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Looking to buy a core duo laptop. Probably an Acer or HP. I'm gonna be in LOS in October.

I've seen Panthip and it is amazing. Is there anywhere else that would be competitive for price? Panthip seems to have enough models to choose from, there are so many shops that I get "teched out" after a while.

Am I going to the right place?

Is there a time that promotions are offered in BKK?
Christmas? New Year? Chinese New Year?

Cheers guys.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:40 am on Sep. 14, 2006
If you buy it in Pantip, I would go to Global Solutions. Take DrLove with you and have him bargain the price.

If you really want the best price, here in Amereka is cheaper than Thailand for most brands. The girls here speak good English and not as many tattoos as the Pattaya girls, but flat stomachs are sometimes a problem.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 6:52 am on Sep. 14, 2006
When I had a bunch of Thai Uni girls here in Amereka (to quote CG) they wanted to go shopping for laptops. They were thrilled that the laptops here were so much cheaper than in Thailand.

After looking at numerous alternatives, they all picked Compaq laptops. When I asked why, their response was that it is easy to get Compaq laptops fixed under warrantee in Thailand. One of them later got to test that assumption out when their power transformer failed - and they immediately received another one for free under warrantee.

HP owns Compaq.

I believe they paid $625 USD out the door. (2GHz AMD, CD writer, 60GB HD, 512MB RAM, 15" screen, wifi, Win XP.) Obviously not dual core, but a data point none the less.


Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:09 am on Sep. 14, 2006
China Sailor
I bought a HP Duo laptop, 1GB RAM, 100GB HD, wireless, Lightscribe DVD R/W, etc. for USD 995 at Circuit City in Austin, TX. I alos see on the tube that Staples has one for about USD 900.

retiredintahoe is spot-on. After checking in several countries it seems the best prices are in the US.

EDIT IN: The HP laptops in the US also have a full International warranty. I do not know about LOS but the ones in Singapore have a Singapore only warranty. This is something to look out for when buying a computer --> where can I get it fixed...

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 8:13 am on Sep. 14, 2006
Anything high-tech, buy it in the USA -- with the plethora of deals, discounts, rebates, etc... it's the best prices you can possibly get. Plus, mst equipment has international warranties, versus most things in Asia which do not (from what I am finding).

At the end of the day, if you're looking for a reliable laptop, get a Mac.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:12 am on Sep. 14, 2006

there are some good deals to be found on craigslist...under the computer section...some used/some new.

You sound like you might be an electronics type guy, but it's worth a check anyway...I got my laptop and home computer off it and have been satisfied...but I just needed basic stuff and didnt care that they were slightly used.

just a suggestion,

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:33 pm on Sep. 14, 2006
Forget Pantip...Horrible place.

Go direct to Fortune IT Mall in Ratchada.

No crooks, No tourists, Better Prices, No Sexy Movie Sir?, No f***ing annoying tuk tuks, No pickpockets.

I really dont understand why people go to Pantip - its my Hell on earth

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:01 pm on Sep. 14, 2006
On most things, you will not get better prices here except on cheap items like headphones, mics, etc as the market is flooded with Chinese knock-offs. For computers, buy in the states.

Personally I hate Dell but regardless, I have many colleagues that buy dell for price. 3 tricks to consider if you wanted to buy a dell

1) consider the dell outlet - returned devices still with full warranty, ready ot ship that day and 5-15% lower price than an identical build-to-order box

2) Wait until 2-3 weeks before their end of quarter and they start pumping up the promos to increase their numbers. They will often slash prices, include free stuff, etc. just to make certain their quarterly shop reports look good.

3) Do a goole search for Dell Coupon and you find lots of coupons that you can apply to some machines for even greater discounts. I know someone that followed #2 & 3 and dropped his 1900 (USD) laptop from dell down to 1250 just by doing this.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:03 pm on Sep. 14, 2006
When I first went to Panthip I noticed right away their component prices were higher (CPUs, HDs, RAM, mobos). However, my friend had me put together a system for his GF and the total price of the system actually came out to be about the same or a little less than in the states because no taxes or shipping. Here in the states if you are a PC builder, you can find places that sell some things cheap and other things expensive. In Panthip or Fortune, everything is so competitive that it evens out the pricing. This was years ago and I think the situation with laptops is different. If you know how to shop the bargain sites like or you can probably find a scorching deal that you could make money by selling the laptop in BKK.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 11:20 pm on Sep. 14, 2006
Thanks for all of the help guys.

I am stationed in Singapore, BKK prices are usually better than Singers but not as good as home.

Not going to The States for a while but maybe Dubai and Qatar for a coupla weeks in November.

My nice old Apple laptop is getting insufficient now and I really need to get a newer model. It is never a good time to buy with core duo being surpassed by core 2 duo and coming core quadro (Kentsfield) by the end of the year. Can't wait forever. Christmas pressie at the latest.


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:40 am on Sep. 15, 2006

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