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From Pattaya Mail:

Norwegian man bleeds to death after breaking window with his fist

A Norwegian man sadly bled to death in a local hotel room after he angrily punched his fist through a glass window.

Police arrived on the scene after receiving a report that a foreign national died in a hotel room located on Pattaya Second Road. When officers arrived, they found the body of 21 year old [name edited out] on the floor, covered in blood. An examination found a deep 4 inch wound on the man’s left forearm, and subsequent loss of blood is believed to have been the cause of death. A further check of the room revealed signs of a struggle on the bed, a broken window and shattered glass on the floor.

Investigating officers interviewed [name edited out], 24, and found out the deceased had arrived at a bar on Soi 8 where she worked and bought her out of the bar on the condition she would have sex with him at his hotel room for 2,000 baht, which she agreed to.

However, when they arrived at the room, [name edited out] said [name edited out] was very drunk and began to bully and beat her. Frightened, [name edited out] said she escaped the abuse by exiting through the window in the next room. She said the foreigner became so enraged he punched through the window and sliced his arm, which began to bleed profusely.

Police sent the body to the forensic lab to determine the exact cause of death.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:53 am on Oct. 21, 2004
Sorry Eric
did you know him?
Another Dead Farang

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 1:05 am on Oct. 21, 2004

Quote: from samthedog on 8:20 am on Oct. 21, 2004
Sorry Eric
did you know him?
Another Dead Farang

Did not know him (luckilly).

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:26 am on Oct. 21, 2004

Quote: from erikE on 1:08 pm on Oct. 21, 2004
However, when they arrived at the room, [name edited out] said [name edited out] was very drunk and began to bully and beat her. Frightened, [name edited out] said she escaped the abuse by exiting through the window in the next room. She said the foreigner became so enraged he punched through the window and sliced his arm, which began to bleed profusely.

Why'd you edit out the names? To protect 24 year old Kanchana Pannork, 24, and 21 year old dumb guy Christopher Andreas Wathne?

As others pointed out - this is old news


Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 11:39 am on Oct. 21, 2004

Quote: from hzink on 6:54 pm on Oct. 21, 2004
Why'd you edit out the names? To protect 24 year old [edit name], 24, and 21 year old dumb guy [edit name]?

This was posted in the Norwegian press today, so it is news to me and other Norwegians.

Why I edited out the names? That is a stupid question. You may think the Norwegian was a stupid man (he may have been, I did not know him), but his family back home in Norway may not be interested in seeing his name plastered out all over the Internet. And the girl seem to be innocent, why should she be name dropped?

That Pattaya Times have some different view in naming people in their articles, does not mean we should not behave here in BKK Tonite.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 1:09 pm on Oct. 21, 2004

You have the right as a fellow board member to comment about what you perceive is a lack of respect etc. However, I believe that this board is no longer "available" to search engines so at least any comments are entre nous!


Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:05 pm on Oct. 21, 2004

Brocher has a point here fellas

this is now a closed forum, so what we type here stays here,

no peeking

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:44 pm on Oct. 21, 2004

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