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Quote: from DaffyDuck on 3:54 am on Feb. 7, 2008

Quote: from S M E G M A on 3:04 am on Feb. 7, 2008

The one I am liking is the Samsung f700.
And you can find it for just over US$ 300.

That's a nice phone.

What's the user interface like?

Haven´t tried it yet. But from what one can read... it seems ok. Due to earlier release in Asia it may take a lead over the iphone in the region.,39051200,40137400p,00.htm

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:13 pm on Feb. 6, 2008
So stick to the topic os cell phones in Thailand then, the "Don'y use a cell phone while driving a car law is supposed to in effect starting Feb. 1st. Has anyone seen or been pulled over by the BIB? I am expecting that the BIB do not give a shit, but it is a potential revenue generator. I have been resisting to buy the Bluetooth earpiece as you may as well write "NERD" in red lipstick on your forehead with the earpiece hanging out your ear. Well I guess I will check out B&O's earpiece probably more expensive than my phone!

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 11:29 pm on Feb. 6, 2008

Quote: from ThaidUp on 2:44 pm on Feb. 7, 2008

have been resisting to buy the Bluetooth earpiece as you may as well write "NERD" in red lipstick on your forehead with the earpiece hanging out your ear. Well I guess I will check out B&O's earpiece probably more expensive than my phone!
Get an earpiece to ONLY use in the car - that's not rocket science. Furthermore, check out the various Samsung micro earpieces, which are decent.

If you care about an excellent earpiece with noise cancellation that actually works, look at the Jawbone - roughly $70 if you shop around. It's larger, but it's simply the best earpiece I ever used so far (though you have to find the right ear-mold to fit your ear).

Whatever you do, stay away from the Apple Bluetooth Headset. It sucks, in a big way -- it has nearly zero range (albeit the rest of the engineering is amazingly well executed, just where it counts, it sucks.)

Quote: from S M E G M A on 1:28 pm on Feb. 7, 2008

Due to earlier release in Asia it may take a lead over the iphone in the region.
Dude, everything allegedly has 'a lead' over the iPhone in the asian region, There's plenty of decent, or acceptable phones out -- that doesn't make a difference, in the end. If I had a share of AAPL for every 'iphone killer' claim out there, I'd own the company.

To me, the only country that I am genuine curious about will be Korea (South, of course), as it is the only country where the iPod does not have market dominance. I wonder if iPhone availability, along with iPod Touch, can turn that around?

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:09 am on Feb. 7, 2008
From what my secretary told me, the iPhone is locked out of the Korean market for at least the next two years. The iTouch, however, does seem to be holding its own in the PMP market.

There seems to be some very sophisticated 3G phones here but they're specific to the technologies developed within the Korean IT sector.

But none of that is the real story in South Korea. No sirree, the real story is the overall lack of market penetration and the concurrent lack of retail venues selling Apple products here. Make the rounds of Apple stores in Seoul and you'll think Bangkok is downright Apple saturated.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 4:58 am on Feb. 7, 2008

Quote: from Skip on 8:13 pm on Feb. 7, 2008

From what my secretary told me, the iPhone is locked out of the Korean market for at least the next two years.
Interesting. So, how many iPhones have you seen in Korea, so far?

It seems that the main Korean telecom is talking to Apple about the iPhone, though, so who knows.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:53 am on Feb. 7, 2008
I haven't spotted one iPhone here. But I have been more than a little cloistered at my new position and haven't gotten out and about except on the weekends since arriving here in August.

I wonder if our other man in the city- brother Cocoroso - has seen any?

The only Apple reseller with any presence here is a# and they run a mere four retail outlets. Brings a tear to this fanboy's eye when I factor in the multitude of people found here amidst the greater Seoul metropolis.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:46 pm on Feb. 7, 2008
Yeah they should hire me as a strategic planner for their MP3 OS operation. Apple basically hasn’t changed anything about their MP3 OS since the first iPod except for coverflow. My letter to Steve….

" Hello Steve,

Do you actually use any of your iPod products or do the white ear buds clash too much with your black turtlenecks? [always good to start off a suggestion letter with a positive statement]

Anyhow I guess your iPod programming staff are ardent users as they seemed to have no time to add any new features since inception. They must be busy making new play lists and downloading porn.

I have polled a few users and here is a wish list.

1. How about a cue list for selecting songs while the iPod is playing and away from the computer {This is a mobile device right?] Don't respond with using the ONtheGo play list way too complicated especially when you are drunk. If you need any ideas on how to implement this, see your competitor's product.

2. Once you figure out how to do item #1, add the ability to clear the queue to protect us from the party lame ass's that think disco never died and fills the queue with Bee Gee songs.

3. How about the ability to delete songs on the iPods then have the sync functions delete the songs back on the computer. Do you think we mobile people sit at desks all day trying to maintain our iTunes database's? There porn backing up, do you think it will just download itself?

4. How about the ability to edit MP3 tags on the iPod then updates the songs upon syncing to the computer. This gives us something useful to do in airports instead of playing Solitaire like most Window's users.

5. How about some cool Hi-Fidelity Bluetooth wireless ear phones. I know you view the white ear buds as a 60’s protest against the Microsoft establishment, but the world is going wireless you know.

When you get the above implemented, let me know and I will offer suggestions on iToons software.

With Kind Regards,


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:50 pm on Feb. 7, 2008

Quote: from ThaidUp on 12:05 pm on Feb. 8, 2008

2. Once you figure out how to do item #1, add the ability to clear the queue to protect us from the party lame ass's that think disco never died and fills the queue with Bee Gee songs.

"If you scroll to the bottom of the list of songs in the on-the-go playlist, the last entry is something that looks like this: "Clear Playlist >". Just click the center button and confirm in the next panel and your playlist is cleared."

Bummer that 1 & 2 are well available on iPods -- I guess it just proves that iPods, in addition to music players, are also natural IQ tests...

As for 5 - I bet you'd be one of the first to bitch about a) limited battery life of your bluetooth headphones, and b) the ease with which you lose them, and they fall out of your ears (especially when drunk). Sure, I know, you have a solution - string them together, and wear the strap around your neck. Why again were you preaching 'wireless'?

Anyway - cute letter. You may want to apply with Microsoft, I hear they need help with their music players.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:59 pm on Feb. 7, 2008

"If you scroll to the bottom of the list of songs in the on-the-go playlist, the last entry is something that looks like this: "Clear Playlist >". Just click the center button and confirm in the next panel and your playlist is cleared."

Bummer that 1 & 2 are well available on iPods -- I guess it just proves that iPods, in addition to music players, are also natural IQ tests...

Sorry Duck it supposed to be ease of use here is the actual steps required to create a queue on the Ipods.

How to queue music on the Ipod
1. Start listening to a song.
2. Push the Menu button once to get back to the title of the song
3. Press and hold the center button in the click wheel until the title flashes. It has been added to the "On-the-Go playlist
4. Press the Menu button until you can select "playlist"
5. The song title should be in the playlist named "On-the-Go"
6. Click on the song title to start the song playing from the "On-the-Go" playlist
7. Now you can proceed to click and hold on any other song title with the center button until the title flashes. It will be added to the queue

Oh you won't find this gem above in the owner's manual either.

Now try explaining this to someone who picks up your iPod playing at a party and wants to pick the next song playing.

It would be very simple to add a software function called "Add to queue"

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 11:40 pm on Feb. 7, 2008

Quote: from quack quack on 10:41 am on Feb. 8, 2008
Here's some interesting news for AAPL lovers:

Yeah it appears that things are going a little pear shaped for AAPL at the moment certainly stockwise.

Which reminds me, I wish Daffy would have the decency to admit that he called it wrong instead of calling everyone else idiots. It was only a few pages ago he was laughing at me for taking some analysts advice to sell at US$160. I might have looked a mug at the time given that they were over US$200 but it is looking the right call now.

Daffy clearly understands the company's business far better than anyone else here but the problem is he has fallen in love with the company and that clouds his judgment. He reminds me of a guy in love with a bar girl.

The really interesting question is whether one should now buy it at US$120 especially given the fall from US$200 in 6 weeks? I am sorely tempted. However there are a couple of problems.

(1) The stock is not really 'cheap' even at these levels. It is trading on 26x trailing PE and 20x prospective (assuming 6eps) - that's a 35% premium to the market. Not bad but ipod earnings are seen heading ex growth, the iphone story has gone a little sour (and hardly contributes as they amortise sales over 24 months) and noone is going to pay too high a multiple for a pc manufacturer. So the PE is ok but not in wow territory.

(2) I am worried about 1Q earnings - another disappointing quarter from AAPL and the stock might fall below US$100.

What I would really like to know though is whether AAPL has any products coming through that might change our view of them. Say a mobile phone based on the Nano? If I felt a little more comfortable with the product flow I would forget about short term earnings and pile in anyway.

(I mean the Mac Air is hardly wow. My Vaio G11 is lighter, has 3 times the battery life and a dvd burner.)

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:49 pm on Feb. 7, 2008

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