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this TOR ?

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:53 pm on May 21, 2007
I use and it seems faster than

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 10:07 pm on May 21, 2007

Quote: from LocalYokul on 11:38 am on May 22, 2007
this TOR ?

Actually I meant this one:

combined with Privoxy:

Will do the trick nicely....

As AT said, 24proxy is good... and there are hundreds of free proxies out there to use if you want

The ministry has blocked the d/l of TOR from (where the latest release is) so if you use a proxy and go to, you can get the s/w there too.

There are many ways to skin this cat.....

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:14 pm on May 21, 2007
I've downloaded and tried the Tor above but a drawback is the new pages brought up don't save my bookmarks (I use Modzilla). Any suggestions?

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 6:39 am on May 24, 2007

Quote: from seajohn on 8:24 pm on May 24, 2007
I've downloaded and tried the Tor above but a drawback is the new pages brought up don't save my bookmarks (I use Modzilla). Any suggestions

Sorry seajohn...i am a little slow tonight so not quite getting this.

There are a couple ways to use the TOR solution. You can install it essentially as a plugin with regular mozilla or run it as a separate application using a modified version of Mozilla. Personally I leave my regular Mozilla alone and when I need to do something "unique" I will use my modified one for whatever.

In the latter, it bookmarks fine for me but the bookmarks are not ported between the 2 versions.

How are you running it and what happens when you try to BM something?

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 8:55 am on May 24, 2007
To those able to - VPN into a machine you have set up in the US, and then just surf away. Your own private proxy. Won't ever get blocked by gov't censors.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:42 am on May 24, 2007
Well, can't run a separate machine in the US, as I am in Bkk, so...

I installed the Tor as an application after downloading from Modzilla so have to close any other Modzilla windows open to run it. After doing so, I cant' even copy/paste links from old modzilla to new Tor modzilla which is frustrating, as some are long--also my history/bm's are not transfered, so I can't surf with the freedom I crave... But I don't know how to do otherwise. With my limited computer knowhos I'll look into reinstalling it as a plug in as you suggest, visitingbkk.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:59 am on May 24, 2007

I don't have an answer for you at this moment but have to work on some related issues for a client today and over the weekend. I will get back to you once I test and review.

As mentioned b4, I keep my tor-based use completely separate. I already must have IE and regular Mozilla as separate apps since many companies and web designers aren't smart enough or to cheap to write good cross-platform code :- (

So for me having TOR separate is fine and I can just plug it into my USB key and have it ready to go whenever I want. Also some people I have helped live in other near-by countries prefer the separate, USB solution as well for portability and increased security.

I had some problems getting the tor/privoxy plug-in to work on the regular mozilla. I am sure it works...I just have not spent the time to resolve it. For me, when I have regular Mozilla and enable TOR, the proxy often fails to connect. In addition, when the plug-in does seem to work, the local proxy (privoxy) still errors up and I get the ICT warning banner. It's a well known issue and one I am sure there is a fix to. I just have not made the time to work on this but will also report once I review.

FYI: re DD's comments, you do not use a separate machine, a VPN is like a private connection between your machine here and one in the US (or wherever). Think of it like a direct phone call from your computer to another computer then that remote computer will forward your call to wherever you want. It works however:

A) there is usually a recurring cost for this;
B) it too is slower due to overhead associated with a VPN;
C) There remains a clear audit trail from the VPN providers side as to who/what/when/where.

VPNs have their place and I use one all the time for work however a good rule of thumb is never assume they are totally secure...nothing is! However the fundamentals of TOR go a long long way for increasing your security and/or anonymity on the net.

Apologies for the long (non-TG) post....

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:21 pm on May 24, 2007
If anyone is interested and already use some sort of proxy or vpn, you can the latest TOR bundle from:

regular connections to this site are blocked. If you already have a previous version of TOR, privoxy or vidalia, I would suggest you uninstall completely, reboot and reload rather than trying to update.

EDIT IN: opps... may want to wait a bit b4 trying this. I just pulled it down and having some issues. will post a comment once it gets sorted out....

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 8:14 pm on May 24, 2007
OK, pulled down this file again. Vidalia is the bundled version of the Tor/privoxy solution that runs as part of your standard Mozilla browser. Once installed (properly) there is a little message on the lower right side of Moz that says TOR is on or off. Click to this toggle and test your connect.

As mentioned earlier, make certain you remove any/all remnants of previous installed versions. I also deleted the folders and ran RegMech to remove any loose ends buried in the system.

This time it installed and ran ok. I was able to open the Mozilla as usual and do my normal surfing. Turned on TOR and was able to connect to sites that are regularly blocked internally. It does appear to me that it slows down the standard Mozilla some.

SeaJohn...this will allow you to save your BMs as you have always done.

Personally, I will continue to run separate versions and not use my regular Mozilla even though it works. I have not resolved the issue of moving BMs from the TOR version of Moz to regular Moz yet but will continue to try.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:20 pm on May 25, 2007

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