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Sadly not.

Actually I've been suprised how people in London have just gone about their daily business. We've seen it all before.

Mind you the size of this is not on a par with other major events of recent years and I'm not convinced that we are necessarily 'playing with the big boys here' Today was the start of the trial of Abu Hamza, for those of you who know him, I wonder if this is connected to him and his small time bunch of wannabee terrorists.....

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:24 am on July 7, 2005
Addy 007
I have to agree with Yurune,

i think as dreadful as the events which have happened today are, I think in comparason to the recent Madrid bombings, I can't help but think London has got off lightly.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 10:53 am on July 7, 2005
Broken Leg

Quote: from China Sailor on 9:02 pm on July 7, 2005
Metal detectors and bomb sniffers in all of the Tube stations probably. Will make it harder to get in and out.

Interesting thought although I cannot imagine how it could ever be made to work practically.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:53 pm on July 7, 2005

Quote: from Basher on 9:09 pm on July 7, 2005
The height of cowardice! a debate will undoubtedly erupt over how courageous these terror boys actually are, and how them being maligned by the US is the cause behind it all -- can't wait for DG to jump in here.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 12:57 pm on July 7, 2005
UK Shaga
Mt farther works in the transport industry in my home city of Birmingham. He telephoned me today and told me that more than 25 suspect bags and packages have been found on various forms of public transport and one was exploded this afternoon near the main train station on a bus.

Who’s buying me a beer and some pork.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 1:28 pm on July 7, 2005
Broken Leg

Quote: from DaffyDuck on 1:09 am on July 8, 2005

Quote: from Basher on 9:09 pm on July 7, 2005
The height of cowardice! a debate will undoubtedly erupt over how courageous these terror boys actually are, and how them being maligned by the US is the cause behind it all -- can't wait for DG to jump in here.

courageous, they do not understand the meaning of the word.

They believe by dying for allah they will go straight to paradise. They have no fear of dying because they believe fully and ultimately that through their death they achieve eternal life. Everything that they do in their lives is to achieve this eternal life and they cannot entertain any thoughts or the idea of behaviour to the contrary because they are scared of losing the paradise, and so they show ultimate cowardice.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:17 pm on July 7, 2005
It takes a very special type of low life coward to ambush civilians. f*** the terrorists. They will only be a hero unto themselves and the other cowards of the world.

For the Brits who were injured, I pray for them. For the families of those who were killed, I pray and weap.

It is very difficult to stand up for all to see and be counted, this takes a man. Something the terrorists will never be.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:44 pm on July 7, 2005
I am not going to stand up for terrorists but I would ask you to consider this.

It is somewhat ironic that a terrorist act in London which has apparently killed less than 100 people has totally overshadowed the G8 summit which was ostensibly aimed at tackling African poverty that is supposedly meaning that 30,000 africans are starving to death daily.

So what is the relevence? Well as the world becomes more connected, we are increasingly becoming a global community and we need to be because technology means that someone problem in one part of the world can be brought right to your doorstep. G8 and Bush claims to speak on behalf of the global community - the new world order, making the world a safer place etc.

This is all well and good but only makes sense if global problems are kept in perspective. Conflict arises when certain sections of a community do not think they have a fair voice in society. Or put another way Bob Geldof is probably sitting at home this morning thinking to himself 'f*** live 8 for a laugh. If I really want to draw attention to African poverty maybe a few bombs in Central London would be a better option.'

If you dont think that starving Africans are your problem, dont be surprised when they make it one.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:28 pm on July 7, 2005
richie rev

"I was extremely lucky today"

I was wondering how long it would take for some twat to try to focus the attention on themselves.


I would say that there would be way more than 25 suspect packages left behind on trains. With the mass exodus and confusion I would expect many people to have left behind various items in the confusion. Glad your farver is ok though.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 8:43 pm on July 7, 2005
Richie H
Richie rev,

Glad you were lucky today my thoughts and prayers go to the people of London.....

I wouldn't be surprised if this was motivated by London getting the bid for the 2012 Olympics yestesday.......just another dumbf**k group trying to make a statement and spoil a good thing.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:03 pm on July 7, 2005

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