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Thailand tackles sexual slavery
From CNN Bangkok Bureau Chief Tom Mintier
Thursday, September 25, 2003 Posted: 0742 GMT ( 3:42 PM HKT)

With few social safety nets, many poor Thai youngsters find themselves falling into prostitution.

BANGKOK, Thailand (CNN) -- A ten-year-old little girl is among the many victims of sexual slavery here in Thailand.

She was sold into the sex trade by her father.

"They locked me inside a room with a padlock on the door," she said. "When customers arrived, I was sent out."

Now she has a new life -- as a schoolgirl living in a protected environment. But her innocence is lost forever.

Another girl was locked up in a brothel for three years and forced to have sex with more than 20 men each day.

Her mother told CNN that she sold her daughter into slavery for $200, thinking she would work as a maid in Bangkok.

Prostitution is against the law in Thailand but, as in many countries, the law is not enforced.

Sompop Jantraka, who runs a rescue center for children in northern Thailand, says the law could hardly protect the young girls and boys who are at risk of falling prey to a life of prostitution.

"The law is the law, but when the people practice, they don't use the law," he said.

"I have to tell you the truth. Corruption is everywhere. Thai society has had a problem of corruption for a long time."

Thailand's current Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra has declared war not only against drugs but corruption and corrupt officials.

He has ordered police to crack down hard, no matter who is involved or how high in society they are placed.

In his speech before the United Nations, U.S. President George W. Bush promised $50 million to assist those who are helping to protect children.

"Those who create these victims, and profit from their suffering, must be severely punished," Bush said.

"Those who patronize this industry debase themselves and deepen the misery of others."

Radhika Coomaraswamy, the United Nation's special representative of the Secretary General on violence against women, says the U.S. president's comments would help, but most organized crime elements come after the trafficking begins.

"The tragedy of trafficking is that the actual recruitment is often by family members, friends . . . then they are sold to brothels run by organized crime," She said.

"But the actual recruitment procedure is not, as I said, abduction. It's by trust."

That trust may be an older sister or an aunt already working in a brothel.

For many girls and boys the funds and the concern come too late. Their lives are already ruined.

At the Child Protection Foundation Center in Bangkok, staff members attempt to repair the damage already inflicted on the children. Some, they say, volunteer to work in the sex trade -- to make money.

Montri Sintavinchai from the Center says even educated children want to be trendy.

"[They] want to have more money. They don't think about being a victim."

Shining the spotlight on human trafficking may be a double-edged sword according to one U.N. official.

There is a fear that any crackdown will result in the enslaved being put in jail, instead of the enslavers.


Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:31 am on Sep. 25, 2003
As I understand from reading different boards, It is in the Thai sector of brotheland lady houses etc,  that are involved in the "selling" of girls for a  loan that the girls have to work off.  It is the lure of big money without working hard that is the lure of the Farang scene. They see friends making a lot by having sex and choose that other than some other less paying career path.That is hardly being a victim any more than being a drug dealer is.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 10:01 am on Sep. 25, 2003
I agree with poskat Im totally  against sexual slavery but Im all for  the free will of  beautiful  nice young women to bang me  for a little bit of dough for me which is a ton scratch for them.. its a win win situation heck I aint that bad

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:20 am on Sep. 25, 2003

Quote: from poskat on 11:01 pm on Sep. 25, 2003
It is the lure of big money without working hard that is the lure of the Farang scene. They see friends making a lot by having sex and choose that other than some other less paying career path.That is hardly being a victim any more than being a drug dealer is.

I wonder if you would like to have sex, multiple times a night with fat, old sweaty women over 40, over 50, over 60!!!

Personally that would be damn hard work for any one. The BG's do it night after night with men of the same general discrption.

And being a BG is not a career path. A lot of times it's the only path available.  And the typical BG career, thanks to us, tends to turn into a nightmare after 30-35. And don't bother checking the health plan or retirement benefits.

Comparing drug dealers with BG's now that is quite a stretch.  

First off the BG must have or use sex to earn her money, the DD can just sell his shit if he wants, he does not have to use.

Second,  BG's are broken in at a real early age.  Like what were you doing at 16, 17, or 18? I was barely hustling kisses at that age.  The DD's probably not even connected up yet, or just catching a few tokes.

Third, DD's sell the product, BG's are the product and therefore are highly perishable, from disease, violence, and 'the life'.

I'm not preaching, I'm just talking.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 10:38 am on Sep. 25, 2003
Cognitive dissonance.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 10:57 am on Sep. 25, 2003
Mr. Hzink.......two words from you is...refreshing! Challenging! Charming! Disarming! Just a whole lotta 'ings!

How are your travel plans coming....still same schedule as you told me in your PM?

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:23 am on Sep. 25, 2003
Why don't you give it a rest and give us all a much needed break.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:27 pm on Sep. 25, 2003
I think the work is  not so much hard as gross but  its a job where you make a lot of unhappy lonely people very happy....and god bless them for there work! they changed my life for the better

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:13 pm on Sep. 25, 2003
Having sex with "Farang Du Jour" for from 1000-2500B is likely a lot easier than working outside in the rice field all day. And from what i have read on this board, they get treated nicely by most of the bros. I still maintain that they are freely making choices for their lives. And given the chance to get out of "the life" from a sponsor or two, most seem to again choose to stay in it (while still taking Han's and Swen's and Bill's money each month). Whether is a good choice is a different question. It was the "easy money" that I was thinking about when i compared the BG's to DD's. But as I think about it they do have more in common. Both are loved by their customers, and and are looked down on by those not using that service. Both deal in a commodity that is  not readily available legally. And many drug dealers start out in their teens, and are dead before age 21.  Both get involved in response to ecomonic deaperation and lack of education.  And as to my own experiences, I first got laid at age 15 ( was lucky to live at the Jersey shore and hook up with vacationing girls), and did acid at 16. I'm a Dr now, and getting a phd, by the way. My main point in posting was in disagreement with the victim label that was being applied to BG's  innapropriatley, IMO. But what do I know?? I'm just talking too.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 3:49 pm on Sep. 25, 2003
Mr. Poskat....Yeh, I think most BG's have good days and bad days like everyone else.  Of course the guys treat the BG's with respect, other wise it would have been closed down ages ago.  I guess it is just that  like Mr Invaderzim says the job is sometimes "gross".  Some good points you make (they require a few beers to discuss!) but in my experiece, you can love the BG's but I think everyone hates the Dealer Man.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:12 pm on Sep. 25, 2003

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