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Report from The Nation dated Tuesday 2 January 2007 :- Southern militants not seen as likely culprits ================================= The government and the Council for National Security (CNS) yesterday played down speculation that the bomb attacks in Bangkok on New Year's Eve were planned by Muslim insurgents based in the deep South, despite certain evidence. A high-ranking CNS source said the initials IRK, which represent a group of Islamic militias who reportedly received training in Afghanistan in guerrilla warfare in urban areas recently, that was left at three of the eight bomb sites seemed too deliberate and obviously intended to make security officials think they were behind the attacks. Security officials, the government and the CNS yesterday hinted the bomb attacks were carried out by "those who have lost their political interests" while not explicitly saying whether the attacks were carried out by those with connections to the ousted Thaksin government. The IRK initials were written with markers at four places at three bomb sites - a pillar near a bus stop at Victory Monument, a phone booth near Gaysorn Plaza, a phone booth near Pratunam Pier, and a phone booth near Big C Rajdamri. Police said the initials could have been painted as graffiti and might not have anything to do with the attacks. Interior Minister Aree Wong-araya also shrugged off speculation involving Muslim militants. He refrained from giving his opinion on who was behind the co-ordinated attacks across the capital, saying military and police intelligence services were investigating. Citing speculation that pointed to Muslim insurgents, Aree, a Muslim, said care should be taken when linking the bomb attacks with Islam as New Year's Eve was a holy day in Islam. "Those trying to link the attacks with Muslim insurgents need to think hard," he said. He declined to comment on whether the attacks were ordered by those with ties to ousted prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra. He doubted the attacks had anything to do with a reported failed attempt by pro-Thaksin military officers to carry out a recent counter-coup operation. A military ordnance source said the type of explosives used at all eight bomb sites was the same - Ammonium Nitrate Fuel Oil (ANFO) which was classified as M4, an industrial blasting agent of 94 per cent ammonium nitrate and 6 per cent petrol. Police, however, provided different information on the type of explosive used, saying the bombs were home-made, of a non-violent type and detonated by batteries. A high-ranking police source said those behind the attacks could have been " in uniform" but declined to be more specific until concrete evidence was made available. Provincial authorities have been instructed to stay on alert around the clock to brace for more attacks. Bomb threats and alarms can be reported to the hotline number 1567, or 02-223-8851 or 02-622-2441 at the Interior Ministry. Permanent Secretary Phongphayome Wasaphooti said extra security had been ordered at crowded public areas and government offices while civil defence volunteers and village protection units were ordered on standby. Rescue units and emergency assistance were also ready and public relations officials are communicating with community leaders to seek co-operation from residents to notify authorities of suspicious incidents or report abandoned objects.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:44 am on Jan. 2, 2007
PussyLover 69
Report from The Nation dated Tuesday 2 January 2007 :- Analysis : Who set the bombs? The mystery can only deepen =============================================== As residents of the City of Angels pick up the pieces after the string of deadly bombings that killed three and injured nearly 40, casting a grim shadow over New Year festivities, speculation has been rife at to who the perpetrators were. Whoever was behind it has succeeded in sending a brutal shock wave throughout the country that has been enduring not only the daily insurgent killings in the deep South, but also the post-coup political turbulence, commonly referred to as the "undercurrent". The first series of six near-simultaneous blasts struck at random locations across Bangkok at around 6pm. The last two came at around midnight. At least nine foreign visitors were injured in the last two explosions. Casualties as of last night were three dead and 43 injured. While Muslim militants in the predominantly Malay-speaking South were not entirely free from suspicion, most of the fingers pointed to the September 19 coup as the likely catalyst for the deadly bombings. The same forces have also been suspected of torching some 30 public schools in the North and the Northeast. Authorities believe the arson attacks were part of the "undercurrent". Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont said yesterday domestic politics rather than the Muslim insurgency was behind the bombings. "From the evidence we have gathered, there is only a slim chance it is related to the southern insurgency. It is likely related to people who lost their political benefits," Surayud told a press conference, alluding to the ousted regime of Thaksin Shinawatra. He described the attackers as "ill-intentioned people" looking to inflict "political damage" on the country. "The kind of bombs used, the places they picked, and the timing show their intention was to cause panic and fear," Surayud said. On top of the list of those who lost out from the coup were obviously Thaksin and his Thai Rak Thai Party members, including former premier Chavalit Yongchaiyudh. In keeping with his reputation of jumping ship when things get too hot, Chavalit had first supported the September 19 coup but quickly became a turncoat when none of his associates got any positions in the new government or state enterprises. Most of the portfolios were given to supporters of Privy Council president Prem Tinsulanonda, and of premier Surayud. International terrorism is low on the list of suspicions. Global terrorist attacks in recent years have tended to cause great physical damage and the targets are usually high-profile places. The warning by way of the first of the six blasts, not to mention its small size, essentially rule out this possibility. Separatism and insurgency in the South also did not figure highly in the deliberations of the security community as officials pointed to the nature of the militants' tactics in the restive region. While explosive ingredients for the bombs are more or less the same, as they can be purchased in just about any hardware store, militants in the deep South tend to carry out their bombings on the roadside, followed by a brief gunfight. Bombs in the South have often been placed in public places, normally targeting restaurants and eateries frequented by security personnel and officials. The attack in downtown Pattani last May that ripped through a teashop frequented by police officers and the Unimog military transport vehicle in front of it was a case in point. Though the bombs in Bangkok were quite small in size and weight, one cannot deny the symbolism and timing of the acts - the last hours of the last day of the year when tens of thousands of revellers were getting ready to party the night away. The psychological cost was tremendous and the political cost could be just as brutal. If the police fail to close this case in a timely manner, the Council for National Security (CNS) will undoubtedly bear the brunt of the blame. It's an open secret that there is some opposition to the plans of the CNS to carry out a structural reform of the police force. Any reform would take away a lot of the powers of the police. Police General Ajiravid Subarnbhesaj said all eight bombs were placed in 3x5-inch boxes and detonated by digital alarm clock. The most interesting part was that traces of M4 high explosive booster were found in all of the bombs. The fact that M4, officially a controlled item, was found to have been used lent weight to the theory that the bomb attacks may have been an inside job - either rogue military or a police clique looking to discredit the junta and the current administration. For the time being, nothing has been totally ruled out. The "undercurrent" theory is quickly gaining momentum. And if this turns out to be the case, Bangkok could become a battle ground for power. Revellers will have to keep their fingers crossed and hope next New Year's Eve will turn out differently.
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 12:51 am on Jan. 2, 2007
Only a few sketchy details have surfaced so far but what is known is the fact that the junta have immediately, through a number of innuendo and press leaks, blamed Thaksin. So convenient, too bloody obvious, at the moment there are 3 main theories: 1.Muslim separatists 2.Thaksin sympathisers 3.The junta itself On theory one it would be an admission of policy failure by the junta as they have staked so much political capital on resolving the issue. The coup leader is a Muslim and he’s been specifically instructed by “higher up” to open dialogue with Muslim leaders and come up with a solution. It’ll damage tourism industry and show that the terrorists are upping the antes by going to the jugular (bombing the capital). They’ll admit that through clenched teeth, if at all. On theory two, now that is the easy one and best option for the junta. In fact it can be an excuse for restoring martial law, bring in stricter financial regulations and rushing in a crooked up constitution paper version. It would also reinforce in the public mind how bad Thaksin and his followers are and how lucky Thai people should consider themselves in being rescued by the heroic & selfless men in uniform. So please don’t moan and complain when we (re) impose martial law, curfews, ban on monetary capital movements and other autocratic niceties. On theory three, you’ll never ever hear a word from them, period. You can say many negative things about Thaksin (and a few will be prolly true) but none can deny that he’s a smart operator, with deep knowledge of what makes Thai tick. He’s everything to lose and nothing to gain being behind this bombing spree; he’ll let his core voters base down, if it is proven that he’s indeed responsible. At least he’s his own man, a self made billionaire who didn’t take directives from anybody. That is something it cannot be said of General Surayud Chulanont, who resembles a marionette being operated (from the shadows) by Sonthi the puppeteer using metallic strings to move his lips arms and legs, operating him by stop motion animation. His name cannot even be considered in the same breath or sentence as Thaksin. Let’s wait and see how the junta will play this hand. Sarge
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:44 am on Jan. 2, 2007
I agree, and doubt it was Thaksin. He's may be corrupt, but he's not stupid, and even the remotest link to something like this would forever prevent his return as the triumphal patriarch of the government, rescuing them from the vicissitudes of the coup. I think it's either disaffected elements of the cast out, or factions in the police. The police have much to lose if the junta does a reorg on their corrupt stranglehold of the streets. No one has been able to fix that problem, and I rather doubt the new junta will get beyond it either. - Balls
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 9:06 am on Jan. 2, 2007
As I have posted before, I agree to the above - it is the junta itself. They have only to gain from all this by keeping their power and delaying any elections. The excuse will be, due to the unrest and bombs, that martial law needs to continue. Why would anyone in current power giveup to a new ellected PM? Plus an added bonus would be to take all of Thaksin's assetes and perhaps other assets of TRT members? Nice added bonus for the junta. All this will do nice to the Thai economy in the short time of course. Once tourists and investments stop, the Thai will get this junta out of power. Unfortunately, I fear some bloody days are about to happen. Lets hope I am wrong and an early elections will take place in Oct or so? Cheers! Ap.-
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 9:58 am on Jan. 2, 2007
Quote: from Sarge on 4:08 pm on Jan. 2, 2007 You can say many negative things about Thaksin (and a few will be prolly true) but none can deny that he’s a smart operator, with deep knowledge of what makes Thai tick.
When you're done heaping laudations and gushing admiration on Thaksin, could you explain to us why, if "he’s a smart operator, with deep knowledge of what makes Thai tick" he managed to get himself ousted in a bloodless coup that 80% and more of Thais welcomed? That being said, of course it would not be good for his political capital if he was being tied to these bombings, unless he really believed that he could never be tied to them. A couple of IRK scribblings here, a bit of a redirecting statement by his attorney pointing to the Muslim, and he'll be untouchable. After all, "he’s a smart operator, with deep knowledge of what makes Thai tick" While I'll agree that there are too many variables in the game right now, I'm sorry, but I don't buy into Sarge's near total exoneration of the Thaksin connection. Thaksin, in my opinion, has proven to not be smart, and has proven to have a vengeful spirit, but most of all, has proven to not really care one bit about the Thai people. Odd no one has mentioned a mob connection yet.
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:20 am on Jan. 2, 2007
careful, that last paragraph will get you labeled stupid by friend mr.alan, so who did it mr. (can't get laid) alan you must know if other peoples ideas are stupid to you
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:15 pm on Jan. 2, 2007
Yeah Thaskin a smart good laugh. In making money yes, but politics no. Remember the War on Drugs, the South mass killings.
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:31 pm on Jan. 2, 2007
can't help but wonder why nana & s.c. were spared, seems not to fit a muslim m.o., you know, kill innocent people having a good time
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 5:00 pm on Jan. 2, 2007
Mel Gibson
Perhaps profit's from these venues needs tracking? Come to think of it perhaps a bar in Soi18 may be secretly linked to our Islamic brothers??? Anyone seen RTB with a moustache????????? And others clain he is English PFFFT Mel
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:20 pm on Jan. 2, 2007