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Is there anyway (as a tourist) to get hold of a pre-paid mobile phone card (chip). I would like to make local calls while I am in BKK (hopefully calling girls). My australian simm card is an option, but if someone from home calls, the call will be reversed charged to my phone bill .

Further to this, are there Internet Cafe's or places in BKK where I can make overseas phone calls at a cheaper price.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:47 pm on Jan. 17, 2002
Yes, you can get a prepaid mobile phone "1-2-Call".

If you are calling out only, then use your mobile phone, and switch it off after that.

There are lots of Intercafe's and some of them do allow you to make overseas calls. Sukhumvit Soi 3-7 area have quite a few internet outlets.


Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 8:14 pm on Jan. 18, 2002
Kewl thanks.

1-2-Call it is!!


Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:52 pm on Jan. 22, 2002
Cat Woods
Hi bkkz

(1) What is this 1-2-call thing?  Is it a phone or a simm-card ?

(2) Where can I buy this thing?

(3) I was asking for some kind of one-time-use simm card a few months ago when I was in BKK.  I was told by many shops that those simm cards only work on Ericsson amd Motorola models but not Nokia.  Is this true?

thanks in advance for your help.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 5:47 am on Jan. 27, 2002
A friend of mine from India bought a prepaid simm card for his Nokia phone in Singapore. But  when he returned to India, he had to spend the equivlaent of about 1800 Bt  to get his mobile phone fixed as the Singapore simm card changed the program on his phone.  As a result I did not dare buy a prepeid simm card when in Bangkok last week as I was scared of a similar fate for my Nokia. Any similar experiences by anyone else?

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 12:24 pm on Jan. 28, 2002
Cat Woods,

1) It is just a Sim-card

2) You can get it in most mobile phone outlets. BTS stations, Mah Boon Krong (MBK) or many shopping complexes

3) I believe the 1-2-Call works with Nokia too, as I do recall my friend having a Nokia and he was using 1-2-Call.


Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:44 pm on Jan. 29, 2002
will try out my nokia in bkk the next time there. thanks BK.


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:15 pm on Feb. 4, 2002
using these pre-paid cards on european phones is a problem indeed. The best thing to do is if you have an older gsm phone (about 1 1/2 years or more old) you do not need any more in farangland, to get it changed to the Thai gsm standard. There are a lot of dealers in MBK or Panthip Plaza who would crack the sim chip to make it adaptable to the Thai system. But this only works with older phones as they do not have the software for the new phones.
I have some extra phones I brought from Europe and got them cracked in Thailand, for friends visiting me in Bangkok so they can just buy a 1-2 call card.
But as far as I know some dealers nowadays also have promotions in MBK where you can get a 1-2 call sim card plus a cheap phone for about THB 4500. If you stay often in Thailand or make many phone calls that will most certainly pay off for you! Also when you expect calls from your homeland simply quote your Thai number, saves you a lot of raoming costs!
As far as I can say the most easiest to crack are old Nokia and Siemens models. Careful with Ericsson as they sometimes work without cracking the software, if not most of the vendors do not have the software to change them. So old Siemens and Nokia are the best bets!

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:53 pm on Feb. 4, 2002
thanks for your tip, griffin. i can pick up an old nokia for around 1,500 baht in india. i will buy one here before my next trip to bkk.


Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 10:23 am on Feb. 5, 2002
Cat Woods
Dark Knight,

I think 1-2-Call is not a Simm card only product. Ý

I was in BKK last weekend. ÝI toured around in most of the shopping malls. ÝAll the 1-2-Call I found displayed come in a box with handset included. Ý I have also tried to enquire about any simm-card only product. ÝNobody seemed to understand what I wanted. Ý

But I think this is an issue worth some more follow-up and pursuit.

Any forum friend has any comment?

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:26 am on Feb. 12, 2002

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