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Old Hand
I have no comment on this - my mind reels!!

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:35 am on Feb. 10, 2004
"And the Dear Chairman appealed for calm and urged the rebellious students to return to school!"

These are the actions of a would-be dictator.

T.W.A.T is showing the classic signs.

I wonder what comes next ?

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 8:12 am on Feb. 10, 2004
A Thai has just told me that they have had a genuine problem with teenage gangs for some time. Whether this is the right way to solve it remains to be seen?

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:29 am on Feb. 10, 2004

"Among behaviour deemed "inappropriate" will be under 18s going out with their parents after 10pm. "

A nationwide curfew on Thailands children??..Can a govt dicatate the rights of a families decision and thereby contravene their human rights? Is the Thai govt justified in this move?

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 11:42 am on Feb. 10, 2004

Quote: from power24 on 12:42 am on Feb. 11, 2004
A nationwide curfew on Thailands children??.Can a govt dicatate the rights of a families decision and thereby contravene their human rights? Is the Thai govt justified in this move?

Maybe a little reality clue is needed - as many countries, including the US states, have curfews on their children, on varying ages.

This, in itself, is not the 'sign of dictatorships', as Hermie suggests - I would recommend focusing the remote viewing goggles a bit.


Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 11:49 am on Feb. 10, 2004
This is yet another example of the high handed, dictatorial, unilateral decisions being made by the current government.

Along with the early closing of entertainment venues, I can see a domino affect in the next several months that will impact virtually the entire economy. Tourism will be greatly reduced which will cause revenue to drop throughout the economy and place many Thai families out of work and curtail their chances of making a living.

I will still take my 11 year old daughter with me to dinner at night even if it is past the unwritten curfew.

It is a very sad thing to see.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:52 am on Feb. 10, 2004
Let's come off our high horses a bit - Thailand's laws are for them to decide. We are visitors and should respect the local customs. As pointed out by a previous poster, lots of localities in the US have similar curfew by-laws so this is not unique to Thailand. The previous poster would have no problem accompanying his 11-yr old to dinner: curfews are meant for children/teenagers who don't have an adult present.

One of the reasons I skip the Bangkok Post letters to the Editor is all the foreign-moralizing that goes on, comparing practices in Thailand to the "obviously-better" ways of doing things in their home country. Want to make a difference? Give up your citizenship, move to Thailand and lobby/vote.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:31 pm on Feb. 10, 2004

Quote: from piston on 1:31 am on Feb. 11, 2004
Let's come off our high horses a bit - Thailand's laws are for them to decide. We are visitors and should respect the local customs. As pointed out by a previous poster, lots of localities in the US have similar curfew by-laws so this is not unique to Thailand. The previous poster would have no problem accompanying his 11-yr old to dinner: curfews are meant for children/teenagers who don't have an adult present.

One of the reasons I skip the Bangkok Post letters to the Editor is all the foreign-moralizing that goes on, comparing practices in Thailand to the "obviously-better" ways of doing things in their home country. Want to make a difference? Give up your citizenship, move to Thailand and lobby/vote.

Why is it the minute a member of this forum makes a comment on the policy of a govt you get the..."it isnt our place to comment on their ruling decisions" routine. As tourists we cant dictate to a govt what they should do...-agreed..and I wasnt doing that. I was simply wondering the what evidence they have that their decision would be the solution to the problem? Besides isnt contravention of human rights in a country the responsibility of everyone (including those outside of the country) ?

The Thai curfew piston includes children who go out with their parents so expatchuck would be correct in thinking that taking his 11 yo out to dinner would be deemed inappropriate by the thai govt. As to how they are going to enforce this one..your guess is as good as mine!...and who says because the US has curfews that its the correct thing to do either?

Also..can a foreigner move to thailand and be given a vote or do you have to buy one of Thaksins elite cards? How far would you lobbying get before you would be thrown in the clanger?

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:43 pm on Feb. 10, 2004
> Besides isnt contravention of human rights in a country the responsibility
> of everyone (including those outside of the country) ?

Slight reality check - 'Human Rights' are a set of privileges that YOUR gov't endorses and supports FOR YOU, not some unalienable rights given to you by birth.

As such, it is every country's right to decide what rights its citizens have, and if you happen to be in a country that doesn't have the same moral template, just being a westerner does NOT give you the same rights in said country. To think otherwise is plain foolish.

That being said, it appears to me that Thailand has a pretty decent record for an Asian country, considering that China (the great 'friend' of the USA) has a totally deplorable record.


Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 3:38 pm on Feb. 10, 2004
Foolish???...reality check??...Who said I was a westerner Hzink? and who said that my govt has an exemplarary human rights record?

Ill say it again for if you missed it the first time around. Im not trying to dictate what the thai govt should or shouldnt do. Im simply trying to understand the reasoning and justification of tha thai govt curfew plans. Its called taking an interest in people other than yourself and countries other than where you live.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:04 pm on Feb. 10, 2004

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