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MainForum Help/Suggestions – Monthly BTF Vote to Freeze 1 Member for 30 days All Topics

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By efflux of time (3 yrs??) I thought LY and those of his ilk would have changed a bit, but I see they are true to keeping up their image intact. I can see this is another example of high handed behaviour of our posters. They neither are reasonable nor interested in hearing or doing reasonable things. It is more like a dog's tail behaviour. All reasonable posters in this forum have stopped posting because of this type of behaviour. I sometimes doubt who is the owner of this forum, BK or these guys?? Only time will tell whtether this forum closes its doors because of this type of nasty behaviour of some posters. BK to take note.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:59 am on April 13, 2008
Mel Gibson
Well,, this is new,, it looks like I'm on ignore from myself???, Yep I can't see the start of this thread.
Mai bpen rai.
Not sure if LY was referring to me as the FFFF whatever,don't see any reason he would ( or was it Caleden)
NicFrenchy,, the idea in this thread is to try and stop the others being so f***ed up.
msg4558, BK is a busy man,, deleting comments on an ongoing basis, is an unreasonable burden on him.

As always up to the boss.


Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 6:42 am on April 13, 2008
I honestly do not understand why people wanting a social forum don't go to the z forum and leave this, and other, forums to people who want to post and read information about Bangkok's pussy scene.

I've nothing against banter. But this is like going to talk with my bank manager for a loan, and him having a good old natter with his mates on the phone, while I have to listen to it all to get the information I need.

I probably haven't contributed a great deal to this forum over the years. I know none of the people on here personally. Maybe I should just keep my mouth shut. But if you want to know what I want from this forum, this is it. And I feel pretty sure that it is what the vast majority of readers and contributors want as well.

We've all got differing views on politics. We've all got different views on tech. We've all got differing views on arabs. We've all got differing views on whether f***ing a ladyboy makes you a wild hetero or disgusting sicko. Why don't we keep these views out of these forums, coz, quite frankly, I don't give a camel's rectal polyp what your view is on any of them, and nor do hardly any of the people who come to this forum.

Some of us might write information that you consider wrong, or sound as though they are trying to make themselves out to be more than they are. Leave them alone! I can make up my own mind as to the reliability of their information without help from you. Don't knock them, provide your own information, and let the quality and style of your own post do the work of shredding the reputation of the offending posters.

Please, please, please, think: is this forum about everyone having the chance to write whatever they want to write; or is it about everyone having the chance to read what they want to read? If you, like me, think the latter, then please, please, please, think, before you hit 'submit': will a complete stranger, looking for information about pussy, really want to read this post. If the answer is 'no', then please just don't post it!

This is all I have to say on this subject. Please don't flame me or hate me, and I know it is not your individual personal fault; I just want a forum full of good, nourishing information.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:06 am on April 13, 2008
My vote for this month goes to..........................Farangman4!!!!

There are far to many "please please please" requests in his post. It should be a forum rule that only 1 "please please please" per post is allowed!

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 8:43 am on April 13, 2008
there is no need to vote. ukguy84... you know you will be getting back to the freezer in a few days time...

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 8:56 am on April 13, 2008
Hey BK!
It wasn't me boss!

Anyway, if its not to late, I want to change my vote!

I think it would be a good idea to see how this place would be without the boss for a month!!

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:00 am on April 13, 2008
A forum is an open discussion all I see now is on BTF is further fragmentation LBs, Pattaya section DG/CW. Now further suggestions of banning a member a month; permanent ignore? Jeeze guys its a forum you dont need to agree with everything you read, you dont need to contradict errors or omissions in mynhucia, you don't need an ignore function to ignore someone.

Arguments can be fun and entertaining but for a forum that main source is buying pussy I read a lot of bigoted dolts. Now that is oxymoronic.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:52 am on April 13, 2008
Bingo Baby, chill man!

This thread was started as a tongue in cheek type of thing.
If you cant see that after 2 pages, its no wonder so many wars start!

Get a grip man, and a sense of humour!!!

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:56 am on April 13, 2008
there is no need to vote. ukguy84... you know you will be getting back to the freezer in a few days time...
Hmmm. seems that BK is closer to ukguy84 than before...
makes you think....

Anyway, if its not to late, I want to change my vote!
Not unlike the original ukguy84... first blasting members and then crawling back like a baby...

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 12:07 pm on April 13, 2008
Mel Gibson
Dr, Your comment is completely off topic and does not even refer, in the slightest, to the original thread.
BK, please remove offending comment.

( YES tongue in cheek, DR was once known as the Thread Marshall Love, faster draw in Thailand, famous for his arrests of people not on topic).


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:32 pm on April 13, 2008

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