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Quote: from Sarge on 6:09 pm on July 6, 2008

in a few days time the 3G iPhone will be on sale and we'll know if it can be purchased truly unlocked.

The French mobile operator Orange will sell the iPhone 3G unlocked. The 8 GB version will make you about €509 (802$) poorer and for the 16GB iPhone 3G you will have to cough up 609€ (960$). Belgium is expected to have to pay roughly the same, this is due to the fact that selling Sim-locked devices are illegal. The iPhone 3G will be available starting from 17th of July in France.

Purchasing an unlocked iPhone means your IMEI number gets registered with Apple. Before paranoia sets in, all this means is that when you need to upgrade to a new firmware your iPhone will be automatically recognized as unlocked. It also prevents folks from trying to hack this method (unless you spoof the IMEI number, though I'm sure that gets tracked quickly)

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:11 pm on July 6, 2008

Quote: from Sarge on 6:09 pm on July 6, 2008
in a few days time the 3G iPhone will be on sale and we'll know if it can be purchased truly unlocked.

For as much I want that phone, I will not tie myself to a carrier, full stop. I'm after a true unlocked phone (that applies to any phone), and not just a O2 phone w/o contract.

That is possible in Norway. You would have to pay for the phone + 1 month subscription through Netcom.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 4:37 pm on July 6, 2008

Quote: from DaffyDuck on 6:37 am on July 7, 2008
Purchasing an unlocked iPhone means to register your IMEI number with Apple.

I do not understand why you say that. The IMEI number comes assigned from the factory and it identifies the device, not the user. With Apple controlling production, it does already have access to all the IMEI numbers before they are even out of the factory (thus would already know which leave the factory unlocked). If unlocked by the operator, this one would advise Apple before (or while) the sale is made. What is there to register then by the buyer?

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:22 pm on July 6, 2008
I might not have explained with sufficient Punctilious And Supercilious Pedantry, so I slightly changed the text to reflect correctly what I meant - of course, YOU do not need to separately register, but the registration happens automatically when purchasing an unlocked iPhone - and the unlock is registered to the specific iPhone, and not the end user (though I am sure that if you lost or damaged your iPhone, they will unlock the new one as well - not sure if that means they will invalidate the unlock on the prior one, though)

Thanks for pointing out that my earlier statement might not have been clear enough.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 7:05 pm on July 6, 2008

Quote: from DaffyDuck on 9:31 am on July 7, 2008
I might not have explained with sufficient Punctilious And Supercilious Pedantry...

You certainly did not.

Now interesting will be to see how well Apple manages to strictly control the flow of those phones.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 8:03 pm on July 6, 2008
In response to earlier troll remarks on how badly the iPhone will do in Japan - the line already forms:

"The report notes that the college-going Sano will turn 25 on July 11th and took off school for four days to lineup early; he travelled 230 miles from his hometown Nagoya to Tokyo and paid more for the travel than he will need for the iPhone itself ($213), CrunchGear wrote."

Regarding controlling the flow of iPhones -- well, seeing as how the contract less prices are pretty high (i.e. mostly out of the reach of most hackers, i.e. kids living in Mom's basement), they will probably do pretty well. Mostly, the need for the grey market is effectively gone, and along with the relatively high price of the contract-free iPhone, that portion of the unlock market is effectively dead.

That just leaves the third-party applications market, which fed the 'jailbreak' industry -- which the App Store effectively will have killed.

Apple didn't need to attack the supply part, they just turned the demand portion of the equation in their favor.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:54 am on July 9, 2008
Shall we start making a list of all the 'problems' the usual suspects will see with the iPhone 3G (which, I might add, will be the same things we'd have pointed out earlier, when they were clamoring how Apple *must* have a 3G capable iPhone in order to succeed?

- Battery life : Apparently, battery life is 5 hours on iPhone 3G, which is much better than most 3G capable phones, but which will instantly be a point of critique by those with short memories.

- No Replaceable Battery : asides from the usual 'yawn' response over this tired argument, we've pointed out that there are far better solutions than a battery to replace (notably battery boosters with a USB port to plug the iPhone in and charge while mobile. I founds these to be far better than potentially carrying multiple batteries around.

- High Prices by carriers : You all wanted no carrier locks, and no exclusive carriers. Well, you got that. In most countries, iPhone is now carried by most of the local carriers, with varying tariff structures -- don't like the prices, change carrier. Don't like the confusing price structures? Don't bitch, as that's what you asked for.

- What's the GPS good for? My phone had GPS for eons! : Most other phones do just phoney stuff with their GPS (Ooooh, maps!), while the iPhone opened the GPS to third-party apps. This'll be interesting, as neither RIM nor Nokia have or do, that.

Anything I missed?

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:43 am on July 9, 2008

Quote: from DaffyDuck on 12:09 am on July 10, 2008
- High Prices by carriers : You all wanted no carrier locks, and no exclusive carriers. Well, you got that. In most countries, iPhone is now carried by most of the local carriers, with varying tariff structures -- don't like the prices, change carrier. Don't like the confusing price structures? Don't bitch, as that's what you asked for.

that I'll believe when I see it. what you'll get is a carrier's iPhone w/o contract but sim locked. Old habits die hard, unless carriers are forced by law (see France) all phones that go through them are sim locked and phone software customised so that you can only access internet via their portals.

iPhones (any phones) should be sold at Apple stores or authorised dealers only, in same way one buys cars. You purchase the vehicle (iPhone) directly from dealers and then before you drive away (register the phone) one has to purchase the compulsory insurance (sim card & network contract) of your choice.

I always buy my phones in Thailand, go to a shop, select what I want, pay and I'm out. I can use that phone worldwide, swapping sim cards from one country to another. Once you taste freedom and liberated yourself from phone carriers it's impossible to go back to locked phone/contracts.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:33 pm on July 9, 2008
Again, that's you, and to a lesser degree, me (I simply have a separate phone for travels), but the vast majority of consumers simply consume what is being put on their plate - and that includes whatever carrier they sign up with.

The way I see it, Apple is providing a relatively convenient work-around for traveling users under iPhone 2.0 (except, of course, for Thailand right now) - you just need to put the SIM from an approved carrier into the iPhone, run activation through iTunes, and you're good to go. You can later return to your prior SIM the same way.

Yes, there are still some excluded countries (including Thailand... grrrr!), but overall, this method works well for the informed traveler, and does not necessitate an unlocked phone (well, unless you travel to Canada - Rogers' rates are ridiculous).

Overall, Apple is working towards providing what you need (not necessarily what you want on their own time.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 3:21 pm on July 9, 2008
sarge / erikE - just give up arguing with daffy, you will never win, he just twists everything you say until he knows he has lost the argument, and then he puts you on "ignore" so you cant read the rest of his b.s postings

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:38 pm on July 9, 2008

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