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hiya all
I hate to bring this up its the only thing that keeps running in my head !!! any one got any info on this out there? ( what are your chances of getting this !!!) would be great !!!

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:42 pm on Nov. 26, 2003
Not an expert on this, but go to your GP a month or so before your trip.You will be given all the jabs/tabs you need to minimize the risk.My Surgery was very helpful before my last trip to LOS. (BTW: I'm an auto-electrician, not a doctor!).P.S: you only live once

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 3:14 pm on Nov. 26, 2003
Thanks for that Lizard
Im flying out on th 6/7th dec got to see the Nurse on friday for a jab. Got asked when I called the Docs of where im going
it went a bit like this
R:so where u going then
Me: ummmmm bangkok
Rhhhhhhh how long for
me:2 week
Rhhhhhhhhh ok will see when I get you in !!!

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:23 pm on Nov. 26, 2003
Viral hepatitis:

There are two major groups of viral hepatitis. Hepatitis spread by contaminated food and water, hepatitis A and E, are endemic in many parts of Asia. Most local people are immune to these types of hepatitis through natural infection, but travellers from better hygienic environments can be receptive to infection. Therefore, travellers are recommended to practice prevention measures against food and water borne diseases, as suggested for diarrhea. An alternative protection for hepatitis A is the immunization with hyperimmune serum or hepatitis A vaccine. Consult with the physician at an established medical service for the immunization.

Another group of hepatitis; hepatitis B, C and D; are transmitted through contaminated blood and sexual contacts, or passed from infected mothers to their babies at the time of birth; similar to the ways HIV/AIDS is transmitted. This group of hepatitis can be simultaneously and effectively avoided if precautions against HIV/AIDS are strictly taken. However, for those who require immunization, effective vaccine against hepatitis B is available at most medical services.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 3:51 pm on Nov. 26, 2003
and did also the doctor then get hep c from you?

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:30 am on Nov. 28, 2003
Objection, your Honour. Leading the witness.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:59 am on Nov. 28, 2003
Went to the nurse today to get the B jab walked in and she was talking ready loudly about whenat you want that for ect, ect all the staff in the surgery turned roaund and just gave me a blank look told her so much for patient confer (cant speel it) called her a bitch and walked out !!!
im flying out on the 6th is there any clinc out there that any one can recomend ?

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:41 am on Nov. 28, 2003
MM81..I don't get it, why not take your shot, then call her a bitch.

Besides, if you go to NEP and walk out with a BG are you gonna get all sensitive because people at the bar, on the street and at the hotel are looking at you, thinking 'what do you want with her'?

Seems to me being in BKK and feeling quilty is a bum trip, self-imposed.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:52 pm on Nov. 28, 2003
will check out once I get there

Fastmover: been with the doc for a bout 14 years so I could of got the jab of him but the chances are that the next time some from my famly goes he would mention it !!!
hes done it before and I got that look of my mum ( what yje f*ck u been doin look)
Any ways thanks for all your help people will get it sortd one in bkk 1 week to go !!!!

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 10:40 am on Nov. 30, 2003
Vancouver Jay
Mman81, your doctor sounds like a gossipy, unprofessional asshole if he violates your confidentiality so readily. Get a new doc.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:35 am on Nov. 30, 2003

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