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jack attack
Caronte is right about the plan and it not working out- at least not completely. Also, agree that while Sukhumvit Road may not be good for kids, the suburbs are very accessible and can be quite removed from the madness.

Also from a different perspective, an esteemed writer/colleague has written a book "Confessions of a Thai Private Eye". In no way am I trying to rain on your parade BUT... are you certain your GF only will miss her mother? As written in many of the chapters, sadly sometimes the lovely girls here have other "family" members upcountry and that is the real reason they will not leave. If you have any concerns in this regard, it would pay you dividends in the future to know for certain the girl you are preparing all these plans for is 100% committed to only you.

Sorry about the wet blanket, but thought it should be added to this discussion.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:37 am on May 12, 2007
Yes, she is a very “energy” girl and I see her as an asset, but off course she has not many papers to show for herself. But I will activate her if needed. Yes her mother can watch the baby, but I want to live more like a family so that I can see the baby as much as possible. Also I think that it is better to have the baby with us so that I can show her that I can help with the baby as well. Also I hope that we can move to Norway when the baby is like 4/5 years old or something if things don’t work out work wise, so then I want to have the baby and her close to me so that I can build confidence between me and both of them.

So I will say that I think she will help as well regarding income.

I am also glad that you think that 2M Bath is enough for living 2 years because this will be what I will bring and have as a limit for this “project” in Thailand. I see this as an investment in my future and if it fails then I just need to walk on. As my father said to me once; if you mess up something look on it as you wrecked a car, it is sad, it may have foolish but it is nothing you can do about it now, so you just need to keep walking.

The girl have a family she is attached to yes, and that can be a blessing and sometimes also a pain in the ass. I hope that I will be in a position when we are reaching the 2 year limit that not only can I support my own family but also that she can help her family, I have told her many years ago that I will not help her family economically because it is something I do not believe in, a system where people is given money for nothing. I told her that giving money for nothing can be a highway leading to more and bigger problems in the future for those who get the money. Also I must ad that she have never asked for any money before she was 5 months pregnant and then we had know each other for more then 3,5 years. Off course I have given her some money but it is very little over 3,5 years maybe 40 000,- bath total which is very little. I know that this is not much, but I don’t want to make them get used to having much money. It is easier to get used to having more money then it is to get used too have less money. I will have to get used to have less money but are willingly and seeing this as a challenge.

Work, yes I need work, I can not live there for 2 years without any work then I think I would end up in SOI 4 most of the time because I would get bored, even if 2M Bath should be enough to live on. DTAC where the Norwegian Telenor has the majority of the shares is a opportunity yes, also I think JOTUN is in Thailand among others. So I will use some time and also try to get connections at those and other Norwegian companies.

I can also start my own company and work in it, and try to get into the market, off course I think a Thai partner would be wise if working towards Thai companies.

So what more can you tell me about the Bangkok suburbs? It is business wise to be close to the market, and the trip all the way from Pattaya or south of is a bit too long on a daily basis. In fact I like Petchaburi better then Hua Hin and Cha Am as well. But that also takes time to drive.

Caronte: How is the CCTV market in Thailand? I see not so much CCTV but many guards that I call sleeping security. Because many of them are sleeping.

Many good thougths so far on this tread! Thanks!


Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 2:47 pm on May 12, 2007
I dated a nurse in BKK for about 3 years. I wonder where I would be now if I had accepted HER offer for me to move in with her in her Condo and she would take care of me. Said she currently worked 6 days a week/60 hours and would work more if I wantd to live with her in Thailand. Maybe that would not have been so bad.


Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:11 pm on May 12, 2007
Yeah LS, lemme guess, she said something like "No pobbem, me can take care you!"

Kurtnilses, security systems in LOS are quite a good biz....plenty of condo, hotels, shopping malls, residential compounds etc.....
Yes, they do have sleeping guards but it's more of a deco......if you take the ads of rent/sales of apartments/homes, you will always see they mention CCTV and other systems.....
Very recently, goldshops have increased their investments on security, following an increase in armed robberies....
And then you have all those clients in need of more specific solutions [retina scanners, fingerprint readers, time attendance etc]....but as you said, you will need a Thai partner...or you can try to find out an employment within a major company like Thai Secom or Securicor

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 7:51 pm on May 12, 2007

Quote: from caronte on 9:36 am on May 13, 2007

Yeah LS, lemme guess, she said something like "No pobbem, me can take care you!"

Yes, Caronte that is exactly what she said. Actually it was more like I will take care of you as her English was damn good. And knowing her she would have tried if I had let her. She took GREAT care of me. I was offered my own key to her 2 BR Condo in BKK but never accepted the offer. It was too much like a commitment and at that time I liked my freedom to come and go in BKK. I could tell you some of the things she used to do during my trips that might convince you she was serious but who knows. I never accepted the offer so I'm still in the USA at a job I hate.


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:06 am on May 13, 2007

Quote: from LastSurvivor on 6:51 pm on May 13, 2007

I never accepted the offer so I'm still in the USA at a job I hate.
..which pays your bills.

The big question would have been, rather, if you had accepted her offer, what *would* you be doing for work now? I don't see you as the kind of guy to just lounge around, and let the woman take care of you all the time.

More importantly - what happened to that nurse?

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:36 am on May 13, 2007

Quote: from DaffyDuck on 12:21 am on May 14, 2007

..which pays your bills.

The big question would have been, rather, if you had accepted her offer, what *would* you be doing for work now? I don't see you as the kind of guy to just lounge around, and let the woman take care of you all the time.

More importantly - what happened to that nurse?

She's still around and I get the odd SMS message now and then or phone call. It did not end very well and I'm assuming that my Thai wife and her would not really get along that well. I also met a nice farang nurse on an Alaska cruise who lived in Boston. I was dating her and the Thai nurse at roughly the same time and the Boston nurse made me the same offer. She wanted me to move to Boston so we could get married and I would be a stay at home dad as she had a great career and made a ton of money. I decided on a 22 year-old Isaan girl and I've never been happier.

Most likely I would have freelanced with my company in BKK every so often. The money would have been decent and at the time I had a connection in that rather small operation.


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:54 am on May 13, 2007

Quote: from factorx on 11:13 pm on May 3, 2007

"...3rd class country to 1st class..."

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:44 pm on Aug. 26, 2007

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