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I'm with CG on this one. Anything you can do will be appreciated.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:50 am on May 10, 2008

Quote: from DaffyDuck on 7:50 am on May 10, 2008
Actually, nuking the Tech section from the last 25 may work -- technically speaking, what Tech information relating to ass f***ing, banging russian chicks, or breaking up 4am bar fights could possibly be found in the Tech section?

I came up with something in the iphone thread

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 9:15 pm on May 10, 2008
China Sailor

For those of you who are still interested in being able to use a Vista OS to watch those porn clips on YouTube there is a solution to speed up your OS.

ReadyBoost is a Vista component that puts a memory cache between your RAM and the page file. To use it you attach a USB 2.0 Flash Drive and enable ReadyBoost.

The amount of cache is dependent on the memory available on the drive. As the memory is Flash it is addressed dynamically and has the effect of adding additional RAM to your system.

So here you go, a way to improve your Vista speed and a reference to pussy in the same post...

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:38 am on May 12, 2008

A short movie appropriate for the "living with vista" support group supported by this thread...

Hope that helps...

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 7:32 pm on May 12, 2008

Quote: from DaffyDuck on 1:59 am on May 10, 2008
Sure, XP, before SP3, is probably the safest way to go - or, of course, for those guys claiming to be computer savvy, Linux would be a better choice and checking if the apps they need to run will either run under WINE or under VMWare.....

There is also CrossOver (based on WINE) from CodeWeavers that will run many of the major windoze based applications on your Linux desktop as well, if not better, than they run in XP or vista. VMWare Server also does a nice job.

Just FYI.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 8:58 am on May 16, 2008
latest gem from the Micro$oft headman (or is it madman?), he's flogging Vista with a brilliant sales offer: Buy Vista & Downgrade to XP. Read on the lurid details in the linked website

a few bullet point comments:

* Steve Ballmer has a unique sales pitch for the company's Windows Vista operating system -- if you don't like it, you can turn it into Windows XP
Talk about a lack of confidence in your own product
All companies want their customers to upgrade to their latest product - never come across one that incentive them to downgrade.

* ...any customer who wants to purchase XP after June 30 can just as easily buy Vista and trigger its built-in downgrade option
a lot people will switch back to XP on the Vista machines only to find that these machines contain components with Vista Only drivers.

* "Customers get both," Ballmer said. "I don't know how you can do better than getting both."
by getting none!

* Ballmer, 52, expects to retire within the next 9 or 10 years
The real question is, can Micro$oft survive all these years with him at the helm?

* Ballmer was egged in Hungary last month
is this a taste of things to come?

Steve Ballmer is increasingly becoming a figure of fun, a laughing stock. Is he now the Mel Gibson of the IT world?

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:55 pm on June 4, 2008

Quote: from Sarge on 1:21 pm on June 5, 2008

*...any customer who wants to purchase XP after June 30 can just as easily buy Vista and trigger its built-in downgrade option
You realize why they are doing this? Every XP sale will thus be counted as a Vista sale, so Ballmer can claim tremendous success of Vista.

Bait and Switch - the tool of choice of a used car salesman!

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:02 am on June 5, 2008
it's so evident that there is not need to point it out.

M$ now looks like the Titanic merrily heading towards the iceberg called Vista. That shittiest piece of OS ever written, coupled with M$ 2nd hand car salesman mentality (hey, I coined that phrase 18 months ago) will bring them down and lots of people will cheer on. Ballmer is behaving like the captain, shifting deck chairs while the ship is slowly sinking.

That will be his enduring legacy at the helm of Micro$oft.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:24 am on June 5, 2008
Vista is not necessarily the problem, it is merely a manifestation of the problem - which is Ballmer.

If Ray Ozzie were in charge, who is the handpicked successor of Bill Gates, things would be different, and I would actually be concerned - but that won't happen, as long as Ballmer knows what's best, and as long as the board keeps rubberstamping his decisions.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 9:38 am on June 5, 2008
China Sailor
There was an interesting article in the Wall Street Journal that might explain some of the issues that have been plaguing Microsoft in the last few years.

It appears that after Gates stepped down as president a war began between Gates and Ballmer over who would really control the company. This dispute included screaming arguments at board meetings, divergent policy directives, and a basic melt-down of management.

The company split into two camps and after a year-long fight Gates backed down a little and finally gave day-to-day control to Ballmer.

Well come June 30th Gates will formally retire and will take an emeritus position on the MS board of directors. Complete control will pass to Ballmer.

This begs the question.... who is really pushing Vista and who is the more sensible of the two. It now appears to me that Gates was the driver behind Vista and now that he is stepping down Ballmer is making the smart business decision to in effect 'abandon' Vista and revert back to XP for the time being...

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:44 am on June 5, 2008

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