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i thought issarn was the real

now its the

you the man dg!

i got more but watching real football....usa kind!

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 9:34 pm on Dec. 21, 2010

Quote: from dirty guru on 8:31 am on Dec. 22, 2010
Common sense tells the reader Thailand produces alot of rice-

Not all are slack-

My wifes Father is on his second crop this year-

... working hard to produce a bounty of paddie export... sure, many do that.

... I read several years back that the Thai Ministry of Agriculture announced a new initiative to correct a deficiency in Thailand's competitiveness producing rice... the deficiency was that Vietnamese farmers produced something in the range of 250% more rice per hectare than Thai farmers.

... now, that could be a consequence of:

(i) more industrious VN farmers; or,
(ii) smarter VN agricultural practices (pest and disease control; flood control; soil amendment; irrigation; silage) ; or,
(iii) better VN environmental conditions (rain; soil; sunshine, temperatures).

... 250% is a lot to make up... are there other variables that could account for the difference?

... and, DG, please help me understand if there is any truth to the perception here that Thai rice farmers are held hostage to cartel buyers in any particular trade area, with whom they are obligated to deal?

... when the paddie prices are high, the farmers benefit little, as they are constrained to sell to the local cartel who scrap the cream... when paddie prices are low, cartel buyers plead low market demand and buy at discount... I read numbers on the spreads some time ago, and the Thai middlemen, organized at a regional level, were fingered as the culprits.

... curious to know if your father-in-law sells to the very same buyer season-in, and season-out... one of those Thai relationship things the Thai prai have with their betters, the amataya.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 12:21 am on Dec. 22, 2010
dirty guru
Your a goose Harrold only an idiot thinks all of Thailand sits on its arse all day-

It is regarded as the north- east and as such poorer in General-
Alot of the people there sit around as they are either unemployed or have no cows or unfavorable land to grow on-

The reason its the primary source of Bar girls is poverty and lack of Oppurtunities-

As I have said time and time again I have watched the very productive Thais in this region (and slightly north, near the cambodian border toil very hard) work.

On my wifes farm everyone does something even the children after school had asigned tasks -

Farmers with 50 head of Cattle and many rais of fertile land work hard- why because they make money-

Increasingly I am thinking the forum knowledge here is very tainted by just personal experiences-

Madfrog is correct Issaan people in genaral are regarded in general less productive-

But I have qualified this to be relevant to their lot in life and less rainfall expectations-

But not all issaan folk are lazy-

Sure much of Thailand might look down on them, but some are productive-

Anyhow this threads topic is not in Issaan-

So the knowledge I refer to as them being hard workers is based on sound evidence- but you will find from that area from Sa Kao in the south to Kurri Kia in the north the farmers have often lifestock in addition to rice- and certainly the better land to farm-

As for being held hostage to buyers - its true the farmers get less than they should but hostage no-

We buy in addition to our own Harvest grown alot from the cambodians - it can be resold in Tapraya or if the market is off key - ceratinly in Sa Kao (or closer aranyaprhet-

However there are stories where Farmers get locked into silly arrangements-

The profits are made central to Bangkok suppliers mainly-

The farmers are way down the food chain

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:25 am on Dec. 22, 2010
i dont think anybody says all thais are all anything...........come on dg stop w the all or nothing.

ive learned late in life govt policy has a lot more to do w people's lives than the amount of

also I aint disrespecting issan people, they have it tough!

i dont blame village chicks going after silly farangs, dg you prime example...........horrible husband but at least invest in familee farm.


THIS FORUM HAS AT LEAST SOME who ????????? the bs some write..............we all can laugh and learn whichever is dg u just make litlle sense all the time.

im no rice expert but I dont see how a lady and her donkey can compete in the rice business against multinational companies.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 12:48 am on Dec. 22, 2010
dirty guru
Your really a clown Harrold -

Most farmers sell to a larger co - operation - many here have seen the rice piles like little mountains-

They then sell to the larger fish-

She doesnt have a donkey ?

What ever the hell your talking about is pointless stuff-

Her business has nothing to do with Farming?

I only pump money to her stock as she actually makes money-

The tractor I bought her father is conditional on it being hired out for money and they become self sufficent which they almost are-

The cows are bred not sold-

The rice returns after fertilizer and labor costs and everything else are not great - two crops yeild maybe 300,000 each-

My wife takes almost half that -

She then expects her family to live on the rest -

And they are well off in their area -

$10,000 USD a year is rich there almost-

We dont compete with anyone However the market forces change over the year-

Example Class one grade rice sells for 22 baht a Kilo but farmer gets just 11 baht-

Later in Year maybe 14 baht-
*(we often horde and sell high...but its still a rip off)

We buy cambodian rice grade 2 for as little as 8 baht a kilo and sell at 10-12 (when high) usually - say 5000 kilograms - this repressents 20,000 baht profit less expenses (about 20%)

Its hard work -

Thais work hard-
Its always changing-

Lower grades lower prices-

Harrold stop being a personal dickhead and following me about with your LOL shit and smears

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 1:05 am on Dec. 22, 2010
H444 has the IQ of a Marshmallow, don't fall into his traps, let him talk to himself... he'll tire soon enough, go back to his closet and try Scarfing

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:57 am on Dec. 22, 2010
Just added Harold to my ignore list, since a long long time he is just good at attacking other member and provide no information whatsoever to this board.
Even Dr Love was at time better...and you all know how much I like this pathetic clown!


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:32 am on Dec. 22, 2010
im just playing with the man.

still dont understand the need to pump money into a moneymaking business.

makes no sense. he doesnt answer.

mr you admit to buying a tractor for poppa.
you r the caricature of the farang as

no problem. the more you explain the more you look the foolish farang.

all become more plausible why a good wholesome woman would put up with the ultimate farang butterfly.

mr dg are you the same same age as pop in

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:16 pm on Dec. 22, 2010
LOL Some guys just never learn.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 5:17 pm on Dec. 22, 2010
dirty guru
You both are simple bitter trogs-

My situation is calculated and long term-

Outside of p4p you know little-

Mention of the things you do just show shallowness-

I pump money into the family efforts because they work hard and relief me of the burden of on going support-

read last post- (almost self sufficent)

But I am not on trial-

Giving Thais - *(not just her family) But other families who forinstance hire the tractor cheaply - a means of improving output-

remember many cant afford labor as her family can-

Helping the local school -

Being able to teach them better Farming methods as downloaded by farmers elsewhere in the world-

Showing compassion-

This is who I am-

What however,you silly dicks show increasingly here with the male bitch stuff- is a mix of limited knowledge -

*(ie everyones an atm)

Atms disperse money on will of card holder-

I have strict instructions and conditions-

Make money on my investments or it stops-

Being critical of me stems not from some higher learning rather it is seen for what it is-

Pure nasty petty bitchy boy stalking -

You have little to contribute and hide behind the game that your laughing at and above members here-

People here discribe you as low IQ

Some point out you dont even spell that well-

You dont have much knowledge- *(that much is easily determined)

If you are Harrold hell bent on this fixation with me, and questioning my individual life and its finanical decesions-

Marriage etc

Why not go get some bitchy womans mags - you certainly appear interested in areas of other mens private lifes

Are you sweet harrold ?

Like the Guy above who lines up smiling girls on a You tube but frequents Boys Town Pattaya as reliable members have informed me.

Is this some Gay mans Business?

You must follow me about?

You like Boys Harrold?

The Profile fits -

hate woman-

All Thais are after just money-

(maybe I should back off with the home truths) ::

I dont give a f*** much-

increasingly at this time of year - maybe I should be Big enough to offer you pity in the form of just wishing you "all the best"

Good luck Harrold I hope you find what your looking for-

Merry Xmas

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:47 pm on Dec. 22, 2010

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