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(even though this still won't deter the lemmings, judging by various thread requests)

When should you upgrade to Vista?

The short answer: not now.

The long answer: When Vista SP1 Is Released During 2nd Half of 07

For business, cautious, or cautious business users, upgrading their OS is nothing to be done on a Thursday night after work and forgotten about. For those people, it's going to be a smart idea to wait until Vista Service Pack 1 is released before switching from XP.

Not only is SP1 going to bring fixes, "Fiji" (the codename) is going to have OS components that missed the cutoff for release. Among them is Windows PowerShell, a command line shell more powerful than old timey "cmd".

As a refresher, Win XP took 11 months to release their SP1, which if Vista were to follow this timeline, would have its SP1 released in December. Undoubtedly, Microsoft will want an earlier release to lure the business cautious users into upgrading. For early adopters (like us), home users, and the adventurous, December is just too long to wait.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:34 am on Jan. 24, 2007

when will Mac OS run on PCs ?

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 5:29 am on Jan. 24, 2007

VISTA comes into view
The long-awaited Windows upgrade makes its first official showing in Thailand


Upgrading for most will be a distant Vista
Get a second opinion before upgrading to Windows Vista


Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:38 am on Jan. 24, 2007
What's a Vista 'ceptin a horizon on steroids.

Don't need it, don't want it......till I can get my rip-off
copy in my neck of the woods.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 7:30 am on Jan. 24, 2007

Quote: from fastmover on 9:54 pm on Jan. 24, 2007
What's a Vista 'ceptin a horizon on steroids.

VISTA = Volunteers In Service To America

You being a Canuck I can understand your reluctance to volunteer your services to help those south of the boarder.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 7:40 am on Jan. 24, 2007
China Sailor


XP and Server 2003 are stable enough, no need to add to your headaches and Micorsoft's bottom line...

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:56 am on Jan. 24, 2007
Not VISTA IBF. Vista.
What the hell you talkng about?

Yes CS, this edition of windows might just be the one the average keyboard jockey says 'not this time' to.

Way to big a step for most and consumers are getting cranky. They are expected to cough up for all the new tech automatically.

With the cost initially high, takes the fun out of it.
And often, no fun - no need.

But I suppose, in the end I'll pay my 10rmb (45 Baht)
to get an illegal copy here along with the rest of the boys.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:34 am on Jan. 24, 2007
Most computers older than 1 - 1/2 years will not be able to run vista.

I personally will not upgrade to vista but will use vista + SP1 on the next computer I buy which I will make about 1 year from now.

My XP is stable and no problem.

Point of interest the latest "bill" release forces you to upgrade to IE7 which is still incompatable with some applications that use IE. So if your've got download and install selected on your machine dont be surprised if you suddently find you have IE7.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:03 pm on Jan. 25, 2007
"Stable enough", eh? Five+ years later, it sure as hell ought to be.

Unless you're good with setting yourself up as a lemming for some malware writers' scripts you all as Windoze users should do yourselves a favor and abandon daily use of Internet Explorer.

Here's a great article supporting that position, written by the Washington Post Technology correspondent, Brian Krebs.

Internet Explorer Unsafe for 284 Days in 2006 Be sure and check out the links embedded in the story! Between Microsoft embedding IE 6 so deeply into the OS, leaving nearly every port open by default, and making Administer accounts the defacto choice for Joe-average-naive-user it's not hard to connect the dots between all the spambots operating around the globe and then point the finger of blame directly back at Redmond.

Moral is: IE 6 & 7 should be used as a last result option. Make it the browser of last resort and- viola! -most all of the security issues evaporate. Keep it around only for Windoze updates [which demand it] and if absolutely called for otherwise.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 1:11 pm on Jan. 26, 2007

with you 1000% correct on that one with IE. I do love the pop up screen to apologize that there has been a problem and ".... " application needs to close and the two choices send report not send report.

We really are suckers we buy MS software and then be unofficial test drivers for MS.

I use Mozilla and Firefox as my default browzer. With the add-ons available these days they are quit good.

A friend upgraded to IE7 and let me have a look - What a heap of K***.

I dare say I will have to upgrade sometime but not now.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:20 pm on Jan. 26, 2007

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