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MainNews & Announcements – Under 18?? - be home by 10.00 pm All Topics

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Indeed it is hard to understand the rationale behind teenage curfew laws, especially when criminology professionals and law enforcement agencies around the world agree that curfew laws are too expensive to keep, are unconstitutional, undemocratic and most probably unsustainable in the long term and should be dealt with by parents, and don’t show a correlation with teenage violence.

Combine this with the new laws on entertainment venues and a classic case of displacement becomes apparent, put simply people will change their habits and find alternative routes to what they want, this comes with both sides of the coin - Good & Bad.

That said, it is still difficult to understand the present governments rationale. TIT

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:25 pm on Feb. 10, 2004
listening to the BBC tonight about the Teenage curfew.
an interview with the resident correspondent in BKK (lucky barstard) and he told of the Governments plans to protect the Thai youth from drugs and violence by keeping them off the streets.

no mention of the tourism industry and it's pitfalls.
perhaps the Thai Government don't want the outside world to know how it might affect them.....

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 10:27 pm on Feb. 10, 2004
Vancouver Jay
If you're not Thai you do still get to vote. You vote with your money.

I think overall the curfew is a good idea. Children don't really have civil liberties anyhow; they have human rights and the rest is up to their parents to decide.

It doesn't affect me since I don't have kids and don't go to places where kids congregate.

But you can be pretty sure that this won't do one thing to get rid of the gum-and-flower pests in NEP or the kinderprops of the SkyTrain beggars. Nor will it get a single underage whore off the streets.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:58 am on Feb. 11, 2004
It would be a good idea in the UK too !

You should hear Twickenham on a Sturday night !

Fighting, swearing, bottle smashing,giving grief to the Indian restaurant owners (there are some excellent ones in Twick) General mayhen till three in the morning.
I've actually seen a fight in the middle of the busy road - never mind the cars we're having a bundle !
Quite a few look around tht 18 mark so make it a 10pm curfew in Twickenham for the under 20's. The Rugby supporters get very drunk but in general are well behaved.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 6:02 am on Feb. 11, 2004
Better yet...let's just run all the lil' rugrats through the spanking machine.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:43 am on Feb. 11, 2004
I have no problem with a curfew for the kids.

If, however, as reported earlier a child cannot be out after 2200 (10 PM) even with his/her parents, I now have a problem.

What the authorities are saying with this policy is that, should you be required to go out for any reason after the witching hour, it us perfectly acceptable to leave your children alone and unattended at home but not acceptable to put them in the car and bring them with you.

This is insanity personified.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:56 am on Feb. 11, 2004
Settle down Chucky, read the BkkPost today, it says kiddies out after 10pm with parents is fine. We should start baiting coppers, have the kids stand on the corner and the parents sitting around the corner, see how quick the authorities get tired of wasting there time. but in every adversity, there is opportunity, here is a chance for entrepenaurs to hire themselves out as parents for the kiddies, a new false ID industry could be born and all will be good in the world again.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:11 am on Feb. 11, 2004
In most other places where there are curfews, they are not actively enforced but rather pasively. In other words, they provide a good excuse to detain any youngsters who seem to be about to disturb the peace in public places; thus annoying him and the parents by having them go pick them up at a police station. Eventually the specific parent gets annoyed enough to insure that if his child is the trouble-making type he better behave.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:18 am on Feb. 11, 2004

Lets lock the kids up... keep them from going out... make them party at home where they can sneek into the bedroom and practice good MORALS.... Thaksh_t

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 9:44 am on Feb. 11, 2004
Thank you Naughty. I am now settled down and back to my old mellow self.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:01 pm on Feb. 11, 2004

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