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You might want to consider the flip side of the risk in #3. Yes, BGs do get attached and possessive, but you may also run the risk of falling in love with one of them if you spend more than a few days with one. Happened to me (and I'm still happily living the consequences) but is IS a major complication in your life to let this happen. And it happens easier than you might think. The tears at the airport parting may not necessarily be hers (see the Falling in Love thread). So I'd suggest you just enjoying the variety for now, you'll get the GF experience with that as well. Enjoy your trip!

- Balls

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:21 pm on Oct. 27, 2002
If you decide to go with one girl I would suggust you meet her at a beergarden, Soi 7 she will be a freelancer and you won't have to pay a daily barfine. I would suggust paying her 1000 per day plus expenses and make sure she understands this from day one. Every girl I meet at the beer garden was more then happy with 1000 L/T or 500 S/T. Some guys on this board will tell you, you have to pay more, ignore them, if you want to pay more up to you as the girls will say, but no need to.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 2:04 pm on Oct. 27, 2002
If you take a girl from beer garden on a long term deal, you shouldn't be paying 1000 baht per day.

30000 baht per month is WAY too much.


Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:13 pm on Oct. 27, 2002
Good point, what do you think is a fair price for 30 days?

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 5:02 pm on Oct. 27, 2002
This a bit tricky, had a buddy agreed to pay a girl 20,000 for the month - guess what - he made the mistake of paying up front !! After the first day she had to go home to get some clothes, - not seen since. A couple of weeks ago, another buddy fancied a girl who goes there occasionally, he gave her 1000bt the first couple of days, plus we went to restaurants/nightclubs etc. - the girl became very keen, never asked for any more money, - so he ended up buying her some gold, and most afternoons sending her off home for a few hours with some pocket money ...  I really think a mistake to enter into a month long deal, so many opportunities come along - plus if the girl wants to talk rates, she is obviously not all that keen on you - certainly better to pay her 1000bt per day for a few days, arrange for her to go home for a few hours each day, then meet up later, after a few days of this, if you are both comfortable, then you can work something out, but dont pay up for more than a week, and not more than 5000bt  for a week - typically Thai, if she has money, her friends/relatives will soon get or borrow it off her, especially the mob that hang around soi 7, as soon as one of their associates has an earn, they all have the hand out !

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:23 am on Oct. 28, 2002
Deleted Member
Thanks for the info guys. I'll definately check out the Rock places mentioned cheers.

I haven't actually bought my plane ticket yet. I'm still waiting on work visa's for Australia and New Zealand. Once I have these I can finalise my plans. Either way though I'll be in Thailand early January. I've already handed in my notice at work, and have quite a bit saved for a good blow out when I get there!

As for "Falling in Love". I hadn't really given it any thought, though I suppose it is a possibility. Actually the more I think about it the chances are I'll go all sad arse over the first girl that says Sawat-dee. I'm the sort of bloke who doesn't like to offend people for no reason, especially ladies, so if a girl was to approach me and start chatting, even if I didn't fancy her, I wouldn't have the heart to tell her no, or leave me alone. Maybe this is something I'll have to work on.

I have a little experience with Thai girls. Went with one on a recent trip to Amsterdam, my god she was amazing! I could have packed her up in my bag and bought her home with me! And that was only spending 20 minutes with her Also had a traditional Thai massage and she was really cute, tiny little thing, couldn't touch though The last is a half Thai girl I've been visiting, words can't really do her justice. She has a body like a porn star, and shag's like one as well. She is expensive though. Maybe I'll leave the 1 month deal I was thinking of doing, your the guys in the know, and it sounds like it could cause me too much trouble. Though if I do I will check out the beer gardens, as you say, no bar fine


Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:39 am on Oct. 28, 2002
Laddie! Ah laddie! You're bringing a smile to my face just thinking about it. I can just see you walkin' into CM2 'n the whiplash in your neck as you try an' drink in all the beauty at once.  55555

Ah but the choice, the choice'll be what actually gnaws at you. Nailing it down to the evenings 'one' is what you'll find toughest. But then, other avenues will dawn too. Morning, noon and night will come to mean new opportunities in themselves. 55555

I'm like you, a considerate sort who doesn't like to offend. Not the best at saying no either. Well trust me, they will bring the lessons to you. If you're just like me you'll wake up the 1st morning after CM2 and realize that your shyness was an actual hindrance to them. That indeed those 100's of gorgeous precios little dolls were near one-and-all yearning for you to break the ice and whisk them away.

The month plan has to go. You've got a sweet tooth 30 days in a row, you stop in at Baskin-Robbins daily to cope. Are you gonna buy the same flavor? Maybe. But then you'll realize it's fat free, still tastes great, and darned if that craving isn't happier. Before you know it three times day thereafter seems so much finer. Oh, yea you will want to sample. 55555

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:33 am on Oct. 28, 2002

The question of how much is quite a big one.

If you are talking about a classy girl from one of the better MP's then for sure you would be talking about serious money to buy her out for a long time.

But if we are talking about a freelancer from the beer garden then that is a very different number.

I have taken a couple of girls from there who had regular jobs and were supplementing their income. I was completely sure from conversations that they had regular clerical jobs.

The two girls were earning about 6000 baht per month. So to provide food and room and give 10000 baht spending money would sound like a good deal to them.

I would be inclined to offer 1000 baht per day, initially without any strings attached and take it from there.

But as has been said earlier, better to play the field at first before geting tagged into anything more permanent.


Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 8:19 am on Oct. 28, 2002
Don't even think about making a deal with a girl to stay for a month. The most you should plan for is a week at a time, that way neither one of you has much to lose if things don't work out. You should make sure to pay her off after each and every week. If you both are happy at the end of the first week, you can renew or modify your contract. Having shorter term contracts may be more expensive, but it will certainly focus her mind on keeping you happy and give you more options.

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 2:53 pm on Oct. 28, 2002

I totally agree with you in terms of taking a week at a time. I was replying to bigDUSA' s question about prices.

Talk of monthly terms would have to be well down the track.


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:11 pm on Oct. 28, 2002

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