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Buying Notebook,
Not only in Panthip, you could buy in Fortune Town, IT Mall, and also right now Tesco Lotus network. I do sugest buy HP/Compaq rather than Toshiba. I am quite dissapoint with Toshiba do. They cannot service if in case some component not available, have to wait import from China or some place. I ever bought R100 series from Toshiba Fortune Tower branch, but have to wait more than 4 months only to service damage electric adapter and hardisk. If you really want to buy quality better go for Fujitsu rather than Sony. Right now I am writting this email from my very old Fujitsu that more than 6 years old already. It is far worth more than my cheap but fragile Toshiba. It is the first and the last I buy Toshiba. My other friends in the office also have the same bad service experience with Toshiba, they even reject if it is buy outside Thailand.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:25 am on Nov. 14, 2006
Mel Gibson
I reply to the above CRAP, on my excellent Toshiba, 4 years old, never seen a single service and never a problem,, HIGH build quality and excellent machine.

The poor service from Thailand on your Toshiba product is hardly Toshibas fault, more likely useless after sales service from the Thai's.

5 Engineers at my work, 4 have Toshiba and 1 Sony


Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 2:32 am on Nov. 14, 2006
Hey mel, the guy is entitled to his opinion I think, based on the fact he paid his money.

No need to tell him his post is crap.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:29 am on Nov. 14, 2006
I've steered away from Toshiba in the past because of quality issues. They also had some fabulously bad software loads. My partner in crime in LOS bought a Toshiba a few years back, and he had incessant device driver issues, this was with a laptop loaded with Win XP straight out of the factory. Even with the auto-updates, it never worked well, and some of the comms devices never worked properly at all (he was doing dial-up with that machine at the time so it didn't bother him so much then). And it was very heavy. I'd bought am HP Pavilion notebook at the time and it was much lighter and the drivers all work (still have it 5 years later), powered by an AMD chip.

This year, the Toshiba finally crashed, maybe a virus, who knows what killed it. He was so disgusted that he thought maybe it was time to buy a new one anyway. I told him his best bet was to try to reload the OS or just dump it and upgrade. So he reloaded Windows XP from scratch and guess what? It now works fine. Apparently the idiots at the factory had loaded some sort of Windows update to Win98, rather than the real image. For those familiar with that old routine, the update version of Win98 that took you to Win XP does not function the same as native XP because it tends to drag along Win98 drivers and the resultant image is not the same. Who knows what the factory was thinking.

So he's still using the thing, as he figures it's old enough to not worry about losing on the road, but it is heavy. I've seen problems in the past with Compaq device drivers (used to do a bit of that kind of s/w in the past) and so have tended to stay with HP. They are not perfect, but at least they seem more stable. With Compaq now owned by HP, perhaps that issue has been resolved, depends if they are code sharing.

What do the bro's think about Acer laptops? They seem okay in the desktop department.

- Balls

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 10:18 am on Nov. 14, 2006
Mel Gibson
ballsburstin / fastmover, apologies,, previous reply should have read " In dissagreement with the above" NOT the above crap.
3 people can by the same car,, one is VERY happy, one satisfied but the third guy gets a lemon.

Mel has given himself a repremand: (

Cheers guys


Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 10:41 am on Nov. 14, 2006

Quote: from Mel Gibson on 1:05 am on Nov. 15, 2006
3 people can by the same car,, one is VERY happy, one satisfied but the third guy gets a lemon.
Yep, YMMV, same same with the girls.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:05 pm on Nov. 14, 2006
nyc boy
I noticed everyone is talking about which is the best brand not model or other specifics.

taking that to effect can change the way people perceive the brand. some users are just for internet/email and Office apps, another dabbles with occasional 3D game, and another a hardcore hacker, with endless possibilities inbetween.

for me, to decide on a laptop is to either go by price point or particular specs. like you want Core Duo or Core 2 Duo, or Intergrated Intel Graphics or dedicated Nvidia Geforce Go or ATI Xpress...

same goes for price point. you know if you purchase this particular Brand (XX) at 38,500 baht this other brand (XX) has these extra things but at 45,000 baht. it all depends on things. and the next step up is a big breaking point for most people. do you really need the newest machine with all the bells and whistles, or are you predominately using it for internet/email and office apps along with the odd Sims 2 of Pangya game playing? or you want to run Doom III or Dawn of War other 3D games at hi-res...

I recently helped a close friend on purchasing a new notebook with these parameters. but within budget. under 40K baht (inc VAT).... camera included, intergrated graphics (doesnt play games), wifi, XP installed, and Core Duo processor, dvd multi-drive, and decent weight (under 2.5kg). most places offer at least 80 gigs of HD and 512 Ram so these things can be looked the other way (unless the laptop HD speed is running under 4200 rpm)

went through a couple of places at Fortune Town, hit the main distributors first along with IT City to get the price point breakdown. conclusions from my friends perspective..

IBM/Lenovo - looks as it did 10 years ago.. unappealing we moved on.... although the R and X series are good performers

Toshiba - had some good performers one model had caught our eye but above price point by the VAT and no camera ( just a quick word, my office Toshiba Portege 200 is doing great, and has handled everything I could throw at it for the last 2 years - including decent 3D performance on a intergrated graphics card)

Sony - kind've like Apple to me at least, for show for most people, if you want design and the like, its ok, but most other manufacturers if you compare by spec beat it easily, also Sony is slow to produce new models wait like a whole year for product cycle, while other companies have a large number...

Benq - yeah they sponsored the world cup way back when... got some interesting models here and there, I wont bash them since I did purchase a model from them a few years back pre-world cup. from what I understand from the current owner (friend) its still running and doing fine....

Acer - lots of models in price point with camera and all others except for the XP license (most carry Linux) - not too much of a problem saying the real license costs 4200 baht and most came with dedicated graphics cards with the additional XP license to consider the price was above costs. also most Acer laptops need extra time after purchase to install all those pretty apps that you need for office and the like (yeah I know the copies are everywhere, but it does take time)

Asus - had a really nice model with similar graphics to the Acers... drawback the camera was 0.35 and I have friends in Asia that love this brand, this one was in contention.

Fujitsu - ( I love this brand, die-hard Japanese, the IBM of Japan, but mostly intergrated graphics and the higher price is subject to peoples wallets) -- had a promotion on a particular model that was lighter than most (1.7 kg) but after looking through the specs, noticed that it was a older chipset --- damn came with a printer and everything...

Samsung - couldnt find available models that were powered up and running, but I can attest that my Samsung R65 is really great, although I was in a bind at the time (inbetween machines) for a a new Core Duo setup and the specs on this one knocked out the nearest competitor - Acer... in fact I got the very first R65 that arrived in BKK...

HP/Compaq - I normally advise againist this brand, call it stuckup or whatever, comes from being a computer geek in the US. but the brand and build quality are still great.

they had everything that my friend was looking for in the Pavillion DV2000 series (I think it was this series) with 1.3 MP camera, wifi, dvd multi-drive, XP license, bundled with loads of wanted (office xp) and unwanted software (lots of demos and stuff), 2.4 Kg, Core Duo and intergrated graphics... final costs with VAT 38,500 baht....

he's pretty happy... and I was happy to check out the new models about.... like I said before, if the price point is set.. much easier to find what you need. still in hindsight, the Acer and Asus both had nice alternatives with dedicated graphics processors but you needed to add a XP license to and that would push the total cost by about 5-6000 baht more...

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:33 am on Nov. 15, 2006
Great rundown of the avaialable gear in BKK with prices. This really help. Goodonya!!

I like your thoughts about do you want the latest bells and whistles and do you need them. Me, I like them but need dragging away from spending money on stuff that I may not use or need.

I have a great Asus, 5 years old, light, does everything that I need, is about 10 secs slower that I'd like but I am dealing with that. I have heard few reports about Asus problems.

Here in singapore a few friends like the Samsung Q3 series. Really small and light, pretty, fast, good battery power, carry anywhere, top specs. Not a gamers laptop because of the size but worth looking at. Again, few bad reports.

A reply to the Acers goes with the Mel's lemon theory. Although there seems to be more lemons with the Acers. They are attractive because of their low price. Some people seem to swear by them because their laptop is going well, others hate it because they got one the lemons. Worth a gamble or not?

I'm gonna wait a little while to see what comes with the new santa rosa platform out in mid 2007. Vista? Seems too big and powerful for my cute, little Asus. I hear the next windows will be a smaller, less consuming type.

Nice to read the tech thoughts bros, it's not all about the pussy right. That's only 95% of it!!

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:10 pm on Nov. 15, 2006

This page from the website shows prices of brand new laptops from the Pantip market priced under 30,000bht

Just toggle the options at the top of the page for other prices for e.g 30,000-40,000bht, brand, processor etc.........................

The home page has other products to look for in the market, like electronics, phones etc........................

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 11:45 pm on Nov. 26, 2006

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:02 am on Dec. 12, 2006

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