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MainTech – When should you upgrade to Vista? All Topics

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Quote: from LocalYokul on 7:53 pm on Jan. 24, 2007

when will Mac OS run on PCs ?
It already does - Panthip is your friend.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:49 pm on Jan. 26, 2007

Quote: from breconion on 8:44 am on Jan. 27, 2007

We really are suckers we buy MS software and then be unofficial test drivers for MS.
*WE** ???

Unless you have unsurmountable reasons to stay in Windows, taking a long hard look at Mac may really be worth it for many, if you just want troublefree computing...

In terms of a good tool to help maintain clean PC, and to plug most holes on Windows, and even secure IE, take a look at installing:

It's free, and does a very comprehensive job.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 8:53 pm on Jan. 26, 2007
Here's your plan-b option if Vista turns out to be the malware magnet XP is
EasyBCD 1.52
"With EasyBCD, almost anything is possible. Setting up and configuring Windows boot entries is simple, and there is no easier way to quickly boot right into Linux, Mac OS X, or BSD straight from the Windows Vista bootloader - on the fly, no expert knowledge needed!"

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:05 pm on Jan. 26, 2007
Gents, I herewith present to you the smoking gun:
Microsoft Green with Apple Envy

Please, DO go ahead and read all the linked PDFs in this page. And what you'll then discover is that, back in June of '04, Microsoft's own Jim Allchin, leader of Vista development, was not only going ga-ga over what Apple was delivering but agonizing over his own teams inability to either measure up to OS X, or to deliver what M$ had long promised. How hilarious is that!?

I'd never heard of Jim Allchin before, but reading his Wikipedia bio is quite enlightening. Quote: "For a year, Bill Gates tried to recruit a reluctant Allchin to join Microsoft, finally persuading him in 1990 by telling him that whatever he created would reach a wider customer base through Microsoft than through anyone else."

It's a shame such a creative fellow as this has to report to the likes of Ballmer. Allchins' frustration must be immense by now, as his team aborted one grandiose feature after the other promised from Vista, only to end up with the DRM debacle that the upcoming Vista will become.

But hey! There is hope... Perhaps that 'wider customer base' will balk at the absurd resource demands of Vista and migrate to a Linux or OS X desktop once their present hardware, running XP, bites the bullet.

For surely, those that do migrate will discover just what Allchins' team did, almost two years ago, 'faster, more stable bits." Bits that deliver what they promised all along. Hello, Windoze, can you hear me now?!? No, I didn't think long now...

Heres the silver lining, for those that do migrate, each one will be one less potential spambot opp. for the bad guys, and be rewarded with a far better User Interface AND User Experience.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 1:13 pm on Jan. 27, 2007
Here's a draconian heads up for those bent on upgrading.

For you see, it's like this, "Microsoft has been adamant in recent years that Windows is licensed per device and not per person. One practical ramification of this viewpoint is that the company typically does not allow users to install one copy of Windows across multiple machines, even if only one machine is in use at a time."

And so, just to make it ab$olutly, po$itively $ure you ponyed up on your most recent machine, Vista "upgrade" drops compliance checking, requires old OS to install

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 12:47 am on Jan. 29, 2007
Some of you are gonna upgrade anyway, and most of you will hit that cement wall with anasty grinding sound - but no need to make it any harder than it needs to be:

Need Vista drivers? Here they are:

Oh, and if you haven't heard - you better not just save some money and buy the 'upgrade' versions of Vista, as those require the PRESENCE of a prior operating system - so if you ever need to reinstall, you're screwed by inconvenience bordering on irritability.


Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:54 am on Jan. 29, 2007
Anyone up for a 28 page review of Vista? The author is quite obviously biased, and his analysis reads like a doting altar boy, at least that was my take after reading his comment, "Vista’s greatest competitor is of course its predecessor, Windows XP."

But there's still a heck of a lot of insights to be had from his experience. [caution: enable pop-up blocking in your browser]
Windows Vista Review

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:31 am on Jan. 29, 2007

Quote: from Skip on 1:55 am on Jan. 30, 2007

"Vista’s greatest competitor is of course its predecessor, Windows XP."
Rob Enderle?

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:28 pm on Jan. 29, 2007
Now that Vista is actually shipping (there's actually people lining up outside CompUSA - incredible as that sounds), there's more and more articles out about.

Unlike back when XP shipped, and it actulaly got some decent reviews, the majority of reviewers appear to share a similar opinion:


Microsoft's new Windows Vista operating system boasts translucent images and "groovy" 3D effects, but is a "shameless Mac OS X imitator," according to one columnist. "After waiting five years -- as in half a decade -- for this thing, I think I should get something revolutionary, a PC operating system so astonishing it makes the competition look laughably primitive," wrote Pioneer Press columnist Julio Ojeda-Zapata. "Vista hardly rocked my world during weeks of testing. It's a fine Windows upgrade, but it's also a shameless rip-off (and not quite the equal) of another major operating system, [Apple Inc's] Mac OS X." Ojeda-Zapata asks why users wouldn't consider Mac OS X as an alternative to upgrading from Windows XP since Windows Vista won't work properly on most older hardware anyway.

What's more, Vista's only superior feature over Mac OS X aside from small tweaks to the user interface is Media Center, according to the columnist.

"Get a Mac with OS X unless your home-computer needs are Windows-specific, or if the fine Media Center is a must for you," he said. "You likely won't regret a Vista-PC purchase, but I'm betting you'll enjoy a Mac much more."

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 6:06 pm on Jan. 29, 2007
Shouldn't this be in the Z forum? I think not myself

No plan to upgrade as my computer does what I need it to do. When it doesn't play porn anymore I will upgrade

I run windows XP on one machine and on the other I run a custom version of windows server 2003 that has a server 2003 sp2 beta RC1 Kernal installed.

Do not ask me how someone created a version of windows like this I have no idea. It is stripped down so it will run on a Pentium 400 with 128 megs of memory.

It runs very solid and fast.

I then converted the server 2003 to windows XP.

Still wondering about this though?

from DrLove

Is BTF about:
a) Information about living, nightlife and issues related to Thailand
b) Saddam Hussein and the consequences of his execution
c) Mac vs Apple IT issues.

Don't these not-specific Thai issues belong in the Z?

I don't think they do IMHO. Wonder what he was talking about with Mac vs Apple is not a Mac also an Apple?

Never mind it is off topic anyhow. Point is don't upgrade to Vista unless you are really sure before you do so.

Of course my last thread about computers got closed in this section so maybe they do belond in the Z forum?

On the other hand this thread is more useful then the one I posted so maybe that is why.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:32 am on Jan. 30, 2007

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