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Quote: from Skip on 11:07 am on Sep. 15, 2007
Uh- huh. Do the math on what Leno's invested in cars and motorcycles and I'm sure many would call him the idiot.

Uh, Skip, the operative word here is "invested".

An iPhone is hardly classified as an investment.

On the other hand, an Orange County Chopper built exclusively for the host of The Tonight Show, might turn a tidy profit at auction.

Just an observation from somebody that only needs a telephone to talk on.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:37 am on Sep. 15, 2007
iPhone announced for the UK market on November 9th

Basically the same model as in the US? I thought the price dump was to reduce inventory in prep for moving into other markets with more up-market phones?

£269 pounds you say, but it costs less than £200 in the US? Ah, yes but we’ll throw in firmware 1.1.1 says Apple – now shut the fark up and buy the damn phone.

(Part of the price difference is probably due at least in part to the difference in the tax systems – VAT in the UK, not in the US.)

Wonder how long it will take Apple to dump the price from £269 to down under £200? Maybe when the inventories start to stack up?

Germany and France right around the corner.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 9:43 am on Sep. 18, 2007
Speaking of France and Germany:

I guess the leaked German add (on a French web-site no less) is either incorrect or Apply will have some splanin’ to do in November. Release an EDGE phone in the UK (Nov 9) and three days later (Nov 12) release a 3G (16GB) phone in Germany? Of course at nearly $700 USD it would be quite a bit more expensive than the UK EDGE/8GB version.

Could be the 3G option has fallen a bit behind schedule and therefore Apple is doing a bit of a softer roll-out across Europe? Jobs did say the current 3G chip sets are too much of a power hog – not sure if they plan to overcome this issue with a better 3G chip or a big/better battery.

Maybe they’ll work out the bugs and sometime between now and Nov iphone UK may get an change in status before the launch? Or maybe the frog web page is all wet? The add does call it an Apple ipd 16GB after all.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:43 am on Sep. 18, 2007
Does anyone know how good the HTC touchphone is?
Any experience?
Can I follow the stockmarket on that screen?

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 10:58 am on Sep. 18, 2007

Quote: from IBFarang on 11:37 pm on Sep. 18, 2007

Basically the same model as in the US? I thought the price dump was to reduce inventory in prep for moving into other markets with more up-market phones?
Why do I bother? I explained that I believed it was an issue of emptying inventories of a device that cost them more to manufacture, and replace with stock of a device that costs them significantly less to manufacture (economies of scale, due to good sales and the iPod Touch sharing many of the same components).

Quote: from IBFarang on 11:37 pm on Sep. 18, 2007

£269 pounds you say, but it costs less than £200 in the US? Ah, yes but we’ll throw in firmware 1.1.1 says Apple – now shut the fark up and buy the damn phone.
$399 = £200 -- now, let's add 17.5% VAT to that £200, which amounts to around £35, leaving us with £235. Adjust for currency fluctuations, and you end up with roughly £270 as a fair price that includes VAT and various add-on taxes and fees.

Those $399 in the US, by the way, also end up costing around $431.50 in Los Angeles, from taxes (which are not included in retail price figures).

So, me thinks thou protesteth too much.

Quote: from IBFarang on 12:37 am on Sep. 19, 2007

Could be the 3G option has fallen a bit behind schedule and therefore Apple is doing a bit of a softer roll-out across Europe? Jobs did say the current 3G chip sets are too much of a power hog – not sure if they plan to overcome this issue with a better 3G chip or a big/better battery.
The 3G product was never on the table for this year, despite the most fervent fanbois' wishes... the chips were simply too power hungry, and no one wants a 2 hour battery life. Aside from the reality that existing 3G networks are relatively poorly established, and do not provide as much performance as some would have you believe.

O2 and Apple have solved that problem rather elegantly by providing a tie-in with a wifi provider in the UK, giving free access to 7,000 wifi hotspots to iPhone users (now, I'm wondering if non UK iPhne users will have that sort of access as well?)

Overall, pretty much what was expected, only spotlighting new firmware (also with not too many new features), but this is very likely what the other Euro countries can expect (no 3G before next year, despite what the fake T-Mobile advert claims), but we can expect new firmware features and updates (that also break hacks, I'm sure)

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:09 pm on Sep. 18, 2007

Quote: from DaffyDuck on 6:03 am on Sep. 19, 2007
Why do I bother?

I don’t know why you bother either – especially when most of the rest of the world seems to agree the price dump was for sales/ market share; hardly a peep about inventory issues.

Might also have a bit to do with the pricing of the itouch-my-self as well. Kind of hard to have the 8GB touchy-feely priced at $299 and to keep the 8BG iphone up at the $599 price level. The availably of the 16GB ipod touch does make one wonder why they don’t also have a 16GB iphone available (like for the November release in the UK).

Note: Why is it that every time I type GB I want to type BG?

Quote: from DaffyDuck on 6:03 am on Sep. 19, 2007
...leaving us with £235. Adjust for currency fluctuations, and you end up with roughly £270 as a fair price..

Throw in £35 for currency fluxuations? I know you say you don’t drink so you must be smokn’ somethin’ or maybe you got a batch of the magic muffins spinin’ at Glow this week?

Yea a fair price for Apple - what about the UK consumer?

Quote: from DaffyDuck on 6:03 am on Sep. 19, 2007
The 3G product was never on the table for this year, despite the most fervent fanbois' wishes...

So the high end models and the mention of 3G in your earlier post did not mean you expected Apple to release a 3G model in Europe before the end of the year?

Quote: from DaffyDuck on 10:33 am on Sep. 11, 2007
...model is being released in Europe (around November/December), with an intial release of the 8gb model as we know it (just with European localization) and higher end model with additional RAM, and maybe some extra features, or improvements - selling in Europe in the $499/$599 range. The high-end model stands a decent chance of having 3G features......the models introduced in Europe can get introduced in the US,… ….at the new price points, after January

Since the introduced the low end model in your $499/$599 price range, what's your guess now on the price level of the high-end model?

Does this mean Apple has crushed your most fervent fanboy wish?

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:17 pm on Sep. 18, 2007

Quote: from DaffyDuck on 6:03 am on Sep. 19, 2007
O2 and Apple have solved that problem rather elegantly by providing a tie-in with a wifi provider in the UK, giving free access to 7,000 wifi hotspots to iPhone users (now, I'm wondering if non UK iPhne users will have that sort of access as well?)

Elegantly? - Pass the muffins please.

I guess limited service locations could be called elegant?

While from what I hear “The Cloud” has relatively good wifi coverage (in some major cities). One might be OK if they are a Londoner, but I doubt most outside the city will be very impressed with this “elegant” solution.

As for “free” wifi coverage available to other non-iphone users I’ll have to leave that up to the folks from the UK. I think BT and T-mobile have wifi networks, and vonage allowed for free wifi access in the UK starting last year. But I don’t know much about the details of any of the plans. Without knowing the details of what is available to non-iphone users it is hard to compare what Apple is calling “free” coverage to what others have access to - but I doubt Cloud built the network just waiting for Apple.

I would venture to guess that one could probably find a better deal than shelling out £900 (£35*18months + £269 upfront for the phone) for the iphone and the “free” wifi coverage somewhere else. Someone on an existing phone plan (where they probably got the 3G phone for free) might be able to shell out for an ipod touch, use their existing phone, and still pay a bit extra for wifi coverage and end up coming out ahead (by spending less than £900, and geting both wifi and 3G).

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:08 pm on Sep. 18, 2007

Quote: from IBFarang on 7:11 am on Sep. 19, 2007

Throw in £35 for currency fluxuations? I know you say you don’t drink so you must be smokn’ somethin’ or maybe you got a batch of the magic muffins spinin’ at Glow this week?

Yea a fair price for Apple - what about the UK consumer?
You know, it's odd, but considering that most, if not all imported goods in the US are more expensive than in the US, or elsewhere in Europe, yet Apple gets picked on.

I would suggest you take that particular issue up with UK economists, and those in charge of VAT and taxation for the UK.

Quote: from IBFarang on 7:11 am on Sep. 19, 2007

Does this mean Apple has crushed your most fervent fanboy wish?
Not really. Consider - if Apple had released a 3G model, what exactly would I be doing with it? (assuming battery life would be reasonable).

The 3G network in the US is pretty sad, though when active, is pretty nice (though EVDO is really the only alternative that works well, and that's not an option for the iPhone). We've had this discussion previously - 3G simply isn't quite there yet, to warrant the compromises and additional cost. It *will* be a crucial component for an Asian market (as will other components), but there's a reason that wasn't scheduled until well into 2008.

Again, what would I be doing with a 3G iPhone in the US, or in Thailand, or in Europe, even? (yes, there are some countries with better 3G coverage, but that's not an issue here).

Quote: from IBFarang on 7:11 am on Sep. 19, 2007

Note: Why is it that every time I type GB I want to type BG?

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:31 pm on Sep. 18, 2007

Quote: from IBFarang on 8:02 am on Sep. 19, 2007

I would venture to guess that one could probably find a better deal than shelling out £900 (£35*18months + £269 upfront for the phone) for the iphone and the “free” wifi coverage somewhere else. Someone on an existing phone plan (where they probably got the 3G phone for free) might be able to shell out for an ipod touch, use their existing phone, and still pay a bit extra for wifi coverage and end up coming out ahead (by spending less than £900, and geting both wifi and 3G).
Well, first of all, there are hardly any such flat-rate plans, especially including data, in the UK, so most likely your brilliant plan would come to screeching halt after 30-60 days, as you receive your first bill for £900 in data usage, or something.

So, let me see, you are proposing:
- use an existing 3G phone
- sign up for a plan for it, or use pay-as-you-go (which costs even more)
- sign up for wifi coverage, and pay extra
- buy an iPod Touch, and hunt down ONLY wifi coverage (as once outside wifi range, you're SOL with an iPod Touch, while an iPhone will just switch to an alternate coverage)
- Get some rubber tape to stick it all together.
- walk around boasting a superior solution.

Do I about have this right?

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 11:38 pm on Sep. 18, 2007

Quote: from DaffyDuck on 1:32 pm on Sep. 19, 2007

First off in the UK, Orange, Vodafone, T-mobile, and Hutch (3) all have flat rate data plan options, and O2 will be offering it on their plans starting in October. Additionally the other phones would not be as limited in where and how fast they download because they would not be restricted to the EDGE (only covers about 30% of the UK) or wifi locations.

What I am saying that Europe is light years ahead of the US in the flexibility of the cell service and usage of cell phones and that those really interested in all the gadgetry are probably already own a 3G phone (in many cases they probably got the phone for free when signing up for a service plan - with a flat rate data included). Furthermore I am suggesting that due to the competitive nature of the cell phone (3G) business and the multiple options that are available said individual probably already has far superior access than they would get with 02/Apple combo (and there limited options). So with those sunken costs (already locked into a plan so even if they want to exit they would incur extra costs), instead of shelling out another £900 to get the iphone and the expansive wifi network, they could save a chunk if they simply stuck with their existing phone/plan (sunken costs), and if they are really interested in the Apple "extras" they could buy an itouch, and if not already included in there existing plan shell out a few extra quid for extra wifi coverage, and even then they would likely have a few extra pounds in their pocket.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:16 am on Sep. 19, 2007

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