Manuel bkk
Quote: from power24 on 1:38 am on Jan. 16, 2004 Accordint to the Phuket Gazette, the governor of Phuket fully supports the move of earlier closing (possibly midnight closing). Maybe Phuket will not get away lightly on this one. Ive heard rumours of a protest taking place on Phuket against the early closing times. Anyone know about this?
He might support the closing time but they don't seem to be enforced. Since christmas all bars seem to be staying open after the 02.00 AM closing time. Some even until 04.00 / 05.00 AM. And this on a daily basis. It seems that the Patong police is not enforcing either anymore. Is the police in protest as well? We might swing to the right direction.....
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:59 pm on Jan. 15, 2004
to be handled with caution. if they start THAT I am going to be a millionaire by 2005... rtb
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:04 am on Jan. 16, 2004
Quote: from ringthebells on 5:04 pm on Jan. 16, 2004 to be handled with caution. if they start THAT I am going to be a millionaire by 2005... rtb
How so your Honour ?
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 6:54 am on Jan. 16, 2004
There is also a discussion ongoing here:- http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=4488 Ordinary holiday makers like to let their hair down and enjoy themselves not just the sex-tourists. Thaidup I don't think you know the holiday business very well? Try and go to Spain where you will see all age groups and all classes having a good time till the wee small hours! This dictatorial stupidity is about people control. Chairman Khun T is a control freak rather like Tony Blair. He is not the wise statesman or a man who can let the country develop naturally over the succeeding generations. He is neither gentle nor wise and now he has the taste for power he will hold on to it at all costs (mainly to the average Thai trying to earn a living). Remember all those bars trashed in Sukhumwit ? I bet the developers will soon move in. Kryptonite says he is for the common man. Well so am I ! Thai or otherwise.
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 7:15 am on Jan. 16, 2004
Remember all those bars trashed in Sukhumwit ? I bet the developers will soon move in Oh come on, H - that's WHY they were trashed. I don't believe it had anything to do with the social order campaign at all. Most of the small P4P businesses on Sukhumvit itself (including Suk Sq) didn't emerge until after the 1997 crash when property development in BKK came to an abrupt halt. Projects went into limbo, sub-lets were given to practically anyone who would take them, squatters moved in, etc etc. Last couple of years, all that's changed. Property prices along Suk have soared, major development has restarted, the temporary 'little people' are getting squeezed out or (in the case of Suk Sq) rudely pushed out. Souvenir shops and restaurants got flattened just as completely as the bars.
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:06 am on Jan. 16, 2004
Quote: from Arcadius on 9:06 pm on Jan. 16, 2004 Remember all those bars trashed in Sukhumwit ? I bet the developers will soon move in Oh come on, H - that's WHY they were trashed. I don't believe it had anything to do with the social order campaign at all. Most of the small P4P businesses on Sukhumvit itself (including Suk Sq) didn't emerge until after the 1997 crash when property development in BKK came to an abrupt halt. Projects went into limbo, sub-lets were given to practically anyone who would take them, squatters moved in, etc etc. Last couple of years, all that's changed. Property prices along Suk have soared, major development has restarted, the temporary 'little people' are getting squeezed out or (in the case of Suk Sq) rudely pushed out. Souvenir shops and restaurants got flattened just as completely as the bars.
Point taken. What are your thoughts on the Proposed closing times for the bars ?
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:20 am on Jan. 16, 2004
Hermano Well, my personal view is that the policy is rubbish. If they want to keep underage kids out of late-night venues, then they should tackle that problem directly instead of jerking around the entire country. It was gratifying to read other Thai ministers making that very point in uncommonly direct terms. If you must have a nationwide closing time, then the 2am status quo seems reasonable enough to me. It's worth bearing in mind, though, that subjectively this may seem a lot later to Thais than farangs, as they generally keep earlier hours. There's no doubt that there IS a constituency for all this social order stuff in LOS (isn't there everywhere?) It's well entrenched in the Interior Ministry, but very far from universal - I think this business shows that it's beginning to arouse quite strong opposition even within the government. There's probably a sense that these people have been pushing it a bit too hard, and a period of quiescence would now be welcome. I get no sense that any of this is primarily directed at farang P4P - rules relating to nitespots affect everyone. Also there are lots of little stories connected with the social order crusade which barely surface abroad - the tightness of students' skirts, the length of schoolgirls' hair, etc etc. Basically, it's a typical "young people today need taking in hand" nagathon. Going by the 'respectable' Thais I know, and also by what surfaces in the press, I'd say that the primary moral concern is drug abuse rather than sex. And so far as sex is concerned, I'd say they're a lot more concerned about mummy & daddy's darling daughter playing around than what farangs get up to with BGs. A lot of them would certainly like the farang P4P scene to be more discreet, but that doesn't strike me as unreasonable. I can't get very worried about any of this. Bottom line is that Thais are very unfanatical people on the whole. Moderation has a way of breaking through.
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:28 am on Jan. 16, 2004
Deep File
Going by the 'respectable' Thais I know, and also by what surfaces in the press, I'd say that the primary moral concern is drug abuse rather than sex. And so far as sex is concerned, I'd say they're a lot more concerned about mummy & daddy's darling daughter playing around than what farangs get up to with BGs.
Precisely, Arcadius. Most of the offending venues do not even offer P4P... they are discos and nightclubs that young Thais flock to like moths to a light. Impressionable youngsters gathering in herds where alcohol is available to dissolve inhibitions and drugs like meth and E are both plentiful and affordable... as a parent, I can see why there is concern. But as you point out, adjusting the closing hours of these venues will have almost no impact on the fundamental problem. This "blanket solution" is being recognized as a red herring... it would be virtually impossible to enforce, it would have a negative impact on too many legitimate enterprises, and it will not magically solve the root problem. I personally think that rising incomes and urban prosperity combined with a general lack of parental discipline are more to blame than late closing hours.... but of course identifying the problem does not solve it.
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 11:24 pm on Jan. 16, 2004
Vancouver Jay
There's the current political term "failed states" -- I would perhaps suggest that Thailand is becoming a "failed culture". Buddhism and feudal patronage work really well in poor, rural, agrarian societies, but may not cut the mustard in a middle class, semi-affluent consumer culture.
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:19 am on Jan. 17, 2004