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Probably better to do it myself.

At a shop, how would they know which numbers need the new 8 and which to leave alone? Only I know which is a Thai number and which is a foreign number (for those numbers stored without the +66 or equivalent). It would not be very convenient having an 8 added to my non-Thai numbers.

And does the shop add the 8 only to the numbers in the SIM card, or also to those in the phone?

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:57 am on Sep. 5, 2006
I am going to change the numbers myself. I don't want their programs scanning all my giks' phone numbers and storing it into their databases.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 7:55 am on Sep. 5, 2006
Thanks BK, LY, CG and any others that I missed. Very useful information. I, too, can change the numbers myself.

One question: I have DTAC in Thailand. How do you find the SMS message center number to change? What does it look like?

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:12 am on Sep. 5, 2006
rit, the service number is +6616110400. One needs to add the "8" after the +66, making it +66816110400.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 8:27 am on Sep. 5, 2006

Quote: from retiredintahoe on 9:20 pm on Sep. 5, 2006
One question: I have DTAC in Thailand. How do you find the SMS message center number to change? What does it look like?
Every phone is different, but every GSM phone has a setting where you can change it. On my phone, it is Messages/Options/ServiceCenters and the change was from "+66183108085" to "+668183108085" (1-2-call).

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 8:31 am on Sep. 5, 2006
BK and CG - Thanks.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:04 pm on Sep. 5, 2006


Was at a DTAC center yday to change nos
They advised me strongly to wait untill
November to do it.
Said some have had probs after the change

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:55 am on Sep. 7, 2006
BK, CG and others,

Many thanks for the clarification regarding the increase in available telephone numbers.

But - DUMMY that I am - I am more confused than ever.

My understanding is that "ALL" telephone numbers in Thailand ( whether they are mobile phones OR land-line phones ) will have to switch to the 10 digit system.

I assume land-line phones also - otherwise why would there be comments about the ability of the land-line operators to make the switch without any problems.

So - assuming that my above understanding is correct then my land-line, which now has the number 02-2617242 will become 082-2617242 and similarly for all other land-line phones.

So then, how could new mobile phone numbers be issued with the "082" pre-fix ?

OR - is it that my above "understanding" is wrong ?

In which case I will have to go back to school, skip mathematics _ BUT hone up on my reading and comprehension abilities !!!!

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:12 am on Sep. 7, 2006
As far as I know there is no change to land lines at the moment - but I guess it will come in time.

Adding an 8 alone does not add any additional numbers. Adding a fixed numeral will not increase the number of permutations.

However, adding an extra digit which can be changes adds a huge number of possible numbers.
the current numbers (nine digit) have effectively 99,999,999 different combinations (assuming a fixed 0 at the front). Adding an eight, will still have the same number of combinations.
However, if the additional digit can be varied, it adds potentially a huge number of possible combinations - 999,999,999 to be exact, which means that there are plenty of numbers to keep the Thai population going forever.
So, the plan in the future will be not to have a fixed digit 8. In the future new digits will be introduced. So in the future numbers will begin 08, 07, 06, etc. etc.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 3:25 am on Sep. 7, 2006
your understanding is worng.

landlines will not change at this time, maybe in future.

by making all mobile numbers 08, they have now freed up (again) all the other 01, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09....although some variation of these are already used for land lines e.g. 076 Phuket, 053 Chian Mai, but then there were used already.

In time I would expect landlines to go to 8 digits, possibly all becoming 02 so a Bangkok number would be 02 2xxx xxxx, the second 2 being the 2 already in place.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:25 am on Sep. 7, 2006

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