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Quote: from Edge on 3:48 pm on Sep. 15, 2006

I am stationed in Singapore, BKK prices are usually better than Singers but not as good as home.

I am surprised, while I don't live there, the few times I looked, it seemed that much better deals were to be had in Singapore for name brand devices....Maybe with VAT, etc it's a toss up but watch out for the gray market stuff, swapped components and what not. I know someone that bought an IBM/Lenovo but the shop (without him knowing) changed out the drive, memory and some other pieces with no-name crap and when it went belly up, they would not honor the warranty...

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:08 am on Sep. 15, 2006
BKK has a coupla good points.

Acer make their stuff in Thailand so Acer prices are good.

There seems to be a few models of HP and Compaq that are aimed at the Thai market.

There are only 3 million people in Singapore, the Thai market is a lot larger.

Ah well, maybe I should wait for the Christmas models with a core 2 quadro with an nvidia graphics card. C'mon Santa, stick this in my sock!

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 9:21 am on Sep. 16, 2006
Mel Gibson
Edge,, I would steer clear of Acer laptops,, well documented they fall to bits quite quickly.
Having just gone through the laptop buying experience I suggest you stick with the better brand names, I was tossing up between the Sony Vaio but finally settled on a year old Toshiba that at it's release was top of the range and so far its been great.
Getting the personal balance between performance / price / screen size and battery life is the biggest conundrum.


Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:49 am on Sep. 16, 2006

Quote: from Edge on 10:39 pm on Sep. 16, 2006

There are only 3 million people in Singapore, the Thai market is a lot larger.

[market] size doesn't matter

There may be more consumers here but for many things, it does not translate into lower or more competitive prices.

Also consider warranty. most devices sold here are Thailand only warranty. There are a few with international warranty but the prices are (duh) higher for those devices usually.

MG's point about Acer is good. The Acer Service Centre always seems to have a steady stream of customers...not a good sign.

Running the extreme risk of being flamed into oblivion, a friend just bought the new Mac laptop with the Intel DuoCore and thinks its the best. He has always been a WinTel guy but likes the video editing software for the mac so this is the best of both worlds for him. A little more $$, but he thinks it is worth it.


Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 3:40 am on Sep. 17, 2006
Hey Edge,

I had to drop by Pantip today for parts and wanted to pass along some more info in case you are still considering.

For starters, as dekka said, IT Mall may be a better place. I go to Pantip for location but if I want a reasonably peaceful purchasing experience, IT Mall is better.

Also, check out Toshiba's current promos found at

while it's in thai, the specs are english and you can get an idea what's selling and for how much.

If you consider IBM/Lenovo go to:

and drill down into the various models to get current pricing.

One place I found off the HP site that gives you some prices on various makes is:

Most places follow the pricing structures laid out by the manufacturer. There may be a little give and take on prices or some freebies (bootleg software for example) but for the mainstream stuff it will all be around the same price from all the dealers at Pantip, IT Mall, etc.

You can likely find similar Thailand market sites for the major brands if you dig around. The Sony site has the product info but no pricing.


Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 8:08 am on Sep. 19, 2006
Mant thanks for all of that help mate. I have printed the stuff out and will peruse it.

I get attached to silly things like cars, laptops and asian pussy and am loathe to let go of the older but attached asus that I am using.

However, it has to be done. I am getting ready to put good dollars down when core quadro and vista come around in just a few months. So, the research and your help now are pointing me in the right direction.

I've got a colleague who loves his IBM thinkpad and it performs well. It is just so damn ugly!! If lenovo consider aestheics after their take over of IBM, then I would think of going that way.

HP and Compaq, same company, have some equipment that I could live with. Sony looks fine but seems to overprice what you get.

Visiting, I am impressed by the time you have spent helping a brother. I owe you a few wet ones when you are in BKK.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:44 pm on Sep. 20, 2006

Quote: from Edge on 9:02 am on Sep. 21, 2006
I owe you a few wet ones when you are in BKK.

Thanks, but I go to Lolita's for my wet ones however I appreciate the offer

If you happen to be referring to a beer then PM me when you're in town as I am here most of the time and would surely take you up on this offer.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:37 pm on Sep. 20, 2006
Just in case anyone is reading this thread.....

At the Paragon Main Hall (5th floor) they are having the annual IT show and some of the main players are there with discounts...some better prices that Pantip. I saw a couple laptops there on "show special" for 15,900.

There are some deals if you were considering buying something soon and it may be worth your time. Free to get in and a fair amount of eye candy for the tasting if you please.

The show runs until this Sunday, 8 Oct.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:40 am on Oct. 6, 2006
I need a little help. My TGF is planning to buy a laptop (a base model - just for browsing and email) and also get a landline / ADSL connection (all funded by me, of course) so she can keep in touch more easily. She is completely clueless about computers and has no one that can give her any advice or set up the system for her. Unfortunately I won't be going to the LOS for a few more months. Can anyone recommend a reliable store that will give her a decent price and also set up the system, install a firewall and anti virus software and maybe even help with the ADSL connection? Thanks

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 9:59 pm on Nov. 3, 2006

Quote: from rcpsj on 12:23 pm on Nov. 4, 2006
Can anyone recommend a reliable store that will give her a decent price and also set up the system, install a firewall and anti virus software and maybe even help with the ADSL connection?

Personally I consider this a hit or miss situation. There are plenty of stores that will sell her the unit and install the software but you can be pretty sure it will be bootleg software that may/may not work.

Generally when you order DSL the vendor will come in to set up the modem/router and confirm all is working. So I would buy the laptop and get that all sorted out then order the DSL so once it arrives she has the laptop ready for them to configure.

If you still need help, PM me.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:40 pm on Nov. 12, 2006

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