I'll bet ya anything that they are the "bitches" in their relationships with their significant others. I guarantee they are rabid fans of the Oprah Winfrey show and the Lifetime channel. Probably have pictures of Rosie O'Donnel and Ellen Degeneres on their bedroom walls. I bet ya's they tuck their wee-wees between their legs so that it looks like they have a puss. I bet they're a part of that special brand of demasculated men who have "vagina envy." ok...I'm done... For now...
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:02 pm on Aug. 17, 2005
they were quoted as saying "because we believe that real men support women," Parker said." Gee, what a novel concept, tho I am sure most guys on this board don't believe in the concept.. other than paying them for sex, which allows them to support themselves oh, CS (good acronym it seems) these guys are anything but metrosexual. you ought to learn what a word means before you use it.. LOL
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 5:45 pm on Aug. 17, 2005
Wait until they try to ride their tricycles into the BKK traffic. Some f***ing cement truck will squash them like the bugs they are. Was this statement politically incorrect?
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 3:52 am on Aug. 18, 2005
FeminNazis are dangerous ! Beware ! Or as Friedrich Nietzsche said,"When going to a woman always take a whip !" Ja !
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:30 am on Aug. 18, 2005
Oh, I so love it when you guys just fire off in knee-jerk fashion, without bothering to read the articles in question. I believe what these guys are trying to do, is bring attention to rather dismal WORKING CONDITIONS of women in SEA, and how they are being exploited by commercial interests - and they aren't talking primarily about P4P. The main jist of the article seems to be about garmnet workers, and how women are not receiving any benefits, or are being mistreated in such commercial manufacturing interests -- Hence, rendering most hostile comments against these guys in this thread not just moot, but plain pathetically stupid. So, China Sailor - can you explain to me, please, why we should steal these guys' bikes, and why you consider them to be feminazi/metrosexuals (maybe naively idealistic, but their strategy seems to be working.) Pretty sad reactions in this thread - maybe, next time, click on the link, and actually READ instead of shooting from the hip, eh?
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:09 am on Aug. 18, 2005
Two ata Time
Men? They're reduced to sperm donors BBC newsreader Michael Buerk has complained that the "shift in the balance of power between the sexes" has gone too far, saying "life is now lived in accordance with women's rules". He has cited females in the top jobs in BBC broadcasting as an example, saying "these are the people who decide what we see and hear". Buerk, who complains that men have been reduced to "sperm donors", told the Radio Times magazine that society needs to admit there is a problem. "Life 'is now being lived in according to women's rules", he said. "The traits that have traditionally been associated with men - reticence, stoicism, single-mindedness - have been marginalised. "The result is that men are becoming more like women. Look at the men who are being held up as sporting icons - David Beckham and, God forbid, Tim Henman." Buerk said: "Look at the changes in the workplace. There is no manufacturing industry any more; there are no mines; few vital jobs require physical strength. "What we have now are lots of jobs that require people skills and multi-tasking - which women are a lot better at." 'What are the men left with?' The former Nine O'Clock News newsreader, who now reads the news on BBC World, said some changes have been for the good, but asked: "What are the men left with? "Men gauge themselves in terms of their career, but many of those have disappeared. "All they are is sperm donors, and most women aren't going to want an unemployable sperm donor loafing around and making the house look untidy. They are choosing not to have a male in the household." Buerk, whose views will also be screened in a channel Five series on personal hobbyhorses, Don't Get Me Started!, on channel Five, this week, said that when he started making the programme he "came across what I considered a very personal example of the changes that have taken place. "Almost all the big jobs in broadcasting were held by women - the controllers of BBC1 television and Radio 4 for example. These are the people who decide what we see and hear". BBC1 Controller Lorraine Heggessey has since left the BBC and been replaced by a man, Peter Fincham, while Radio 4 is still run by Janice Hadlow. Recently one of the BBC's most influential former director-generals, Alasdair Milne, sparked a furious response when he accused the corporation of producing "terrible" programmes and laid the blame on the domination of women executives. Buerk added that "the majority of middle management positions were held by women and that has changed the nature of almost every aspect of the marketplace. "Products are made for women, cars are made for women - because they control what is being bought," he said. "Some people might argue that this is a case of the pendulum swinging over the woman's side for a change, and eventually it will find a happy medium. "I'm not so sure about that," he said. "What can you do about falling sperm counts for example?.. admitting there is a problem is the first step." "Men are no more than sperm donors and walking wallets!" - Michael Buerk
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:52 am on Aug. 18, 2005
Golden Star
Folks, give these two a break. I read the article in full and I too don't quite understand what this has to do with feminazis and metrosexuals. Just a bunch of guys who want to bring the world's attention to working women's (not P4P) plight in the region. These are worlds apart from anti-P4P NGO crusaders. A metrosexual is a "guy" who leads an effeminate lifestyle, e.g. excessive shopping, interest in hygiene products, fashion, etc. The guys that choose to rough it up on bicycles in a third-world nation in 30C+ heat are anything but metrosexual. It ain't something I'd personally do in my spare time, but I tip off my hat to those that do.
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 7:19 am on Aug. 18, 2005
Two ata Time
Hey Guys don't think about the original article - the debate is the important part ! Feminazis ! and their ilk !
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:48 am on Aug. 18, 2005