' standard which is presumably required.

I just take it for granted that they love me. Why shouldn't they? After all, I do.

-feeling good about oneself and liking oneself could be said to be half the battle.

I leave out the multitude who have slashed their wrists when I've been a bit late for bar appointments
This is an emotional problem not proof of anything but it does seem as you say commonplace.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:57 am on April 1, 2004
I wish I could be as clinical as you guys. So hard to tell the truth from the lies, the love from the love for money. Add the ability to cry at will that many seem to have perfected, the suttle rub on your personal parts, the sexy eye contact plus etc. Reality, what is reality?

I only left LOS on Monday, I had better book my return!

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:05 am on April 1, 2004
Reality, what is reality?

Quite. Stop bothering to ask the question, and you haven't only won half the battle. In LOS, it's the whole bloody battle.

'Reality' is the farang's worst enemy imho. It's all very well in its place, but that place is back in the West where people expect to be miserable. No need to pollute LOS with the wretched stuff.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:00 am on April 1, 2004
How can you tell when the are actually saying "lub" as in love, or when they are saying "lub" as in rub. They don't pronounce the r's very well you know.

They may be asking or telling you that they ant to "rub" you. Like in a massage or something?

Rut row raggie, I need some rooby snacks


Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:09 am on April 1, 2004
I have lots of reality all day at work, so I am really ready for all the fairytales in the evening or during the night.

some people just get taken...

"here comes gravity, back to reality..."

it is really really very hard to get up in the morning and schlepp your body to the office and leave the fairytale behind in your bed.

eyedrops anybody??


Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 4:48 am on April 1, 2004
After reading this forum for too long, I am convinced there is no reality except for the reality of being confused all the time if you sit and think about what is real, and what is being played from a TG memorex tape.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:58 am on April 1, 2004

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