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MainTech – Gmail email anyone? All Topics

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Got it...done...thanks

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:32 am on April 2, 2005
thanks a lot !

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 9:20 am on April 2, 2005
Thanks hugely!

Lads, have you noticed that the limit on Gmail is up to over 2G already and sill climbing! What a great idea, thanks again Skip.


Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:50 am on April 3, 2005
The best thing as that we can all give away 50 email boxes to the rest of the members if some one want it so please write to all thats said thanx.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 4:01 am on April 3, 2005
Err, does that mean I can now give away 50 accounts?


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:07 pm on April 3, 2005
yes you can! Can I have one ! hehehe

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:43 pm on April 3, 2005
Just an observation Lads but has anybody noticed that when you get an email in gmail the search engine has a look at yer mail then drops some adverts down the right-hand side of yer screen, from companies that offer products that the gmail search thingy reckons are relevent and that you might be interested to buy!

Dunno if it's a good idea or a case of increased Big Brother. I s'pose they had to pay for the 2Gb allowance somehow!

PS: Pheew, that was a long first sentence, eh!

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:53 am on April 20, 2005
^ That's just what made the founders of Google so rich, both before and after their IPO. It's also what was cause for a *lot* of concern amongst the advocates of privacy/individual rights crowd.

I'd don't think the advertisers are able to track their ad back to your email account- for those not clicking on the links- though it might be very easy for the vendor to track you once you do click. Not really sure on that one, however. I rarely look, and less rarely click a link provided. But, in fairness to Google, it is bo oth convenient and accurate- what links they post.

If you're really like to worry, you might fret over this: the new email invite account you just created in Gmail gets entered automatically into the invitee's address book. In my case though, I'm deleting them in batches in a nod to the forum principles.

PS ~ About those 50 invites- IME, you've got to use it for awhile before you're given 50 to handout. That said, I get topped up every time I send out a batch, so, if you're in the mood chances are good I can satisfy your need.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:14 am on April 21, 2005
Tyler Durdin
Any one got one to give out? I could use one.

Thanks in advance


Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 11:25 am on Sep. 6, 2006
A bit behind the times. No?

No need for an invitation any longer if you have a mobile phone number from any of the following: Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Turkey, New Zealand, Philippines, or the United States. You live in one of those, don't you?

All you have to do is go to a certain website, fill the fields indicating your country and your phone number. Send it and then you will get a message in your phone with an activation code.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:38 am on Sep. 6, 2006

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