Mel Gibson
A couple require 1.6Million BAHT in the bank or an annual income of 130K,,,, I don't like rules changing but that does NOT seem unfair. In fact why the hell would you be retiring if you didn't have an income of 130,000BHT coming in? If I was 60 and looking to retire, I would be renting out my house in Sydney,, return about 728,000 BHT per year,with other investments returning more than that on-top, I guess I qualify. I think some people protest TOO MUTTTT. Mel
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:46 pm on Sep. 1, 2007
I would never invest in a Third world country more than I could walk away from, Its their country and they can change the rules whenever they like, Just because Malaysia or Indonesia might have better laws now for real estate ownershio does not mean they cannot change the rules whenever they want, Thais are a proud people, unfortunately this gets in the way of them thinking long term and in international terms. IF, (big IF ) I ever moved to Thailand, I would make sure my savings were in a Western country and just spend time in Thailand knowing I may be "asked" to leave at anytime, Sorry to see that these couples thought that the visa rules were set in stone, seems more like shifting sand : ( BK
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 3:43 pm on Sep. 1, 2007
haam sup
Quote: from Mel Gibson on 4:40 am on Sep. 2, 2007 A couple require 1.6Million BAHT in the bank or an annual income of 130K,,,, I don't like rules changing but that does NOT seem unfair. In fact why the hell would you be retiring if you didn't have an income of 130,000BHT coming in? If I was 60 and looking to retire, I would be renting out my house in Sydney,, return about 728,000 BHT per year,with other investments returning more than that on-top, I guess I qualify. I think some people protest TOO MUTTTT. Mel
Ah, Mel. Not everyone can derive income from YOUR house in Sydney, LOL. However, the big issue is the law going into effect immediately, and no grandfather clause. So, basically, cough up US$26,000+ today, or pack and be out in 7 days (for those about to renew). Of course the average punter (i.e., you) couldn't care less. But BKKdreaming hit it on the head: it can change ANY TIME. Remember Purachai? I wonder who would be the first to scream if they curtailed Nana/Cowboy/Patpong, and Pattaya, which is a HUGE embarrassment to Thais. Anyway, this may just be a blip, or it may be the beginning of a big change. Anyone who bets on the former, better be sure he can afford to be at the table. hs
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:26 pm on Sep. 1, 2007
be interesting to see what direction the country takes after elections, I agree w/BKKDreaming, be prepared, a well known phrase here in So Cal. the lord giveth, the Mexican gov. taketh, my attitude on all 3rd world countries where corruption rules, they could f__k you over whenever they feel like it, & if your still able to stay don't forget the other new rule a map with directions from immigration to your residence
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 7:48 pm on Sep. 1, 2007
Quote: from haam sup on 10:09 pm on Sep. 1, 2007 Better clean your reading glasses, Saturday Boy. This Police Order is effective today, and there is no grandfather clause. No one is arguing that the Thais can't do whatever they please, but these folks came here, followed the procedure, jumped through the hoops, and are now having the rug pulled from under them. So, you are either one of the smug ones, who have your own visa sorted, for the time being, or you don't have a clue what you are talking about.
Not a retiree, but I work in Bangkok - legitimately. Work permit, Non-Immigrant-B, etc. In the middle of August, the company I work for went to extend my visa based on my work permit. Unfortunately, sometime at the beginning of August or end of July, the Thai government had increased the amount of in-country capitalization required per farang; I think it used to be 1 million baht per farang employee, now 3 million. There was a frantic rush to get new financial statements made - apparently we do have the required capitalization, but only as of the beginning of this year. I and our administrator then waited in the immigration office all day with the new paperwork, finally got called up at 4:30pm or so (arrived at 10:30am). The new numbers apparently still weren't right. No visa extension given. I was required to surrender my work permit and exit the country. No grandfather clause for my existing work permit, just changed the rules and told me to get out. Now I'm back on another non-immigrant B, and the company's getting new paperwork together, and applying for a new work permit. (for which the stack of required documents gets thicker and thicker by the week). ---------------------------- Edit 03-Sept-07 It seems that it wasn't the per-farang capitalization, but some other banking rule. I never did understand it. The point remains: no grandfathering.
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 8:35 pm on Sep. 1, 2007
Quote: from haam sup on 8:20 am on Sep. 2, 2007 Remember Purachai? I wonder who would be the first to scream if they curtailed Nana/Cowboy/Patpong, and Pattaya, which is a HUGE embarrassment to Thais.
If it were truly such a BIG embarassment to Thais, they would all already have been shut down, and bulldozered into oblivion... Not saying it's not a thorn in their side, but considering those listed places are a mere blip on the p4p horizon, I think it's more like most politicos have more important things on their minds... Then again, none of this is really that much different than what's going on in the United States political and 'moral' arenas... (the short-sighted incompetence, I mean)
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:47 pm on Sep. 1, 2007
what value is your condo when you cannot get a visa to stay in it ? You wonder which group makes up these rules, you would think the Thai-Chinese would want more business so they could get a piece of it ! BK
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:56 pm on Sep. 1, 2007
Mel Gibson
haam sup, What I was REALLy trying to get across was that no-one should dream of retiring without a decent income stream. The rule asking for 130,000 BHT per year ( couple) is NOT over what 95% of Farang get,, the other 5% shouldn't be retiring if they have no money. I am no 'high-flyer" being middle management in a Government enterprise,, but even my pension would be 980,000 BHT per year indexed to inflation for the rest of my life. YMMV Mel
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:11 pm on Sep. 1, 2007
Quote: from BKKdreaming on 10:50 am on Sep. 2, 2007 what value is your condo when you cannot get a visa to stay in it ?
You rent it out? With a property management firm? You pocket the change?
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 11:12 pm on Sep. 1, 2007
mel, I hope is well down under.... maybe this should go under "money mattters" but I am beside myself lookin at an 100,000 investment compared to a 70,000 dollar investment 3 years ago... I plan to retire to LOS but it is more and more less attractive.... maybe (as my wife says) work here and holiday in thailand..."new government is horrible".... atl *edit in* TJ great avatar!!!
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:19 pm on Sep. 1, 2007