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Not sure where to post this, so I started this thread.  

How is the tap water in BKK treated (if at all) and is it treated uniformallly throughout the city? Reason I ask (okay, I can hear the snickers in the wings): if I want to keep tropical fish in BKK, do I need to condition the tap water? For instance, here in California, the water is chlorinated and therefore must be de-chlorinated. Also, dissolved copper in small quantities is toxic to fish, but I'm assuming BKK doesn't have that issue?

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:52 pm on Oct. 2, 2002
- they just use straight tap water at Chatujak, where all types of fish seem to be thriving, sell them to you to take home in a plastic bag with maybe a shot of Oxygen in it. Check with member 'chasingwhtrabitz' - he will give you all the info -   p.s. I use the locally made ice in my drinks with no problems, but do treat it with plenty of alcohol !

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 11:53 pm on Oct. 2, 2002
For drinking purposes, at least in Bangkok, and I think all over the Kingdom, people habitually drink bottled water such as Polaris, but I have yet so suffer any ill effects from occasional drinking tap water -- rather like the fish at Chatuchak, which district I also reside in.

Sorry I can't help you about the tropical fish keeping questions, I do have some friends who keep ostentatiously large aquariums with expensive, often large tropical fish, it's a wealthy-Thai game. I can ask them. One guy I knew (but has since passed away) had an entire warehouse at his newspaper publishing compound filled with his fish and reptile collection. I remember he had a regrigerated truck with the taxidermied remains of a giant Mekong catfish (plaa buk) he'd caught, out of which he had removed fresh, 200 Kg of meat for eating. It's the largest species of catfish in the world.

He also had a huge electric eel, something not to be f_cked with, live.

The reptiles were all albinos, he didn't bother with normal ones. ENORMOUS aquariums also were built into various of his 17 houses. Did I mention he was rich? Maybe no Hearst, but rich. 150 cars including three or four he bought from the Queen and the Crown Prince.

About 600 guns.

I don't know who got cystody of the fish and reptile collection.

His name was Pratak Hetrakul. I miss him. He drank like one of his fish and I used to try to keep up with him while he taught me filthy Thai. He was shunned by a lot of his old friends because he had one of the foulest mouths in LOS. I used to take notes. I learned the knack of composing new obscenities from him. Like

Ee na hee galee!

Ai yet heeya!

Ee dawk Sampeng!  

Don't use these. You can be hauled to the police station and charged with assault. There is a standard schedule of fines. I'm not kidding!

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:26 am on Oct. 3, 2002
I know we are getting off topic but I have to ask , what is the translation ?

Can you be charged for swearing in English?

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 6:35 am on Oct. 3, 2002
I don't think they put chlorine in the water there, but you can let the water stand in an open container and the chlorine will evaporate in a day or so ..this is what I do in CA ..

Never hurts to condition the water.. also, if you can collect rain water (not tough this time of year) and use that ..

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 11:55 am on Oct. 3, 2002

Regrading Khun Pratak's amazing fish collection. I wonder if he ever employed the services of Takashi Amano (the timeline you describe would fit). Amano is known for crafting some of the most striking (and expensive) aquaria in the world, mainly for private individuals and businesses. There have been three stunning books published, called "Nature Aquarium World," and each contains beautiful color plates of his creations. There is also commentary by Amano that describes what drives him to create these masterpieces. I know in the States these are published by T.F.H. Publications, Inc., and they are available via I think the best of the bunch is book #1, but they should all be on the bookshelves of the educated man (ha!).

Maybe this belongs in the thread "Time fillers in between sex"  ;-)

- Balls

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:30 am on Oct. 4, 2002

Quote: from chateaujade on 2:26 pm on Oct. 3, 2002

Ee na hee galee!

Ai yet heeya!

Ee dawk Sampeng! Ý

Don't use these. You can be hauled to the police station and charged with assault. There is a standard schedule of fines. I'm not kidding!

assuming the speaker got the intonation correctly (which is doubtful), i don't think anyone is going to haul you to the police station.

here's my rough translations:

1) you whore c*** face!
2) something about f_ck and pussy. no clue.
3) you prostitute from sampeng!

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:39 pm on Oct. 4, 2002
1) You (low class) whore's pussy-face
2) You monitor lizard! (this one is untranslatable, but Thais HATE it, and the work heeya does contain the same syllable as the word for pussy (hee)
3) You chinatown whore! (Sampeng IS Chinatown in Bangkok.

Rattanakosin Island, where the Grand Palace is, was the original Bangkok during time of King Taksin. And it was settled by Chinese -- all other areas around it being cobra infested. When King Taksin was "put to sleep" King Todfa (Phra Ram 1) moved the court to the Bangkok side of the river and kicked the Chinese out, they settled next door in Sampeng, which like all the other surrounding areas was infested with cobras. The Chinese had to drive out the snakes, but anyway that is CHinatown still and some of the most valuable real estate in the Kingdom.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:25 pm on Oct. 4, 2002

Why did you avoid mentioning the method used to induce King Taksin's slumber? Do you think we'd get in trouble for talking about it on a public forum? It's a pretty good story.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 6:54 pm on Oct. 4, 2002
As this is a few centuries ago and only rather tangentially involved the founder of the present Dynasty, as far as I know, I don't think it's very sensitive.

King Thaksin, history tells us, went mad, believing himself to be the (or a) reincarnation of the Buddha, became irrational and arbitrary in his settling of legal disputes, had a couple of his consorts executed horrifically for a crime they did not commit (and then regretted it too late, Superglue does not work well in this application) and anyway, had to be dispensed with.

By law and tradition a king's person is inviolate so the standard remedy was applied, just as shown in the execution of a child king in SURIYOTHAI (which I strongly recommend): wrap the king in scarlet silk, and beat him to death with fragrent sandalwood club. As the clubs touch only the silk, and not the King, the forms of the law are observed. No one EVER said that the Siamese do not understand the meaning of "legalistic".

As King Taksin was half Chinese, and had surrounded himself with Chinese ministers and advisors, most or all of whom were purged (with extreme prejudice...) there are also undercurrents of a small scale race riot here, and it is beyond my skills as a layman to sort out the good history from the bad, esp since the Chakris wrote almost all of the subsequent history. I am told that some of King Taksin's descendents are still with us, and of course the the Siamese still celebrate his national holiday, in appreciation of his having driven out the Burmese, not to mention the opportunistic Khmers who were pillaging on the back door. But apparently the national gratitude was insufficient to keep him alive.

In fairness, King Taksin had lived in what the Chinese call "interesting times", i.e. times most people would rather not have to endure; and it seems to have all been too much for him in the end.

Does that cover it, MrJoe?

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:26 pm on Oct. 4, 2002

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