Latest update from our on the spot Thai reporter (actually the wife is here in Oz listening to Thai radio on the internet) Latest Thinglish Translation of what is going out on Thai radio as of 10-1100hrs local time Bangkok Wed 20th "Thare is more news kha. Thare are more proclaim. I was confused a little bit. I think the information that I gave you are order kha not proclaim but these are proclaim ^_^ sorry. 1st. The leader's commander (I will him "The man" ok?) say that what they are doing now just try to make things right and does not want to be priminister or in charge for long. They will give the power and put the country in normal as soon as they can. 2nd. Polices and soldiers DO NOT move to anywhere, stay right where they are and every officer must go to report to their commander. 3rd. All the law under the last government is fihished, All the court can still working except court theat concern with the gov. is finished as well. 4th. About the power to handle country 1. Now the power that was belong to priminister is in the hand of 'The man' 2. The power for each department that used to belong to head of department, belong to assistant of each dept. til there is another order from 'The oranization' That all for now kha." The absence of Police in certain areas would be consistent with having to report to Command and then only going where they are told to. No Thai staff at some workplaces equally consistent - it is a "holiday" - the in-laws have stayed home. Enjoy.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:52 pm on Sep. 19, 2006
As for me, no work today, office closed. Any news on tomorrow?
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 9:56 pm on Sep. 19, 2006
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quote: from Yurune on 8:53 am on Sep. 20, 2006far, far more of the Thai staff here than I expected.... maybe 40%, and some of the overpaid farangs who should know better are cowering in their beds.... wankers -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At my office, NO THAI Staff, only farangs are here. So pls keep ur insults for you. Or may be you are part of these "Farang Go Home" a...h...es
well....maybe your farangs are made of sturdier stuff, but some of the, I repeat, overpaid farangs that I work with who really are just freeloading and contribute little to the company, are also the ones conspicuous by their absense. Why you seem to take an insult against people who you a) do not know and b) know not what they do for a living, so personally is beyond me. I will assume that English not being your first language is why you failed to understand my comment.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:01 pm on Sep. 19, 2006
I may also add that it is the laziest of my Thai staff who so conveniently seem to be so scared to come out today. For some people it's any old excuse for a day off. they are wankers too.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 10:08 pm on Sep. 19, 2006
I rang my travel agent is morning here in Hong Kong to see if they had been informed of possible flight cancellations and she did not even know about the coup. The HK Government is not warning people against travelling to Thailand but is just urging them to be careful. What's the situation or mood in Bangkok this morning? Is the BTS still running as normal?
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 10:14 pm on Sep. 19, 2006
Phone call from farangs in our BKK office at 11:30am say that it is the most jai yen yen coup that they could ask for. People are relaxed and smiling, the locals in their Rama IV area that is. Supermarkets are open, ATM machines working. Internet and mobile services are OK but Orange is not. UBC is on except for the news channels. CNN and BBC are giving full service via the internet. Schools and banks are closed only today, so far. Some taxi companies are not sending vehicles out. They only question the situation in Chiang Mai, Toxin's home base and his friendly factions in some army leaders. Come to Thailand with farang currency, they reckon, as in the short term the baht must suffer. Could be worth the time to invest in Thai companies that will struggle to maintain value for a period.
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:17 pm on Sep. 19, 2006
Quote: from Yurune on 11:26 am on Sep. 20, 2006 is the laziest of my Thai staff who so...
I can relate to that as I was emailing and calling my office and my Thai staff in my dept for an hour and a half this morning to rouse them up to find out if they were working or not or if the office would even open--no answer. Finally one of the Westerners working there responded to my email saying he got a text message from his dept's Thai co-manager saying the business would be closed today. You'd think that the first thing people would consider is disseminating information such as 'We're closed today, there's a coup.' Anyway, that's I what I did with the bunch I manage. Guess 10 hours of the same songs on Thai TV dulled the reaction time. No disrepect intended to the songs. I don't know what determined some closed and some not--fear I guess as Yurune points out. Oh well, I'll stay home and wank as he suggests. Anyway, looks like some businesses are closed today, like mine, and some aren't. And then some, like at the offices mentioned in posts above, are attended voluntary! 555 weird. I'm thinking tomorrow should be back to bus as usual everywhere.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:30 pm on Sep. 19, 2006
Jai yen yen coup. Sure. We can say that now. But what about tomorrow or the next day? Anyone else concerned that when Taksin returns and rallys his own troops, there'll be bloodshed?
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:34 pm on Sep. 19, 2006
Taken from http://www.nationmultimedia.com/2006/09/20/headlines/headlines_30014096.php Dang good press opinion !! Thais have Faith, and have been working hard to eliminate rampant corruption; aka billionaires playin with stock swaps, sheltering hordes of passive income and not payin Thai capital gains taxes. Have Faith, Good Luck to all, and may this go bloodless! Thaksin will have to pay those Thai taxes if he is any honest. But begs the question where's the moola/stock certificates at !.... probably ratholed in the Caymans or some Swiss accounts under a false aka name as Cheater Fraud, or shelled in other cap investments in Thailand corps. Mann do I need an upper level exec job so I can manipulate the pension funds around to my bank accounts; white collar crime pays. Now all we need is a USA WashDC coup, GWB ousted ! BTW: Be sure to do a 7-11 run to stock up on cold Singhas, HinnyCans, MekongnCokes, Mama cup of noddles, Pringles Cans, Dentyne Ice gum, and street BBQ to rathole in with 2 nice sexy BG's to keep em happy and active going in the bedroom for the next few days till new gov steps in. Onus now on coup leaders to restore trust of the people They proclaimed to be doing it in the name of democracy, to wipe out rampant corruption and to rehabilitate a badly divided nation. Now the coupmakers have to prove their intent. And unlike those before them, the Thai armed forces leaders who seem to have overthrown caretaker Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra in a bloodless coup, have very little time to do so. The world is watching and scrutinising. To many democracy lovers, Thaksin's downfall, engineered by top military officers, led by Army CommanderinChief Sonthi Boonyaratklin, turned back the clock on Thailand's political development. The use of military force, instead of a free and fair election, to change government can hardly be condoned in a democratic society like ours, let alone the fact that the coup took place just months before the country was due to hold a general election. The coupmakers are luckier than those before them in that much of society now believes they have done the wrong thing for the right reason. But the perception that this is something done in good faith will be extremely fragile. Public trust in power in the hands of men with guns can last as long as the smoke that follows when a shot is fired. The slower the coupmakers are in the pledged transfer of power back to the people, the more Thaksin will look like a "pretext" and not the "reason" for the power seizure. Today, he is seen as a seriously flawed political leader, who had tried to propagate and perpetuate a culture of corruption and deceit that threatened to undermine democracy as we knew it. Throughout his five and a half years in power, he was exposed as a greedy politician who had pursued selfinterest at the expense of public good. Even called a tyrannical leader by some, he was accused of rolling back civil liberties, suppressing dissenting voices, not to mention his flagrant violation of human rights as part of a sinister design to dominate and then monopolise political power so as to indulge in corrupt practices unimpeded. Ideally, the likes of Thaksin should be rejected at the ballot box or through public pressure in the form of peaceful protests. The problem is most people did not believe both options available to them would succeed in removing him from power. To many people the military coup against Thaksin may be a necessary evil. But make no mistake, the seizure of power, albeit one that was achieved without the loss of lives, is nonetheless a form of political violence that is incompatible with the democratic aspirations of the Thai people. Democratic aspirations will live on even as the Constitution has already been abrogated by the coup leaders. The spirit of democracy that undermined Thaksin's apparent omnipresence will now shift its watchful eyes to the coup leaders. The Administrative Reform Council has pledged allegiance to democracy under the constitutional monarchy and cited Thaksin's corruptionprone leadership and his disrespect for the monarchy as justification for the coup. But it cannot be emphasised enough that the coup party has now also concentrated all power of government in its own hand unrestrained by public accountability or system of checks and balances. The coup group wanted the public to take them at their own word that they would do their best to implement needed reform and rid politics of corruption for now. They will be expected to promise to return sovereign power to the people, organise a free and fair election and then ensure a smooth transfer of power to the next democraticallyelected civilian government. We expect the coup group to make clear how exactly it will implement its plans to restore democracy in this country, complete with definite timeframes. A transitional government headed by a respected and politicallyneutral civilian leader with unblemished personal integrity must be installed and a provisional parliament must be set up to draft a new constitution within specific timeframes leading up to a fresh general election and a return to democracy. Once a transitional government is installed, all coup leaders must submit to the authority of the new civilian leader and bring back their troops to the barracks. They must also prove beyond any reasonable doubt that they do not seek personal gains from the absolute power they now hold or intend to retain indirect control of the provisional government for ulterior motives. It must be stressed that the first task of the coup group is to restore the confidence of both democracyloving Thais as well as the international community and foreign investors that democracy will be restored and this time democratic development will be sustainable and democracy will come equipped with inbuilt selfcorrecting mechanisms so that military coups will be put to rest for good.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:56 pm on Sep. 19, 2006