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So, imagine if you will, you were seeing a gal and she had a sponsor and after three years of being with her sponsor she leaves him for you, after 6 months of having both.

So then the sponsor gets nasty. Threats abound:
Posting nude pictures around thailand, going to Police for 'theft' of his money, talking about using his contacts' at immigration to ensure she can never leave the country.

Largely hot air. But annoying and has girl in question wound up like a spring.

In that situation what would you do?

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:18 pm on Sep. 26, 2004
PM me and I will give you a number that can "alleviate" your problems for a small fee!

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 11:32 pm on Sep. 26, 2004
First of all, I would ask you for the URL of those pics, this would help us render suitable advice.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:16 am on Sep. 27, 2004
Yeah right!!

Assume she is one who can ensure that a man loses all reason and accountability, if he had any already.

Not sure that I wanna 'off' this guy, seems a little extreme and would make for a pretty bad year for that guy! thanks all the same.... but wondered what other folks would do.

Loudmouths I can deal with but should he actually try to act upon any of these threats then this I will not tolerate.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 12:24 am on Sep. 27, 2004

Quote: from chickengeorge on 1:39 pm on Sep. 27, 2004
Yeah right!! Loudmouths I can deal with but should he actually try to act upon any of these threats then this I will not tolerate.

You don't sound so much like the Chicken anymore George? Go for it!

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 12:25 am on Sep. 27, 2004
I would call him up at his home or work (assume she has these numbers) and ask him straight why he feels she does not have the right and freedom to decide her own life.

Also the cost of moving house in Thailand is cheap so why not make it easy for her and make a fresh start together.

Don't worry about internet pictures, in the end there are millions of photos out there of thia girls who but a few will know her in person. Futher more I am sure she must have a few photos of him, she could post warning other girls of what he does.

Good luck.


Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:37 am on Sep. 27, 2004
It seems this "Fly by Night" moving business has enormous potential here.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:44 am on Sep. 27, 2004
This girl had better be worth it, after all she is leaving a sponser that she has had for years to go to you, who's to say that she won't do the same to you, I know it would be very unusual for a TG to go from one sponser to the next or even have several sponsers in toe at the same time, but the 1 in a million chance it could happen, is it going to be worth the pain and money?


Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:44 am on Sep. 27, 2004
jack attack
chicken george,

If I read your message correctly, there was a 6 month overlap of sponsorship. Did you know about this during thetime or after? If no, please consider there might be more to the story than you know.

I am of the school of thought that too much testosterone is used in idle threats. Better to save it for boinking!

As was offered, change her house, telephone, email etc and then it will wilt away. Too many times the "I know someone high up" is just hot air. Also, as Beefa mentioned, make sure she is worth it. You don't want to sponsor while another new patron comes along and then you are on the outside looking in.

Good luck.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 1:43 am on Sep. 27, 2004
Thanks guys.

Could she do the same to me? Of course
Do I think she would? no I dont think so.
Am I paying the money he was? way jose.
Is she worth it?....yes.

I do find myself sometimes thinking wtf am I doing? I have been in Thailand for several years now and always managed to not get 'caught up' like this but I guess it catches up with us all.

He is now asking for the money that he gave to her whilst she was with me. Of course it has gone to her family, on shopping and the usual TG stuff. I am giving him diddly. IMO If you are silly enough to sponsor a TG then you must not be too surprised that your gal may find someone else. Especially when she looks so fine.

We will see what happens and I will keep u all up to date.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:47 am on Sep. 27, 2004

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