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Quote: from DaffyDuck on 12:49 am on May 3, 2008
Since the stock was at $8, AAPL stock has split twice - meaning your original 1,000 shares, would now be 4,000 shares.

I see

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:39 pm on May 2, 2008
Just bought a new Iphone on Ebay in UK and a friend is bringing it out to me next week. Now when I bought it I remember the sellers blurb as saying something he has installed on it that enables you to instantly download all your numbers from yr Sim instantaneously.
My mate has just got one and had to enter all his contacts individually.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 2:52 am on May 3, 2008
Probably means the phone is already pre-unlocked for you - as part of the unlockin process, most of the iPhones end up with an application called 'Installer' pre-installed, which allows you to install additional applications.

First of all, I discourage that - the majority of apps are useless, and will only result in rendering your phone more unstable - which you probably don't want. That being said, there are two SIM manipulation apps out there, which allow you to bring your SIM content into iPhone by copying it over. This is useful for importing your phone numbers.

Generally, depending on what phone you had previously, you could also just simply export your phone numbers to your Mac or PC, and then when you install your iPhone using iTunes, just synch up your address book, or contacts, with the new iPhone.

If you have any questions about iPhone, don't hesitate to ask.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:55 am on May 3, 2008

Quote: from quack quack on 12:47 pm on May 5, 2008
Do believe that the recent plunge of AAPL stock was 100% manipulated. The big financial institutions act in concert if they want to manipulate stock prices in the short term. They shorted AAPL to bring it down to $ 120 & are now going long on AAPL.
Luckily didn’t dump my AAPL stock.

Do give them creit for this, they are basically a bunch of Lemmings. No one wants to be out standin on their ownespeally if they make the wrong choice. So once one firm jumps off the cliff they all follow, plus they make money by transactions not buy and hold.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 11:10 pm on May 4, 2008

Quote: from quack quack on 1:02 pm on May 5, 2008
What happens to stock analysts who repeatedly get their predictions wrong ?

They get promoted. Right up there with weathermen and economists. As long as they are generating revenues for their firms on transactions, all is overlooked.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 11:13 pm on May 4, 2008
Its the phone stupid! I seems iPhone are willing overlook that the iPhone sucks on being a phone. The cameraalso sucks. Maybe in a few years hey will have it down. From PCMAG

But nobody's talking about what the iPhone needs most of all: It needs to be a better phone. The iPhone's fair-to-poor phone-call quality is a well-known problem among phone reviewers. I've been comparing phones side by side for four years, and the iPhone falls short on signal strength, speaker volume, and call audio quality, especially when held up against the latest BlackBerrys or anything on the Motorola RAZR2 platform. You know you have a real problem when Engadget is suggesting that you stab your speakerphone with needles to get rid of the muffle.
To a great extent, Apple has managed to insulate itself from this problem through an act of mass self-deception by the iPhone faithful. The iPhone has represented such a great user experience in so many ways, it seems to emanate a rosy glow that causes people to overlook dropped calls and a whispery speakerphone.
expect, or at least hope, that Apple paid attention and will be improving the call quality on iPhone 2.0. Transitioning to 3G will help—in my experience, calls generally sound better on AT&T's 3G network than on the 2G network. But I'm not encouraged by the total lack of discussion on the matter, whether it be in meetings I've had with Apple, in Apple's public statements, or on Apple-centric blogs. When the topic is brought up, it's usually drowned out in a chorus of defensive zealotry and demands for 3G and GPS. This speaks to the difficult-to-measure nature of phone-call quality: It's not something you can tick off on a feature list or a new colorful icon for the home screen, and it's subjective enough that fanatics can easily cloud the issue or blame AT&T.
But the fact remains: For the iPhone to realize its potential, it must strive to be more than an i. It's already a ground-breaking, world-beating, transformative i. It must also be a phone, and not just as an afterthought. I'm hoping that when Steve Jobs introduces the next iPhone, he spends a little time talking about how he's improved the second part of its name.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:32 pm on May 4, 2008

Quote: from quack quack on 12:47 pm on May 5, 2008

Re AAPL stock; as things are going now, do tend to agree with Daffy ( for once) that $ 220 appears realistic. As for $ 320, really can’t imagine that happening within the next year. Am hoping that a split is not too far off, maybe Daffy can inform us of such a likelihood?
I doubt very much that AAPL will split in the foreseeable future, as they have absolutely no reason to split the stock, and every reason to make it grow as high as it can.

This is speculation on my part - but I believe the aim to be $320, simply because once that happens, Apple will exceed Microsoft's marketcap - this, in itself, means very little - but Microsoft having been regarded as the de facto 'leader' of that industry by the lemmings, a 'small' company like Apple managing to eclipse the marketcap of Microsoft would result in a domino effect, purely fueled by the perception of lemmings.

To wit : when Apple eclipsed and passed Dell's market cap, it made news (Apple is currently at 4 times Dell's marketcap) ; When Apple passed IBM's marketcap, it was HUGE news at the time, with the resultant "buy! Buy! Buy!" recommendations; I believe that once Apple passes Microsoft's marketcap, a similar perception drive run will happen, that just might push AAPL into momentum.

The first indication that they are close to falling into momentum was during the last earnings call - when Apple again had 'best quarter ever', and except this time the stock did NOT go down, as it usually does - it actually continued to climb. This was surprising, but an indication of the trend I described.

There's also the added perception that a company with huge value per share, a) does not need additional share holders, and b) "must be big, powerful, and successful"

Now, obviously, at one point many Apple employees and shareholders will want to cash in their profits (and I'm sure many will do so before $320), but the key is to wait for the sweet spot - which I believe will happen at one point after $320.

Quote: from quack quack on 12:47 pm on May 5, 2008
Do believe that the recent plunge of AAPL stock was 100% manipulated. The big financial institutions act in concert if they want to manipulate stock prices in the short term. They shorted AAPL to bring it down to $ 120 & are now going long on AAPL. /quote]Take your tinfoil hat off, in case you did not notice, but the entire market tanked at the time when AAPL collapsed from $200s to $120s - AAPL simply recovered faster, and better than the rest, which is further indication that it'll reach $220 by end of year, or by 1st quarter 2009 (after holiday sales numbers get released).

Quote: from quack quack on 12:47 pm on May 5, 2008
Luckily didn’t dump my AAPL stock.
Smart man - maybe Abrak could take some lessons...

Quote: from quack quack on 1:02 pm on May 5, 2008

Are stock analysts really so dumb, or, are they cleverly manipulative and aim to extract maximum commissions from their gullible clients ?
If a stock analyst were smart, he would do as you said (and make money for himself and his company), but he also would not sell stock he's holding on the way down (thus, taking a loss, or losing his shirt). Based on Abrak having sold his sold, as he stated, I leave you to do the math.

Maybe he really needed the money at the time, which would be a good reason.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:34 pm on May 4, 2008

I can only imagine the uproar you have created in daffy's world with your post.

Good on you.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:59 am on May 5, 2008

Quote: from ThaidUp on 1:58 pm on May 5, 2008

Its the phone stupid! I seems iPhone are willing overlook that the iPhone sucks on being a phone. The cameraalso sucks. Maybe in a few years hey will have it down.
You won't hear any objection from me that sound quality could be better, and particularly that the camera, pretty much, sucks.

Personally, I have not had any issues with sound on 3 iPhones, but have had a crappy sound issue on one iPhone - from what I speculate, it may be that different batches had different qualities of sound reproduction. Initial issues with the sound having been to quiet, on phone as well as speaker phone, have been addressed by subsequent firmware updates - nevertheless, there certainly is still room for improvement.

Ditto with the VERY annoying GSM buzzing sound whenever you get the phone too close to any non-insulated speakers.

Lastly, the camera is 'decent' if you have very good light, but the moment the environment gets even remotely badly lit, it becomes worthless. My Nokia N73 has a great 3.2 megapixel camera, with an LED flash, that did an EXCELLENT job in varied light conditions....and finally, one word: video!

...and you are right, we should be able to realistically expect that these issues will all be taken care of by the 2nd Generation revision of iPhone - with the addition of some other features that could culminate into the marginalization of RIM.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 1:15 am on May 5, 2008
I bought a cell phone this month (Sony Erricson) and spent about 3 hours trying to find a ring tone on the internet to download that actually sounded like an actual telephone ring tone. WTF??

Apple are rapidly using up their X-factor mystique with inferior releases & if they think Nokia are quietly doing jack-shit then I suggest you invest in the Jamacian Bob-Sled team

As for Motorola cell phone's, they're f***ed...needed to amalgamate like Erricson did with Sony years ago. Probably too late now

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:23 am on May 5, 2008

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