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China Sailor

Quote: from DaffyDuck on 1:06 pm on Sep. 20, 2007

As for China Sailor's bad memory:

> To sign up with O2 one is required to sign a 2 year contract that
> will cost a minimum of £820 over the life of the contract.

The contract is limited to 18 months, not two years.


I copied that directly from the Daily Telegraph. If you have an issue with it, start earning your salary and take it up with them.

You do work for Apple on the side, don't you?

Quote: from DaffyDuck on 4:42 pm on Sep. 20, 2007
How much experience does CS have with 3G service? If the iPhone, right now, did have 3G - what would you do with it?

Talk of bad memory.

Never said I had 3G, never bothered with it.
If I want a picture I use my digital SLR,
if I want to ship pictures or use email I use my laptop,
if I want to listen to music I use my quad-fi system,
and if I want to make a phone call or send a simple SMS I use either my mobile or SKYPE.

Unlike you Duck, I have a life so I do not have to be online and in-contact 24/7.

All of this MMS, tune download, friends chat, email on phone, etc is a way to get you to increase your bandwidth and line the pockets of your service provider...

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:17 am on Sep. 20, 2007

Quote: from DaffyDuck on 3:42 pm on Sep. 20, 2007
So, it all comes back to the same question I asked several times, and which continues to remain unanswered - how much experience do you have with 3G service?
Well your dictionary must have a different definition of the term “several” than mine. Because this is the first time you have asked me directly about how much experience I have with 3G.

Quote: from DaffyDuck on 3:42 pm on Sep. 20, 2007
If the iPhone, right now, did have 3G - what would you do with it?

Nothing – because I would not buy an iphone, too expensive. All I need my cell phone to do is send and receive calls (and SMS).

If I could get my hands on some that had 3G I would sell them to some folks I know in the UK - they would be pleased to have them.

Quote: from DaffyDuck on 3:42 pm on Sep. 20, 2007
..but I would be interested in your experiences...

My experiences – zero. I don’t need 3G, or EDGE for that matter.

But I know several of the folks that work for the same company that I do out of our office in the UK who do use 3G phones to their benefit in the following ways: Video calling, video conferencing, internet/e-mail on the phone, use the phone to connect their laptop to the internet while on the road, skype calls thru their phone, multimedia messaging, and on the lighter side of things: mobile TV, music videos, Premier League highlight, 3G games, and one chap was telling me how he gets “virtual” concert tickets thru some kind of service – kind of like an e-ticket for concerts.

Note: I am not certian how much of the above actually require 3G technology, but I know the phones they are using are 3G phones.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 3:07 am on Sep. 20, 2007

Quote: from IBFarang on 5:01 pm on Sep. 20, 2007

Well your dictionary must have a different definition of the term “several” than mine. Because this is the first time you have asked me directly about how much experience I have with 3G.
I didn't ask *you* that question several times (notice how there was no 'you' in my statement), but am referring to how the issue of 'lack of 3G' was brought up several times previously by others as a counter-point, and this question was always left unanswered.

Quote: from IBFarang on 5:01 pm on Sep. 20, 2007
Note: I am not certian how much of the above actually require 3G technology, but I know the phones they are using are 3G phones.
Thanks for beautifully illustrating my point.

My Nokia N73 also is a 3G phone, yet I never used that vaunted feature, but I did originally pick it for multiple other features - none of which had anything to do with 3G.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:48 am on Sep. 20, 2007

Quote: from DaffyDuck on 9:42 pm on Sep. 20, 2007
(notice how there was no 'you' in my statement)

Maybe the long sentence you used confused you?

So, it all comes back to the same question I asked several times, and which continues to remain unanswered - how much experience do YOU have with 3G service?

I seem to have found the *you* in your statement.

Quote: from DaffyDuck on 9:42 pm on Sep. 20, 2007
Thanks for beautifully illustrating my point.

My Nokia N73 also is a 3G phone, yet I never used that vaunted feature, but I did originally pick it for multiple other features - none of which had anything to do with 3G.

Are you trying to saying none of these services require or are improved thru the 3G network?

Video calling, video conferencing, internet/e-mail on the phone, use the phone to connect their laptop to the internet while on the road, skype calls thru their phone, multimedia messaging, and on the lighter side of things: mobile TV, music videos, Premier League highlight, 3G games, and one chap was telling me how he gets “virtual” concert tickets thru some kind of service – kind of like an e-ticket for concerts.

I am certain that the internet/e-mail via their phones and accessing the internet on their PC’s thru their phones are greatly improved by the speeds available with 3G. Our sales guys can sit and update some of our companies custom applications on their PC’s in the parking lots prior to visiting customers always making sure they have the latest info available. They don’t have to worry about the 30% coverage of EDGE or searching for a wi/fi hot spot.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 8:54 am on Sep. 20, 2007

Quote: from IBFarang on 10:48 pm on Sep. 20, 2007

Our sales guys can sit and update some of our companies custom applications on their PC’s in the parking lots prior to visiting customers always making sure they have the latest info available. They don’t have to worry about the 30% coverage of EDGE or searching for a wi/fi hot spot.
I'm not going to argue that having 3G capabilities available on a laptop PC won't have advantages - of course it will -- this debate centers around the same on a phone (any phone, doesn't even have to be an iPhone).

Of course, video conferencing will benefit from it, but even such uses as Skype do not stand as significant an improvement as the price you would pay for it. Like I said, if the iPhone had 3G, we'd be arguing over battery life, you pointing out that 2-3 hour is not acceptable for a phone's battery life, and CS clamoring how his car gets 28 miles per Gallon and how he thusly prefers his Nokia phone.

Either way, there are applications where 3G provides benefits, but that is mostly if you use it on a laptop. A phone, unless you really get into media heavy applications, only offers a limited platform to benefit from 3G.

Personally, my 3G router setup works really well to provide me near broadband speeds on my MacBook when I'm on-the-go, anywhere near my car - but that same setup (accessible via WiFi) on the iPhone does not provide as much of a speed boost as the various 3G pundits would have you believe.

I mean, most of the people arguing vehemently over the lack of 3G, have absolutely no experience with it, or claim they don't need it (CS: "Never said I had 3G, never bothered with it. "). That's the same demographic that also won't be using or buying an iPhone. So, someone explain to me again why it is imperative for Apple to support 3G in their first entry in the handset market?

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 1:17 pm on Sep. 20, 2007

Quote: from China Sailor on 4:11 pm on Sep. 20, 2007

I copied that directly from the Daily Telegraph. If you have an issue with it, start earning your salary and take it up with them.
It wasn't clear what part you quoted, and what was your opinion, due to the way that it was written. Oh well...

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:37 pm on Sep. 20, 2007
No real details but it looks like Orange has locked up the iphone for the frogs – release some time in November.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:46 pm on Sep. 20, 2007

Quote: from DaffyDuck on 3:11 am on Sep. 21, 2007
So, someone explain to me again why it is imperative for Apple to support 3G in their first entry in the handset market?

It’s not imperative – I would say the only thing that is imperative is that the phone make and receive calls, and I think it does that. But generally speaking if one wants to be the leader of the pack and not just part of the pack you have to do everything the other do, and do it better.

It is also not imperative to have a decent camera or even a flash, or the ability to send the photos you take to friends and family with your phone. And it is not imperative to have at least some limited video ability, but many gadget heads get wet just thinking about these kinds of bells and whistles that category leaders should have.

I think the iphone is a decent product, and a very respectable first go, even for Apple (and by that I mean that due to Apple’s history, and the hype, the bar was pretty high – as oppose to say Google and the rumors about a future Google phone; Google has no history for consumer products and therefore the general public won’t expect the same results should they actually end up getting into the phone business). I am sure the iphone is probably the best phone available for some, but I don’t consider it the standout leader by any means.

Apple is just getting it’s feet wet in the mobile market. Just look at the price dump, one has to consider this is the phone market and not the general computer/consumer goods market – the rules are a bit different and comparisons about Apple cutting prices on the ipod and other devices are not really good comparisons. Especially when one considers how Apple is playing the phone market game – they have a revenue stream from all the 18-24 month contracts, money off ring tones, more iphones means more folks accessing itunes (more revenue), so Apple can probably justify dropping the price even lower (probably even below their cost of production) to capture more and more market share and lock up more cash flow. Rumors abound right now that Apple has significantly increased orders for the forth quarter (possible doubled them) and that the sales target for the year might have moved considerably – much of this hinges on how well the iphone goes over in Europe.

I am not really a champion of 3G but in many parts of the world at present it is the best thing going for data transfer in regard to speed, volume, and coverage.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:12 pm on Sep. 20, 2007

Quote: from IBFarang on 9:06 am on Sep. 21, 2007

But generally speaking if one wants to be the leader of the pack and not just part of the pack you have to do everything the other do, and do it better.
I would tend to disagree with that statements -- as what you proclaim, is what everyone else tries to do to be 'better', with the net result of everyone more or less sucking.

Apple's approach is slightly different, and in my opinion, better. They start out with something that does a few, albeit essential things, very, very well - then, they build on that through successive iterations, and they do it slowly, more often than not. All I can keep repeating is to look how the iPod developed into what it is now. Apple did not try "to do everything the other do, and do it better" - they built a device that did one thing really well, and obviously the approach has worked.

Building on this prior approach of the iPod, they are now applying the same method to the phone market - and while everyone else feels they have to outperform each quarter, Apple has already established that their strategy has a payoff several years in the future -- which is a prognostic most people are unable to comprehend.

Likewise, the iPhone is built on the experience of several prior products and technologies, to integrate into one well-designed phone to organize your communication needs (and, frankly, I was surprised they started out by integrating as many as three different features - web, email and phone) - and they are starting out with a bare model, and will add more as they are able to do so.

As I would agree with you, for a first entry into a crowded and competitive market, the iPhone is a very respectable product - and one that will evolve over the next year or two.

Quote: from IBFarang on 9:06 am on Sep. 21, 2007
but many gadget heads get wet just thinking about these kinds of bells and whistles that category leaders should have.
Gadget heads workm well as first adopters, but there are not enough out there to pport Apple's market needs, which is an initial 10 million in the first 18 months - so Apple's target are regular consumers that want a smart phone, and want it to work, IMO.

Quote: from IBFarang on 9:06 am on Sep. 21, 2007
I am not really a champion of 3G but in many parts of the world at present it is the best thing going for data transfer in regard to speed, volume, and coverage.
Agreed, but that's not a part of the world that Apple is selling the iPhone into right now.

Also, agreed that Apple has set up ancilliary revenue streams with the iPhone - Apple used to make their money by selling the boxes, but with the exclusive distributorships, they are now also receiving additional funds from the long-term contracts of the various carriers - this will contribute to their bottom line, though I doubt Apple will ever sell a product at a loss. I think Apple hs managed to figure out a way to turn the rules around, by having the carriers pay them for carrying their product, versus having manufacturers get exploited by the carriers.

Thus, while each carriers is admant to claim the phone is not subsidized, paying money to Apple, which then drops the prices certainly is the equivalent of subsidizing it - except on Apple's terms

Of course Apple is increasing theri production of iPhones, but bear in mind this comes on the heels of the earlier announcement of how they have reduced their production of iPhones by half (which the media used a 'proof' how badly the iPhone was doing in sales).

Now, if you will recall an earlier conversation, where I referenced this reduction in production, stating that Apple most likely is winding down the production of one version of the iPhone (the first batch, so to speak), and will eventually increase production of a different production run of the iPhone (which I called the 'European iPhone'). The difference here is that Apple has wound down a production run of an iPhone that is more expensive to manufacture, and is ramping up a production of an iPhone that is less expensive to manufacture (due to economies of scale) - thus increasing their subsequent profits per unit, while keeping the unit the same. Also bear in mind that the new units no longer include dock and USB charger, thus further reducing Apple's costs, and are running off a different factory. So, this has all come to bear, so far.

Again, most analysts in the industry simply can't seem able to put 2 + 2 together to figure this out, but I would not be surprised if the original tear down estimate of Apple's cost of the iPhone would show a far greater profit margin if done 30 days from now...

Apple's doing just fine with their present strategy, and as much as people are decrying Apple having made a deal with exclusive carriers, it is in all consumer's (and AAPL shareholders/) best interest that they do what they do.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 8:16 pm on Sep. 20, 2007
Yes there are four things that I use my phone for:

1. Make and receive phone calls

2. Send and Receive SMS

3. Take pictures (Night & Day)

4. Flashlight

No. 3 is poorly implemented on the iPhone. No. 4 is non-existant. The iPhone has superior photo handling software built-in, but their photo hardware sucks and with no flash forget about most night shots.

If I were to use it as a music player, I would tend to wear the batteries down and possibly not have batteries when I needed to make a phone call.

The above is the main deterent in public surveys why people do not want to use a phone for a music player.

I currently have a SONY phone that has a nice MP3 player built-in. I never use it. My Ipod works fine and has a longer SEPERATE battery life.

Even though I have MMS on the phone I rarely send pics as most of my friends are too cheap to have MMS or they downgraded their phones to cheap models because they were losing them too much. Many TG's who have expensive phones simply show them off for a month then trade them in for a lower cost model when rent is due.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:31 pm on Sep. 20, 2007

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