Deleted Member
There is a myth being bandied about on this and other forums. ÝLike most myths it is being repeated and repeated until it has achieved the status of a truth that none dare question. ÝSo excuse my excess if this brave-heart steps forward to point our a fallacy in our operating assumption but I think, in the long run, it will help us all in improving our pursuit of the sport we so dearly love. This is the myth: ìDonít pay the ladies too much money or you will spoil it for the rest of us.î ÝThe corollary to this theorem is the cherished belief that the Japanese have driven up prices: ìthose slant-eyed, bucktoothed, bow-legged Japanese tourists have spoiled it for us by over-paying the girls and driving the price up. On the surface, this seems a logical. ÝBut a little examination reveals the fallacy of this theory. Ý Ý Ý Pussy in Bangkok is perhaps, one of the last bastions of a free market place, unfettered by government quotas, regulations and taxes. ÝThe Bangkok night scene is classic market dynamics in action (had I known this earlier, I would have done my graduate thesis in Thailand and had a college education second to none). ÝI pulled down my dusty volume of Adam Smith and nowhere could I find an economic formula in which ìexpectationsî of the seller drove market prices. ÝI couldnít because, gentlemen, the formation of market prices is driven by supply and demand, not by expectations. You would laugh if someone advised you to not buy BMWs or Mercedes because doing so would drive up the prices of all cars. ÝYou would have tears in your eyes from laughter if someone told you that if you stop staying at expensive hotels, all hotels would be cheaper. Ý Ý ìNow wait a minute,î you say, ìpremium cars and premium hotels are a world away from Bangkok pussy!î ÝBut classic economists would tell you otherwise, the market price of all three is set in the same manner. ÝThe algorithm is complex involving cost of goods, time to market, supply side competition, market availability, market scope, product quality, perish-ability, seller and buyer deadlines, etc. ÝBut nowhere do sellerís expectations play a factor in setting prices. Ý ÝNow you might counter, ìI remember when I could get a girl for 500-1000 THB long term (before the Japanese drove the prices up).î ÝThat is true but if you think about it, what was the price of gasoline back then? (and I assure you, the Japanese didnít drive that price up either) So donít worry that paying premium prices will hurt our sport because it doesnít. ÝThe balance we are all looking for results in the seller making a profit and the buyer getting a bargain. ÝJust be sure that the quality of your purchase is commensurate with the price. ÝPaying well and rewarding great service benefits us all in the long run by raising the quality of the delivered service. ÝAnd remember, we are dealing with fellow human beings which can go beyond the restraints of the wallet. ÝPayment of respect, tenderness and concern usually receive payment in kind. Ý
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:55 pm on Sep. 14, 2002
Interesting post Puff!! I don't pay retail for anything. Some people like to pay a premium and this causes prices to go up for everyone else.
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 4:17 pm on Sep. 14, 2002
there are some good points that wish puff points out about these myths. and i can agree in some aspects that they are true. but, i beleive that you have mistaken the stereotype backwards. i agree that you cannot blame the japanese for overpaying, thus the reason for inflation in prices which affects all of us. but you must remember that the japanese had never set the price range. it is all up to the girls (which you cannot blame). they know who is rich, and naturally want more money for those people - and target them as potential sales. the girls ask them for more money, and since the japanese are not as knowledgeable of what a good deal is, they pay. and by the way, in the japanese culture, they don't usually tip. a good example is thinking of a thai 'working' girl as an american car salesperson. if they see a well dressed rich customer, they naturally will jack the price up of the car - hoping to get a better commission. the bottom line is that this stigma will always exist. people will always ask for more money from people that supposedly have more money. and if the person being asked is not knowledgeable about the pricing scale. they end up paying. so, thank god/buddha/BK ) for this site. where we can learn about what to pay and how to better apply ourselves around these girls - in order to get pussy at a fair price. peace out
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:15 pm on Sep. 14, 2002
Good point Supa. Perhaps our Japanese and other over paying brothers should read the posts on the forum. This way they will know the prices and pay accordingly. This will make the prices go down again. Before I buy any item I do a lot of research, consumer reports, prices etc. This way I know how much I need to pay. That is why I joined this forum. I have learned a lot and I can be prepared for my trip.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 5:54 pm on Sep. 14, 2002
Unfortunately, you are a bit off on the Adam Smith, supply demand .. you forgot the word "willing" as in willing seller, willing buyer .. Although I agree that in pure economics supply/demand would find equilibrium and the price demanded would equal the price paid. However the economist too often overlooks the psychogical factors when doing analysis. If a girl knows that her friends are getting B1,500 for ST, then she may not be "willing" to take less, even tho that would be the wise decision from an economic standpoint. Losing face has a cost which is hard to quantify. Too often, I have seen girls in Thermae (one of the ultimate areas for free market pussy) turn down an early evening ST for B700 in hopes that B1,000 will come along. It doesn't and the girl goes home much later and with less baht. As pussy is an asset that has a shelf life, then every opportunity squandered makes no sense from a theoretical standpoing. But Thai girls and logic are not always found in the same room. We are seeing something in the Bay Area that is somewhat similar. We have techies that are refusing jobs at US$60K per year because they were getting 100K a few years ago. They are waiting for that offer and in the meantime giving up $5K per month in opportunity costs. Using your logic, the techie would take the job as that is what the market pays, but no many of them do not. All this said, pussy is basically a free market good. There are many girls that understand that a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. There are others that know that it is a matter of "luck" when you get one of the overspenders and hope for their share. As most of the girls that we go out with seldom go out with Japanese, I attribute none of the price increases to them (altho there might be a small factor). The more realistic view is what you were saying. B25 to the US$ is different than B42 to the US$. Back in B25 days I was paying B500-700 plus B100 taxi (US$24-32)for ST (which sometimes became LT for the same price). Now I look at a total of B1,500 or less. This means no more than US$36 and often is US$24 (B1,000) IMNSHO, there has not been much of an increase in the price of pussy.
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 6:55 pm on Sep. 14, 2002
Deleted Member
Now for the shock. Don't count of the Japanese to wise up anytime soon. The personal computer in Japan is way behind the USA. Most japanese are clueless about the internet!
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:00 pm on Sep. 14, 2002
What we should do is to visit Japanese websites about BKK and asking them to pay a the standard price. I know a few of visitor of this website, including myself, can speak Japanese. And if we go and post on their website, may be we can get some of them to pay the regular price. Of couse, the problem is I don't know any Japansese forum about BKK, although there are several websites but these are not forums.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:59 pm on Sep. 14, 2002
Trying to convince the Japanese would be a complete waste of your time and effort. They would not do what you want, against the culture.. A) taking the advice of barbarians and B) paying high prices is the norm, if you are cheap then you lose face.. This face thing occurs with the Thai guys too. Most of the Thai guys I know will have sex once a week for B3K and eschew having sex three times at B1K ... most of us are just the opposite, the clash of cultures crushes common sense
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:02 pm on Sep. 14, 2002
Guys, we always seem to see things from our own point of view, i.e. how much we pay and how much we get in terms of service. We seldom ask this question, how much is the girl getting and what she is offering. I once spoke to a girl who once complained, that she had a customer who wanted her to do all sorts of tricks, and paid only 1,000B in the end. She said, she had to pay taxi fare to get there, pay for her drinks, in the end she only had less than 1,000 B. These days, she says, if she doesn't get 1,500 B, she'd rather go back empty handed then to do all that work for 1,000B. OT: Thai girls and logic are not always found in the same room. This is a classic quote!
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 9:47 pm on Sep. 14, 2002
Deleted Member
Oaktoad, Whoa there! ÝPaying high prices is not a matter of face in the Japanese culture. ÝTheir lavishness stems from the artificial price control imposed by their goverment. ÝThe Japanese are name brand conscience. ÝBut when they find those name brand sweaters at $200 when in Japan it sells for $400, they consider it a bargin. ÝTo us they look like they are throwing their money around foolishly. ÝTo them, they are getting a bargin. If you went to a different country and were quoted $5.00 long term for a beautiful girl, would you really bargin over the price? ÝWell, I'll tell you, after visiting Shinbuku in Tokyo, the prices in Bangkok hardly seem worth bargining over. No, the Japanese like anyother people like a bargin. ÝAnd given a frame of reference, they would more than likely be more prudent. ÝHowever, the point is that even if they continue their lavish ways... they don't drive up prices. Puff
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:34 pm on Sep. 14, 2002