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MainTech – When should you upgrade to Vista? All Topics

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Quote: from Skip on 10:49 am on Mar. 10, 2007
In about a week, I should have a new PC configured and running Vista...

Quote: from DaffyDuck on 4:09 pm on Mar. 10, 2007

I see you are a masochist.

Ha! Touché. If this were my only machine, then I suppose I would be. But since I primarily compute on my trusty G4 Powerbook and an Intel Mac Mini that's not the case here.

Vista will be installed on only one of three drives on this new machine- the others will be given over to sundry flavors of Desktop Linux.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:46 am on Mar. 10, 2007
Figures just released for the month of March indicate Windoze Vista has now cornered over 2% of the desktop market. Not quite half of the 4.71% desktop share Windoze 2000 still enjoys, but gaining.

Operating System Market Share for March, 2007

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 12:41 pm on April 11, 2007
Cut to the chase here and read Tom's Hardware Guide concluding remarks of their evaluating Windoze Vista.
Windows XP vs. Vista: The Benchmark Rundown

Do so and you'll discover why that ought to be a capital 'Z' in WindoZe

Their analysis: "Windows Vista clearly is not a great new performer when it comes to executing single applications at maximum speed"

"we clearly advise against replacing Windows XP with Windows Vista if you need to run professional graphics applications."

"Our hopes that Vista might be able to speed up applications are gone."

In summary:
"Vista is the better Windows, because it behaves better, because it looks better and because it feels better. But it cannot perform better than Windows XP. Is this a K.O. for Windows Vista in the enthusiast space?"

What kind of a perverse "The Wow Starts Now" are they pushing here?

Now I've got the tune from that song: "Is that all there is?" running through my head....

After all the years and all the billion$ spent developing Vista this is what they gave the world.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:09 pm on April 11, 2007

Quote: from Skip on 2:54 am on April 12, 2007

What kind of a perverse "The Wow Starts Now" are they pushing here?
Wow, that sucks!

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 6:19 pm on April 11, 2007
LOL 'Cmon now, this is latest and greatest from the mighty M$ we're talking about here. 'Sucks' was Windoze ME. For Vista, banal comes to mind.

Banal Wow Starts Now! Oh yeah!

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:20 am on April 12, 2007
Don't have to upgrade to Vista after all! I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw laptops with XP being offered again on Dell's website today.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:17 pm on April 14, 2007
It is indeed amazing. Guess for a lot of folks they'd rather the 'WOW!' start a year and one Service Pack from now! Too funny...

Dell relents, offers Windows XP as consumer option

April 20, 2007 (Computerworld) -- Dell Inc. yesterday bowed to pressure from customers and dumped its Vista-only policy for consumer PCs by adding Windows XP as an operating option on half a dozen machines.

Dell now offers Windows XP Home and Windows XP Professional on two Dimension desktops -- the E520 and E521 -- and four Inspiron laptops -- the 1405, 1705, 1505 and 1501.

"We heard you loud and clear on bringing the Windows XP option back to our Dell consumer PC offerings," Dell said on its Ideas in Action page, a companion to its IdeaStorm site.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:50 pm on April 20, 2007
Yes, isn't that an indictment of how badly Micro$oft (mis-) handled the Vista saga? I mean their OS was released (inflicted unto the public) over 5 years after XP (Oct 2001). Two years into Longhorn (as Vista was then code-named) the project was scrapped and engineers were ordered to start all over again. Lots of new features and (some) good ideas were taken off to ease the way for late 2006 release. When it was apparent they were going to miss that deadline Jim Allchin, co-president of Microsoft's platforms and services division, announced his retirement (resigned).

In the end when Vista was released it placed a great strain on people's budgets as it is an expensive and complicated (there are several version of it) software that demands an upgrade of hardware to run properly. It's clear that the underlying codes were patched up in hurry thus resulting in a more crooked OS than usual Micro$oft offerings (and that takes some beating!). I'm not going through the litany of complaints; viruses, drivers conflicts, system crashes etc.... Micro$oft ain't worth people's time anymore.

The problem is that Micro$oft operates in a virtual monopoly and people have to grind teeth and forced to stick with it. In normal and healthy competitive business environment, companies that operates like Micro$oft would be long dead in the water.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:28 pm on April 21, 2007
Vista has been re-branded Me II Broken Edition (as in the infamous Windows Millennium Edition OS). A tongue in cheek article and yet so true: Micro$oft admits Vista failure.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 8:48 am on April 24, 2007
skippy, do you know this boy?

Maybe you should recco him to Bill $ Steven?

full story

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:27 pm on May 2, 2007

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