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your common sense not necessarily be mine. throwing widows on the bonfire and cannibalism or f***ing children was (is) part of "common sense".
Why should I or anyone for that matter subscribe to your set of "common senses".

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:29 am on July 8, 2005
Adventure Guy

Quote: from Finchf*** on 1:28 pm on July 8, 2005
Adventure Guy are you for f***ing real or what?
Nothing like a bit of compassion for your fellow man

I have a lot of compassion - but ONLY for those that are busting their butts to help themselves. But no, I personally have absolutely no compassion for anyone who wastes their time on this earth, and worse who spend their precious time harming others, and yet expect ME to support them.

I can't support a planet full of people whose agendas are other than supporting themselves or their families for whom they are responsible - and guess what - neither can you. But if you think that you can then by all means go for it.

And Abrak, if you want to support starving whatevers to keep them out of your neighborhood, then by all means go for it also. But if you think that working your butt off to keep the multritudes who give a rat's ass about helping themselves is THE way to keep them out of your neighborhood then you may want to go back and take Real Life Economics 101 and forget some of those theory classes that have otherwise done well for you.

As per the above, you can devote your entire life to helping all those who aren't the least interested iin helping themselves - and then have absolutely nothing left to show of your own precious life.

YMMV - so then just do it.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 1:39 am on July 8, 2005

Quote: from KillerFlix on 1:41 pm on July 8, 2005
your common sense not necessarily be mine. throwing widows on the bonfire and cannibalism or f***ing children was (is) part of "common sense".
Why should I or anyone for that matter subscribe to your set of "common senses".


If you start with my basic premise that people who believe in God are at best misguided and at worst stupid you would realise that this is an argument I dont intend to persue simply because it would, by definition, be a waste of my time.

You have stated that as an individual you need a God to tell you that killing another human being is a wrong thing to do. If that is the case, so be it, it would certainly seem best and safest for me, you and society, if you believe in God.

Meanwhile please do not bring up the past as justification for mistaken beliefs. We used to believe the world was flat (maybe you still do) we now know better. I understand why society believed in God in the past (it helped cement value systems for uneducated people and there was no better explanation for the world). We now have a perfectly satisfactory explanation for the world and humanity which makes God's role redundant. Furthermore, the belief that actions you undertake in this life, will be rewarded in the next, is an extremely dangerous belief for society given current and future technology.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:45 am on July 8, 2005

Quote: from Adventure Guy on 1:51 pm on July 8, 2005

And Abrak, if you want to support starving whatevers to keep them out of your neighborhood, then by all means go to it, though I wonder at how much of your lwonderful humanitarian wisdom stops at your own pocketbook.

Because, as per the above, you can devote your entire life to helping all those who aren't the least interested iin helping themselves - and then have absolutely nothing left to show of your own precious life.

Couldnt agree more.

As a selfish individual I have no interest in helping the starving Africans, nor am I really bothered about the dead in London or terrorists for that matter (it really doesnt enter my worldview in Bangkok and I am too busy shagging and partying).

I was merely suggesting that society (which as we become a global economy encompasses the whole species) should perhaps consider starving Africans a problem before they 'do help themselves' and start bombing your doorstep.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 1:53 am on July 8, 2005
enough debates. Now let's go get those responsible. question is how and who ? I think first we need to have all countries in the world to agreeing to the ideal of "seperation of church and state". This is probably next to impossible for now. But we need to start trying and hope that one day the mullahs ( church) can preach all things spiritual but leave the politics and the wars to the states ( government). Second, we need to start differentiating what " religion" is and what a "cult" is. Remember all those violent cults in the US and other countries where religion was used to justify anti-social behaviors ? I believe that the muslim communities need to start condemning these "cults" that preach fanaticism. If a "religion" preaches violence, killings, kidnapping, beheading, bombing, poisoning, mass suicides, sex with children........etc. for whatever justifications, then it's a "cult". The international communities then have the right to demand the country that hosts these "cults" to be responsible for their actions. They need to be constantly monitored by the local police or even army. This needs to be part of a new international laws against fanatic religious leaders. Again this is quite difficult for now, but maybe the only way to solve terrorism in the long run. For now, we need to seek out those responsible and put them away forever. We can see a pattern developing in Europe now. Madrid, London, what's next ? Paris, Berlin ? Europeans can run but they cannot hide. Time to act.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 1:58 am on July 8, 2005
All this is very interesting and an excellent vehicle for various members to showcase their intelligence or (in Killerflix's case) lack of it.

But what does it have to do with Thailand?

PS.... Is anyone else intrigued as to why a member of the bible-bashing religious right would call themselves Killerflix?

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:12 am on July 8, 2005
Adventure Guy

Quote: from Abrak on 2:05 pm on July 8, 2005

Quote: from Adventure Guy on 1:51 pm on July 8, 2005

I was merely suggesting that society (which as we become a global economy encompasses the whole species) should perhaps consider starving Africans a problem before they 'do help themselves' and start bombing your doorstep.

So we agree.

But WHO is this 'Global Economy'?

Well, it is you... and it is moi.

So you don't want your work effort conscripted to support people who have shown complete disinterest in helping themselves, and I certainly don't. And if we have learned anything from human nature and history we should know that what starts as 'support' all too soon becomes 'entitlement'. And entitlement either continues - and increases - or else gives greater justification for bringing those bombs to your doorstep.

So I guess that leaves only Finchf*** to carry the banner.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:14 am on July 8, 2005
Thank you for proving my point! Since (human) life is a result of a serious of chemical and biological "accidents" it has no purpuse or value. Therefore the more complex "educated" ones can and should limit the number of "misguided" and/or "stupid" homo sapienses to a managable level to avoid any widespread values to develop, not to mention any deviation from the "perfectly satisfactory" explanation from the clearly superior members of the species.
Must be a lot of fun at your house during Christmas time....and you're worried about my children....sheeess

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:19 am on July 8, 2005

Quote: from Adventure Guy on 6:51 am on July 8, 2005

I can't support a planet full of people whose agendas are other than supporting themselves or their families for whom they are responsible. But if you think that you can then by all means go for it.

what a bul****** quote half the worlds agenda is exactly that

you obviously come from a spolit western country with social services mecdical care a supemarckets full of food

that is not what the whole world is about

it might be in your little dream world

but a huge amount of this earths population is fightining to find food to feed there families literally thousands of people a day die from dirty drinking water

Sorry, starving Africans are NOT my problem. They live on the most bountiful land created on this planet, one from which Churchill stated that they could feed the entire world.

one of the main reasons they cant earn money is that our goverments imposes unfair taxes on imported goods from africa and dump subsidsed goods at lower prices back into africa

want some examples
one of namibias biggst crops is sugar which has a 400% inport duty into the eec

so european sugar produces through goverment subsidies can dump sugar into nambia cheaper than they can produce it themselves

that dosent sound fair let alone moraly right

whant nother one

its cheaper to buy imported chocalate in ghana than buying locally made

why when ghana's one of the largest producers of coco beans

because eec susidies and taxes work together so european chocalte producers can import coco beans make chocalte get export credits and sell back to ghanna cheaper than they can make it themselves

theres controversy about the us cotton susidaries etc etc
and import duties on cotton make it harder for asians and africans importing cotton goods into america

these are some of the most obvious situations where us westeners are stoppinfg africans from doing what we contanstly tell them to do which is trade there way out of debt

no iam not some left wing loopy politically correct athesit

most of my friends consider me right wing

i dont see it through some political or religiosly motivated agenda

and why am I posting today because the tubes closed and I travel through liverpool street and kings cross every day

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 2:22 am on July 8, 2005
Adventure Guy

Quote: from scobie on 2:24 pm on July 8, 2005
All this is very interesting But what does it have to do with Thailand? doesn't. But then that's why it is in News and Announcements.

But it does have something to do with Thailand because some of the same arguments posed here are being proposed to 'buy out' the murderers in the south with 'economic concessions'. And where do these 'economic concessions to murderers of women, children, and monks come from? Well, of course from the taxes on the hard working peaceful Thais.

And I for one don't buy it.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:27 am on July 8, 2005

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