Hey no mention of anyone kicking the everloving sh** out of this guy? Zero tolerance baby..meaning you leave the plane on a stretcher if you act this way. Why did it take 7 hours to bring this yutz down?
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:59 am on Nov. 7, 2003
Quote: from Vancouver Jay on 10:37 am on Nov. 7, 2003 ...The majority of black people would rather not be primarily thought of as part of the "black community"....and just want the same things that whites and asians and hispanics want -- a fair shake, equal opportunity, and most of all to be defined as individuals rather than a constituency.
True - generally. But until more Kings step up to the plate, and the good brothers tell the Jack$ons, Farakhan$ and $harpton$ to crawl back into their slime pits and stop mucking it up for everyone else for their own petty power game, it's two steps forward and one back - and that's unfortunate all around.
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 2:05 am on Nov. 7, 2003
Quote: from Vancouver Jay on 10:53 am on Nov. 7, 2003...If you want gasoline, you need to get used to paying true market rates...
Since when are Americans not paying 'true market rates' for gas just because they are not 'your' market rates, whatever that may be? We buy petroleum from the same world markets that you guys do, whoever you guys may be. We do not subsidize gasoline at any stage, and in fact tax it hugely.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:21 am on Nov. 7, 2003
Quote: from ComicNihilist on 10:06 am on Nov. 6, 2003 What's a guy with a name like Rashid Khan doing drinking and going to BKK? Shouldn't he be praying 5 times a day or somethin?
Ain't nothing to do with sensitivity, but rather with a minute amount of awareness. A Mr. Khan would most likely be of Indian origin, and having very little to do with the Muslim religion's requiremements to pray a bazillion times per day. It's mistakes like this that had rednecks in the US shoot a couple of decent Indian fellows after 9/11. Harry
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 1:25 am on Nov. 10, 2003
Quote: from Vancouver Jay on 7:26 pm on Nov. 6, 2003 With Humphrey as President after '72 a more sensible foreign policy is in place, one where the US doesn't support the Shah of Iran for starters. The Iran hostage crisis never happens
You're very naive.
Quote: from Vancouver Jay on 7:26 pm on Nov. 6, 2003 Box cutters. Yeah, right. It's one of the least plausible fictions ever foisted on an all-too-gullible world. It was an inside job, clearly. The "hijackers" probably had guns. Most or all of the phonecalls off the plane were faked. Mossad was probably behind it all as operational managers with the complicity of several elements inside the US governnment -- start with Bush Inc., CIA/FBI and NORAD.
You know, at first I thought you were just being funny, but now I realize you're most likely serious. You forgot to mention the grey aliens and their complicity with the gov't. Life works simply and does not require conspiracies - but I'm glad you have your own little 'views' on how the world works. 'nuff said. Harry
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:31 am on Nov. 10, 2003
Quote: from Vancouver Jay on 11:16 pm on Nov. 6, 2003 But this 9/11 thing boils down to one of two things: either the most odious simultaneous malfeasance of public office by several dozen individuals, such as never has been seen before in human history, or it was a set piece.
I have a pretty good motto for things in life "Never assume a conspiracy, when simple incompetence works just as well" It might be hard to swallow the simple fact that the only reason 19 ragheads managed to hijack and weaponize 4 planes is because they used the elemnt of surprise - and weren't counting on the extraordinary levels of complacency and incompetence on the US end. It's the 'It'll never happen here syndrome', and it's a very simple, and very effective explanation for why 9/11 happened. What you are proposing, a wide-sweeping top-down controlled operation to mislead the American people, is too complicated for our gov't to pull off without a hitch. All that really happened is that Bush administration clamped on to the opportunity that Osama's monkeyboys provided. As such, the Bush administration should thank Osama. Harry
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:39 am on Nov. 10, 2003
Repeat Offender
I fully agree with Mr Hzink, but would add that such events as 9/11 are not due solely to incompetence or complacency, but simply because absolute safety for all will never be achieved while there are human beings on the planet. To use an American expression 'bad things can happen to good people'. RO
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:02 am on Nov. 10, 2003
"Never assume a conspiracy, when simple incompetence works just as well" good line have to keep that one as to conspiracies my fav is moon fraud only about 10, 000 people would be in on it and none has actually come out and said yes we didnt go to the moon !!!!! but back to the thread so heres my thoughts when random events occur or smart people pull off something different (9/11 for example) some people just cant accept it hence conspiracy here the fundemental issue if you want a totlly secure world where there will be no terrrorism i sudgjest you move to a country that has the right security forces some come to mind north korea, the old east germany, cuba do you see the link tottal security comes with a despots having total control of your life you want freedom of expression then you will have to accept that people will express themselves against your viewpoint you want to turn up at an airport and jump on a plane without waitting and a full body search because you are to busy or full of your own self importance then at some point someone see the hole in your security and take advantage of it now for some disturding facts i was in new york for the 1st aniversary of 9/11 i would assume that security would be tighter than usual what did I see sweet FA as I fit a certain profile everytime I fly into the uk I get the full treatment without exception i also know people who work in security at gatwick airport in the uk and on a regular basis they catch people coming from the states carry large bowie knives (not box cutters) big F**** off knives that any idiot can see and remember these people have been through us security this happens on a weekly basis
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:40 am on Nov. 10, 2003
Quote: from Vancouver Jay on 11:16 pm on Nov. 6, 2003 9/11, HLobo makes the neccessary point regarding radars. The first plane hits a building after switching off its transponder, then another plane hits a building after switching off its transponder. Having just seen this and knowing that two other planes had also switched off their transponders, what would you conclude would be the intended fate of those last two planes? Would you make a leap and assume that someone intended to ram them into buildings? I would. Having made that assumption, couldn't you do better than scramble a measly handful of unarmed fighters? Couldn't you actually send up a second wave, armed, and direct them at least to the last known co-ordinates of the missing planes? But the very half-hearted response to those missing planes is such a red flag that it can't be ignored. When golfer Payne Stewart's small private plane went off course, it was located from within 15 minutes of the time the flight went bad and tracked continuously throgh a handful of Air National Guard areas of responsibility until it crashed in the upper heartland. And that was on a normal day. Finding planes that go off course is and has been a very serious priority for the Air Force and ANG for decades. And even if NORAD's radar network wasn't up to it (the "looking outward" dodge) there are very, very few areas of the US that are not covered by one FAA radar or another, and there is no place to sneak through the net in the northeast. All it would have taken is for one radar operator to report that a plane with no transponder went across his scope.
I have a friend who is an active pilot in the US, now he told me that any plane (especially commercial/wide body) that deviates from it's flight path, first gets contacted by the closest radar zone, then if it does not respond within 5 minutes, the closest air base will launch fighters to intercept it. When the fighters reach the plane it has a 5 minute window to either respond or return to it's previous flight path (i.e it's original flight plan). Failure to do so will result in a further warning and then destruction of the plane. The total time for this procedure is about 20 minutes. If a plane switches off it's transponder the pane will be intercepted and destroyed much to the same procedure as above but it a muich more expedient manner. Now i'm only telling it how I heard it from my friend so this post can be considered hearsay at best. Right it's 10 am in bangkok and i'm off for a nice oily and a BJ
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 9:08 pm on Nov. 11, 2003
Quoted from Eldar1: "I have a friend who is an active pilot in the US, now he told me that any plane (especially commercial/wide body) that deviates from it's flight path, first gets contacted by the closest radar zone, then if it does not respond within 5 minutes, the closest air base will launch fighters to intercept it. When the fighters reach the plane it has a 5 minute window to either respond or return to it's previous flight path (i.e it's original flight plan). Failure to do so will result in a further warning and then destruction of the plane. The total time for this procedure is about 20 minutes." "If a plane switches off it's transponder the pane will be intercepted and destroyed much to the same procedure as above but it a muich more expedient manner." Eldar1, not sure where you got this info but it is a great story and nothing more. Planes deviate from the flight plan all the time. Secondly, the USAF has a lot more to worry about than to track every single plane in the US. I'm not saying that you're a liar, just that your info is nothing more than an urban legend.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:07 pm on Nov. 11, 2003