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China Sailor

I think you missed the point of the article and my post. I agree that labor rights are important for men and women. That is why I suggested that a labor education movement is the best track.

These guys are openly exporting feminism. I believe that to lump all women issues under the umbrella of feminism is wrong. IMHO the idea of feminism is the polar opposite of the male sexist 'barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen' concept. Both are wrong.

As for the issues, they should be addressed in a non-sexist manner:

Rape: Bad, man should be castrated and left on the street to bleed.

Labor Rights: Good, people should get a fair wage for fair work no matter the sex, ethnic group, sexual orientation, or creed.

Entrepreneurship and Education Programs: Good, as long as they are available for everyone.

Do you get the drift Duck? Lets leave ones sex out of it.

BTW: Every metro-sexual I have met seems to fit the mold of these two guys. IMHO they have not come to terms with being male.....

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:39 am on Aug. 18, 2005
"BTW: Every metro-sexual I have met seems to fit the mold of these two guys. IMHO they have not come to terms with being male..... "

Boy this is dumb..

How many have you met?? I doubt you know many.

And if someone doesn't meet your definition of "being male" they are metrosexual..

why don't you just make up your own dictionary.. then it won't matter how much you screw up the use of words.. as it will be your definition.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 8:25 am on Aug. 19, 2005
I bet those guys like to eat bon-bons while watching chick flicks.
I bet those guys like to shower together and sing Broadway show tunes.
I bet those guys collect bootlegged copies of Judy Garland songs.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:04 pm on Aug. 19, 2005
dirty guru
I have to agree with Daffy they arent doing any harm.
Hell, I might go ""give myself up"" at the daughters church tommorrow.
Maybe being a christian, I could then set about (in their overseas aid program ) suggesting that we sponser the very young helpless hookers in Pattaya all only 19 or 20.
I would pass on their email addresses of 20 or 30 of them, we could minster to them, and with gods help send them home. And then sponser them and read out their progress each week in church.
(might help them beat a future money laundering wrapp in Africian aid ).....
I would get itemized photos, accounts, emails direct to church, even have them praying on dvd singing their praises.
All I need is an airfare expenses and $250 a month per girl...Thats a mere 30 times $250.....$7500 a month!
A drop in the well for a 6000 a sunday fundamentilist christian gig.
:: Hell, I have seen the light!
My girls abroad can supply the emails and photos, all have a one week holiday take photos and make many self rightous shallow christians happy.
These guys scammed a $4000 piece of p4p (oh we didnt know it was a brothel) They are players.
Not in my league, but players.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 6:30 pm on Aug. 19, 2005
"I bet those guys like to eat bon-bons while watching chick flicks.
I bet those guys like to shower together and sing Broadway show tunes.
I bet those guys collect bootlegged copies of Judy Garland songs."

No, those are the "gay" guys.. metrosexuals are not the same..

some of you bigots are so stupid

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 6:46 pm on Aug. 19, 2005
China Sailor
Methinks Oaktoad is a closet metrosexual, and yes I have met many self-proclaimed metrosexuals, who have found the PC light, and have come into contact with their feminine side..


As for a Bigot, I live in Singapore with a Chinese lady, my children are eurasian, my brother is gay but is welcome in my home, my business partner is Indian, and my sister-in-law is Korean. I must be the easiest bigot in the world...

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:51 pm on Aug. 19, 2005
Methinks that China Sailor cannot read.

I was not referring to you..

I don't think anyone would confuse me with being metrosexual.. just not stylish enough.. sorry to disappoint you

I think you still don't really know what a metrosexual is.. you keep coming back to that "closet" thing and the "feminine side".. it has nothing to do with "SEX"

That is not really what metrosexuallity is all about.

"Metrosexual is a term coined in 1994 (along with the noun, metrosexuality) by British journalist Mark Simpson, who used it to refer to an urban male of any sexual orientation who has a strong aesthetic sense and spends a great deal of time and money on his appearance and lifestyle. He is the fashion-conscious target audience of men's magazines:"

url for more..

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:21 pm on Aug. 19, 2005
China Sailor

Quote: from Oaktoad on 11:33 am on Aug. 20, 2005

"Metrosexual is a term coined in 1994 (along with the noun, metrosexuality) by British journalist Mark Simpson, who used it to refer to an urban male of any sexual orientation who has a strong aesthetic sense and spends a great deal of time and money on his appearance and lifestyle. He is the fashion-conscious target audience of men's magazines...


As you probably realize, English is a dynamic language and unlike French there are no 'Official' definitions of the word. Words take on new meanings as the common man puts them to use (the concept of Vox Populi). As the word was coined over 10 years ago I would hold that its meaning has changed to include men of effeminate nature who are not gay. This is evident by its use in the media over the last several years and by what appears to be the opinion of the members of this board (who do represent a cross section of society).

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:11 am on Aug. 20, 2005
"Now I am not against women getting a 'fair shake' but I think a labor education movement would be much more desirable than a feminist movement."

Pang Pang!! light up a big fire, and throw in it both movements. Do you mean that SEA needs to be polluted by labour unions western style??

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 9:37 am on Aug. 20, 2005

Quote: from Oaktoad on 10:33 am on Aug. 20, 2005
"Metrosexual is a term coined in 1994 (along with the noun, metrosexuality) by British journalist Mark Simpson, who used it to refer to an urban male of any sexual orientation who has a strong aesthetic sense and spends a great deal of time and money on his appearance and lifestyle. He is the fashion-conscious target audience of men's magazines:"

Maybe so, but I do not ride bikes through SEA, to push the plight of exploited women.

While I can see what China Sailor says about English being a dynamic language, I disagree that Metrosexual has supposedly evolved to mean 'effeminate male' -- where I come from (home of the metrosexual) it's still got the same meaning.

What CI is referencing, IMO, is a 'wuss', I believe (or, Mormons/Jehova's Witnesses on Bikes)

Quote: from dirty guru on 6:42 am on Aug. 20, 2005
All I need is an airfare expenses and $250 a month per girl...Thats a mere 30 times $250.....$7500 a month!
A drop in the well for a 6000 a sunday fundamentilist christian gig.
:: Hell, I have seen the light!

I *REALLY* like the way you are thinking - scam the scammers, big time!

Quote: from China Sailor on 9:51 pm on Aug. 18, 2005
Do you get the drift Duck? Lets leave ones sex out of it.

BTW: Every metro-sexual I have met seems to fit the mold of these two guys. IMHO they have not come to terms with being male.....

'Poofs' fit the mold of these guys, or most über-idealistic 20-year-olds.

I see what you are saying, but I feel that these guys are causing no harm, and at most are simply shining a very anemic light on a real problem. I don't see this as exporting 'feminism', any more as they are not exporting a labor movement.

I think their heart is in the righht place, albeit their actions are horribly misdirected and impotent -- nevertheless, my earlier argument about shortsighted morons shooting from the hip because they can't be bothered to read the actual article, still stands

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:05 pm on Aug. 20, 2005

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