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Quote: from Skip on 1:33 am on Mar. 4, 2007

How to protect yourself at wireless hot spots
Use a Mac.

Quote: from Skip on 1:33 am on Mar. 4, 2007

WiFi-enabled Windows laptops say 'hack me!'
Use a Mac.

Quote: from Skip on 1:33 am on Mar. 4, 2007

"Free Public WiFi"? Not!
Use a Mac.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:21 pm on Mar. 3, 2007
Isn't it because there are so few Mac users there is no percentage in seeking out hack access?

So if we all use Mac's wouldn't that increase the opportunities for hackers?

PS Duck...not trying to be funny here - just tech limited.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 12:32 am on Mar. 4, 2007

As long as it's a Panhip version, and you're not tossing your $200 to Steve and Bill...

I may use MS software (I have no choice), but I sure as hell have never once given them a dime

That's the beauty of living in Thailand

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:19 am on Mar. 4, 2007

Quote: from fastmover on 2:56 pm on Mar. 4, 2007

Isn't it because there are so few Mac users there is no percentage in seeking out hack access?

So if we all use Mac's wouldn't that increase the opportunities for hackers?
Nope, not at all.

It may mean that more kids will *TRY* getting into the Mac, but it won't mean they will be successful. In fact, chances are they will not.

The simple fact is that security comes from both *not* being an afterthought (as it was in MS' case), and that the underlying operating system (which is unix based), has had decades to figure out protections.

In fact, this talk of 'Mac Security Vulnerabilities' is for the most part, just that - yes, it is theoretically possible for the Mac OS X system to encounter a compromising exploit, if none has ever existed or surfaced in the real world, what does that tell you.

All the while, in the time it has taken me to type this up, numerous Windows systems have been compromised hundreds of thousands of times. Fact is, the prior Mac OS (Mac OS 9) was 100% uncompromised for the duration of the existence of the Mac (all the while people were talking about the 'possibility' of hacks), and Mac OS X is even more secure in that respect.

Do vulnerabilities surface? Yes, they do, but they are usually patched quickly by Apple by the next Security Update, and are more of the theoretical variety, than the practical variety. (i.e. they require that an intruder with super user privileges be sitting at your keyboard in order to be dangerous... Hence, the threat is academic, if you know what I mean.

On the other hand, Windows (including XP) was never conceived with security in mind, and Vista continues in that vein. Their version of security is annoying you with challenge questions, until you turn that feature off.

...and the 'impossible defeat Vista Ssecurity' has already been compromised 2-3 times....

Thus, is it possible with more hackers turning their attention to the Mac OS that it may be at risk in the future? Yes, almost as likely as a million monkeys typing away for a million years, writing up the collected works of Will Shakespeare.

At this point, if you want a safe and secure computig experience, go with a Mac. Just ask Sarge.

Quote: from fastmover on 2:56 pm on Mar. 4, 2007
PS Duck...not trying to be funny here - just tech limited.
I took it as such... The Mac thread is holy ground

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 1:48 am on Mar. 4, 2007
Thanks Duck. China is infested with viral shit and hacking nerdboys not even including government boys in smoke filled rooms. A country of spam too (also?).

But must confess using fake software don't help.

Advice will be considered.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 10:50 am on Mar. 4, 2007
Just bought a system with vista on it. msn Live Messenger will crash when launched. So much for compatibility, even within the Microsoft world. Had to regress to Messenger 7.0 before it will work. If you are a masochist, migrate to vista. if not, recommend waiting a bit before going vista.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:56 pm on Mar. 9, 2007
Yeah, I was just reading a journalist who decided to abandon Vista and 'upgrade' back to XP. He really stressed the 'upgrading' back to XP because he experienced so many hassles with drivers and peripherals in Vista and XP had been so stable for him that Vista didn't equate to a bona-fide upgrade.

He ended his story vowing to wait until Vista SP1 gets released.

In about a week, I should have a new PC configured and running Vista...

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:07 pm on Mar. 9, 2007

Quote: from fastmover on 1:31 am on Mar. 5, 2007

Advice will be considered.
It all depends on what you need/want to do. If your main uses are surfing, email, writing, and you aim to do it without troubles and roadblocks, any of the laptop Macs (MacBook, or MacBook Pro) would be good choices - I personally favor the MacBook line (in either Black or White), with a 13.3" Widescreen. If you seek more screen real-estate, the 15" or 17" MacBook Pro are what you'd be looking at. Either way, as long as the run Mac OS X, you'll be computing troublefree.

Look through the 15" MacBook Pro thread to see Sarge's experience with it, so far. He appears quite satisfied in making the switch.

Quote: from bitpump on 7:38 am on Mar. 10, 2007

If you are a masochist, migrate to vista. if not, recommend waiting a bit before going vista.
..or just buy a Mac.

Quote: from Skip on 10:49 am on Mar. 10, 2007

In about a week, I should have a new PC configured and running Vista...
I see you are a masochist.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:27 am on Mar. 10, 2007

Quote: from DaffyDuck on 4:09 pm on Mar. 10, 2007
Either way, as long as the run Mac OS X, you'll be computing troublefree.

Or maybe not:

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 1:43 am on Mar. 10, 2007
Well, when you find a site with information updated beyond 1999, then let's talk.

All I see if a site by some PC underachiever that apparently hasn't had much to say about the Mac since the PowerPC G5 days.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:13 am on Mar. 10, 2007

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