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Anybody who knows of any RELIEABLE source to take care of this these days....? If you do, sent me an PM, thanks.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:49 am on Jan. 5, 2004
Danger Mouse
Thaid Up BITE ME!

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 12:59 pm on Jan. 5, 2004
Thaid Up, it's indeed fortunate for Smegs not to bet on his reply. Besides a broken (fractured) dick, also his balls were to be hammered flat.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:23 pm on Jan. 5, 2004
I still have doubts. Will have to check on that info I had. Though still no balls in the anvil.

Dr. what about you? Willing to bet I am 100% wrong?

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 2:33 pm on Jan. 5, 2004
Smegs, do you ever sleep? No I don't bet.... my GF loves my balls in one piece...

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 2:38 pm on Jan. 5, 2004
MY BALLS ARE SAVED!!!!! Dr. You overpaid a many few millions

Hmmm... I still think after reading further that info I had was right. Sleep? Moi? Never. Though sometimes I take breaks.

Here it goes -I quote (btw, lesson here is "don't bet against Smegma -even when he is not sure... he is right" ) :

New work permit rules. May 2002

In May 2002, the Department of Employment has announced with approval from the Minister of Labour and Social Welfare the new Procedure Order governing criteria and condition for expatriate's work permit approval.

This new procedure order revises the old regulations governing work permit approval, renewal and modification of employment descriptions or locations of a workplace.

According to the procedure order, the permit may be granted to an expatriate who has the qualification according to one of these conditions:

1. Working for an establishment with a registered capital of at least 2,000,000 Baht. One expatriate can be hired for every 2,000,000 Baht of capital but not more than 10 expatriates.

Supported Document:

- The Certificate of juristic person registration with a fully paid-up capital not less than 2,000,000 Baht and a copy of the list of

shareholders (Form Bor-Or-Jor 5).

- Financial statement with an initial working capital not less than 2,000,000 Baht certified by a certified auditor And after deduction of debts, loans and other expenses, the establishment must have assets as cash or bank deposit not less than 2,000,000 Baht.

- Account transaction to proof cash transacting in the bank for business transaction in the amount not less than 2,000,000 Baht.
(Accoring to this above, all you would need to do is to set up a company with 2 million Baht -and employ 4 Thai people (though it doesnt say this here)

2. Working in an establishment, which has already paid income tax for juristic company to the Revenue Department in the past 3 years not less than 5,000,000 Baht. For every 5,000,000 Baht tax payment is allowed to hire 1 expatriate.

Supported Document:

- Form of tax payment on juristic person (Por Nkor Dor 91) and the receipt from the Revenue Department

3. Working for an establishment, which engages in export business and remit foreign currency of at least the equivalent of 3,000,000 Baht last year. For every 3,000,000 Baht, an establishment is allowed to hire 1 expatriate but not more than 3 expatriates.

Supported Document:

- A copy of Bill of Lading submitted to the Custom Department stating the total value of export goods.

4. Working in an establishment, which employs 50 Thai employees. An establishment is allowed to hire 1 expatriate for every 50 Thai employees but not more than 5 expatriates in total.

Supported Document:

- The proof of payment paid toward the Social Security Fund.

5. An expatriate having an income and duty to pay personal income tax to the Revenue Department of equivalent or more than 18,000 Baht, or already paid personal income tax in the past year of equivalent or more than 18,000 Baht.

Supported Document:

- If an expatriate has never worked in the Kingdom, he must provide the employment contract to the officer in order to estimate an expatriate's ability to pay such tax. Accordingly, in the case of single expatriates, he must have personal income of at least 30,000 Baht, and in the case of married expatriate, he must have personal income of at least 45,000 Baht per month.

- If an expatriate used to have the permit, he must present proof of personal income tax payment of equivalent or more than 18,000 Baht along with a receipt from the Revenue Department.

Moreover, the Authorized Officers, on reasonable grounds, may consider work permit approval, renewal, and modification of employment descriptions and positions or locations of workplace regardless of restrictions on the number of expatriates stated above, if the work falls under the followings:

1. Representative office conducting quality control, procurement, or marketing research.

Supported Document:

- The Business Operation License according to the Foreign Business

Operations Act B.E. 2542 (2002).

2. The work in investment consulting, administrative consulting, technical and technology, or periodical internal audit.

Supported Document:

- Consulting contract with both parties' official seals.

3. Tourism representatives who bring in foreigners to travel in Thailand.

Supported Document:

- Tourist agent permit issued by Thai Tourism Authority.

4. International financial institutions approved by the Bank of Thailand.

5. Temporary business of entertainment, religious, social welfare, cultural or sporting without intention to make profit and paying income tax to the government.

6. Working as a contractor on projects with the governmental bodies or state enterprises.

Supported Document:

- A supporting letter stating the number of expatriates, expatriate's names and positions.

7. Work using mostly local raw material as an essential component

in the production process or work that can reduce the use of imported raw material.

8. Work supporting export of Thai products.

9. Work, which brings new technology, which Thai people are not capable of, in order to distribute and transfer to Thai people.

10. Work in the area where there is a shortage of Thai labour.

11. Having a residency in the Kingdom.

Supported Document:

- A resident permit or certificate of foreigners.

12. Being a married couple with Thai citizen, with legally married registration, publicly cohabiting as husband and wife, and with a legal profession, which is socially respectable.

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:47 pm on Jan. 5, 2004
No, I didn't overpay a few million and your balls? Sorry they have been flattened.

If you read again (come closer to the screen) I was referring to the (BOI) One Stop Service on Ratchada, not the regular way (for peasants, as Thaid Up referred to).

Sorry, you were not right. You didn't even read carefully (as opposed to Thaid Up ).

Excuse me, what was the lesson.....

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:09 pm on Jan. 5, 2004
You said that to get the work permit people have to..... so and so and so. And one condition was that amount.

I said I thought that was not so and it could be done with less. I said I thought you were wrong. You were not wrong in the amount -though one could think you were wrong in implying one had to pay such amount only or else.

However that was not all.

ThaidUp made the point about the one-stop service. He said you were right. And said I was wrong -as well as you said. The issue is not about your balls but mine. I just proved I was also right.

There you go nani nani na and there goes your lesson too. Dont focus only on your own posts. Read also what others say. And take that chip of your shoulder yourself -you are too old and smart to still have one.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:20 pm on Jan. 5, 2004
You are both correct.

Smeg has published the conditions for getting a WP.

DrLove is referring to the one stop shop where WP's can miraculously be produced in a couple of hours, reserved for the likes of the multinationals who pay huge amounts of kick backs, erm I mean tax.

To say though that people do not work without Wp's is incorrect. They shouldn't, but in practice as long as the WP is applied for, or even that you are on a correctly obtained Non Imm B, you can get away with working whilst preparing / applying for the WP.

I worked several months before mine came through, paying tax etc.

Of course it's one of those lovely grey area type laws where they ignore it until they decide they want to get you for whatever reason.

Sort of lulling into false security legislation.

Now...kiss and agree to disagree and go and have a beer at Forte for me....ooops.....sorry voBKa tonic.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 3:26 pm on Jan. 5, 2004
Smegs, I know it's getting late and you're probably tired so I will repeat the passage from my post:

Actually, application for a WP doesn't take a long time. Mine was done in 1.5 hours. You have to go to the One Stop Service at Ratchada and the company hiring you should be recognized by the BOI and have a registered capital of min. 30-35 million baht.

The mentioned amount and the BOI support refers to the One Stop Service. where I got my permit within 1.5 hours. I was not referring to the regular way at all.

You were not right about the One Stop Service requirements.... that's all. Because you didn't interprete the right context....

To say though that people do not work without Wp's is incorrect
Also this is not what I said.... I said it's official illegal. I worked for about 7 years without one. And paid tax for around 1.5 years.

The official rule is that you're not allowed (even a single day) to work without valid work permit.

I remember that the foreign curator/ caretaker of a petroleum company in financial trouble was arrested by the police because he used to work in another location than the work permit was meant for.

Smegs this is for you Actually I am shivering at hte thought of it. But it's because Yurune recommended it....

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:28 pm on Jan. 5, 2004

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