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I never heard of a "Metrosexual".

It sounds dirty to me.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:28 pm on Aug. 20, 2005

"Metrosexual is a term coined in 1994 (along with the noun, metrosexuality) by British journalist Mark Simpson, who used it to refer to an urban male of any sexual orientation who has a strong aesthetic sense and spends a great deal of time and money on his appearance and lifestyle. He is the fashion-conscious target audience of men's magazines:"

My error...
What we call that here in the States is a Bitchboy...not a Metrosexual.
I still thought the quips were funny though.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 3:52 pm on Aug. 21, 2005
Okay I can't resist.

I think that helping people who are slaving in garment factories is cool. These guys are on the one hand trying to be noble (allegedlly, they could also just be banging some idiot for a free P4P ticket, or they could just be a couple of vapid pricks) ; on the other hand I don't like the whiff of feminazism they seem to exude. That is; what does anyone's gender have to do with the issue? I think that these two are either sword fighting together at night or like the Heaven's Gate Cult, have "neutered their units".

Ironically since being married to a Thai, a good portion of my new family works in a Bangkok sweatshop as did she years ago. The irony is that my first cousin actually runs global operations for one of America's largest retailers...

It was his job for years to travel to Asia and Bangkok in particular to select the factories, specifications and manage the entire product cycles in these places. He has told me that he hated going to BKK and Myanmar because of the conditions in the factories. But as another cog there was nothing he could do in a globally competitive market. He was glad he said when he took his current job. This is really 100% true. So one day there are these unknown "asian people" working in sweatshops that everyone "back home" sees on the news. A few years later they are coming over for Christmas dinner.

At the end of the day we all live much closer than we think. The world is not a big place it turns out. just remember the bit about the degrees of separation.

Now many Asian countries outside of China are FEARING the loss of their sweatshops to the Chinese.

As for the two guys on the bikes peddling around, what are they really going to do for these women. Sure it's nice to think wow what a couple of swell guys...However these working people need options and education would probably bring the greatest benefit.

I am not knocking these guys for trying to raise awareness of working conditions I support that. But I don't like the gender comments I read them making. It just doesn't seem to go well together, kind of like a meat-smoothie or something just weird in the wrong way...

Oh yeah and outside of this article thing. I HATE the meterosexual word, it sucks ass. I feel like a bunch of prancing advertising and left wing fanatics dreamed this up sword fighting in a sweaty bath house some where removed from the reality of the rest of us.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:25 pm on Aug. 25, 2005

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