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JackRabbit present...

Bigone is a former , nowadays executed member.
World-class troll whose sole existence was to f_ck threads , spread lies and make idiotic questions to make everybody mad.
Had several aliases , too.

Biggest lie was his name...


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:09 am on April 30, 2003

Quote: from liftoff on 2:58 pm on April 30, 2003
1) Griffin, I like your term "feminazi". I'll addobt that one

2) ZIpper is possibly Hermanolobo in disguise, trying to unriddle his question in the thread about THailand as a phase. He is still waiting for an answer on that one ands I am still waiting for a Rap about it, from him.

Zipper if you can make your above statement by rapping, we'll be a bit more clear here.

3) Yurune, I think you are right. A good example is MR Joe who attends this forum regularly but actually stays at home with his wife, chooses business colleagues with iron will aginst temptation and actually is Ýa Gentleman.

So many assumptions in one short message!

1. No. I'm not Hermanolobo in disguise.

2. Thailand is not a phase with me . I'll always like the people & the food & wine,  after my screwing days are over.

3. Sorry, can't  RAP. You'll have to go to Hermanolobo
for that.

4.  I also like  "feminazi" , but haven't come across very many of that species. Do they actually have swastikas
tatooed across their boobs?  

5. What more can I say? I don't have a wife to stay at home with & love screw infused  visits to LOS, but my enthusiasm wears off in a few weeks & I then have to partake in the regular rat race , in order to whet my
appetite for my next LOS visit.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 4:17 am on April 30, 2003

Quote: from Arcadius on 3:49 pm on April 30, 2003
I can only speak for one middle-aged drop-out. Basically, I'd come to find life in the West thoroughly unfulfilling, and feel 10 times more alive in BKK. Whatever else it may be, the City of Angels is never, ever boring - and after a year of living here permanently, I find I'm enjoying the place more than ever. Slightly to my own surprise, I have only one real regret Ý- and that is that I didn't drop out 10 years sooner.

Don't they get somewhat bored after (say) a month Ýof unbridled screwing?

Who wouldn't? But then it's really only tourists who indulge in 'unbridled' screwing. Obviously the dynamics change completely when the easy availability of good sex ceases to be a 2-week window of opportunity in your year and instead becomes a permanent backdrop to your life. Back in the West, how many people gorge themselves on chocolate cake every day just because they can?

Unlike Yurune (& many other expats), I make full use of the local P4P facilities and still get a great deal out of this - in fact, more than I ever did when coming here as a tourist. ÝBut I certainly don't bang 3 different women a day or anything like that. I think that sort of compulsion disappears very quickly once you're not operating under artificial time constraints.

Who cares about money? Money for what? I was lucky enough to find fulfilling & quite demanding work quite quickly in BKK. This pays only a fraction of what I was earning in London, but the cost of living is much lower and it's enough to do what I want. Accumulating useless resources while your life gurgles ever more rapidly down the plughole is exactly the kind of absurdity I wanted to get away from.

Many people who come here don't want or need a job. However, to anyone in this boat I would strongly recommend finding something meaningful to do - unpaid charity work or something like that. ÝIt should go without saying that a life devoted exclusively to hedonism isn't actually likely to be very enjoyable. Ý Ý

Arcadius: Your's is the only post on this thread that I really appreciate & empathisize with.

Can you PLEASE tell me what is so interesting in Bkk,
other than the ladies . I'm being serious about this as I do appear to be missing out on many things on my near countless visits to LOS.

Like almost everyone else, I do find the Thais' to be fun people & very friendly, but what else?  .

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:30 am on April 30, 2003

Certainly is my cup of tea....


MrJoe is a good ( I hope in his view) friend of mine who is indeed and gentleman and a scholar. We are due a few beers very soon.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 4:32 am on April 30, 2003
I'll answer your post to Arcadius with my opinion

Cheap Taxi's is my pet love
Standard of living
Overseas friends
Temples (yes seriously I enjoy a trip out once in a while to look around a new one or a favourite one)

P4P is low on my list........

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:35 am on April 30, 2003

Quote: from Dave on 4:05 pm on April 30, 2003

A couple of buddies of mine, now sold up their businesses, split their time between UK and LOS, say 6 months each in any one year.
Seems to work for them having a UK income, and enjoying all the pleasures of LOS ( not just women) for as much time as they think is good for them

Seems great (for them) But what are the other pleasures besides women, food & drink & possibly Golf?
Watersports? one can get  enough of these in almost any country in the world.  

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:37 am on April 30, 2003
The Machine

If I came from the UK or northern Europe or Melbourne I would not hesitate to move to Thailand.


cost of living

What else to you need?

With sattelite tv and internet you can keep in contact with western culture and friends.


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:58 am on April 30, 2003

Quote: from Yurune on 4:35 pm on April 30, 2003
I'll answer your post to Arcadius with my opinion

Cheap Taxi's is my pet love
Standard of living
Overseas friends
Temples (yes seriously I enjoy a trip out once in a while to look around a new one or a favourite one)

P4P is low on my list........

Thanks Yurune.

I agree with some (not all) the items on your list.

I'd rank the Thai people as no. 1. They may, or may not be sincere, but they sure are friendly & pleasant. As I said before, they are a 'fun' people - a contrast to the (sometimes) snarling, grim faced,  zombies that one encounters in most of Europe.  

But then, I've found most most SE Asian , & Far Eastern people to be courteous & friendly, except for the Chinese.

Taxis? Ha! Ha! Do you really like getting stuck in Bkk traffic in a taxi?

Weather? Ha! Ha! (again) You really like the heat & humidity that exists in most of LOS. I personally don't. Neither do I like the wet season.  

Beaches -yes. But definitely not Pattaya and now Phuket (too commercial) You've got equally good beaches in places like the Philippines & Indonesia.
But you don't get Thai people there - which makes a big difference.

Standard of living?? Don't understand that one. Most Thai sex workers do a job that they hate , only because they are miserably poor.

Overseas friends- You can have these in any country.

Temples - Agreed.

P4P - Somewhat higher on my list.

Briefly: I like LOS more for its people than anything else.

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:11 am on April 30, 2003
Taxis...depends when you travel and I rarely have traffic problems.....and no it doesn't bother me....much traffic where I am from. When I am in an area I know I tell them how to beat the traffic....traffic in BKK is not so bad if you don't spend your time on certain roads at certain times. If I go out at home and have to use a taxi to get home...chalk up 2400B to your it's 80B....and the distances are not that different.

Beaches....Never go to pattaya....never would...many more beaches than the two you mention...Phuket is not  a beach...Patong is....and it's crap too...but many beaches in Phuket where you can be alone.

Weather...I like it hot...and I work in air con...drink in air con and sleep in I can afford to.

Standard of Living?....When did I say I was a Thai sex worker???....but then at least I could spleep with FarangBha...cute boy...LOL

Overseas Friends.....When at home people are less inclined to chat and meet new people from many places....

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 5:23 am on April 30, 2003

First point to make is that when you live and work in LOS, you experience it very differently from a tourist. I expect that applies just about anywhere.

At any event, I was once here on a month's holiday, and did indeed get fed up during that last week - needed to get back to 'real life'. Since BKK has become my real life, though, I never get bored.

What do I like about the place?

1) BKK's 'buzz'. Life red in tooth and claw. How can you not feel 100% alive being part of a place like this?

2) Thais & Thaidom. They're so completely 'different', and yet so tolerant (usually) & accommodating. First time I came here, I thought I'd just beamed down from the starship Enterprise, & I still feel like that to some extent. So much to learn about what makes them tick (& the corrollary - what makes Westerners tick). I don't expect ever to finish this journey, but what the hell. Thais have their faults, some of them quite severe ones, but on the whole I think they're the most fascinating people I've ever encountered. Wonderful to be allowed to live & work among them.

3) Expats. Come in all shapes and sizes, of course, but there's a lot of very interesting & unconventional people here. Making friends is easy. I particularly like the fact that you're so much a farang first, and anything else you might be second, that the usual petty nationalistic sillinesses largely evaporate.

4) P4P. Still VERY important for me. Not so much a matter of sex pure & simple; now I have the opportunity to get know some of the girls over a lengthy period of time and so they can become 'friends' (or very part-time mistresses). If you like women, but have never been very comfortable with the intensity of one-on-one relationships, this is an excellent arrangement. Anyway, I like & get on well with the BGs as a group & enjoy them to the fullest - much more so than when I was a tourist. Giving this up would be a huge wrench now.

5) Eye candy. Just looking at beautiful women makes me happy, and I'm particularly inspired by the Asian variety. In BKK, extraordinarily pretty girls are everywhere - in the office, the BTS, the shops, the streets, you name it. OK, BKK isn't unique in this respect. But combine this with the Thais' beautiful, laid-back manners, and I find I'm in a good mood most of the time.

6) Food. Thai food, obviously, but not just that. If you know where to go, you can eat just about anything, and eat well. I've eaten far better British 'pub grub' in BKK than I ever did in London.


1) Intellectual stimulation. I DO miss London's museums, art galleries, bookshops, etc. As is often remarked, analytical thinking & controversy are not Thai strong suits - so most of that kind of stimulation you need to get from other expats & visitors. Thank GOD for cable TV and the internet, because I think I'd have found this quite a major problem otherwise.

2) Weather. I find the hot season oppressive, and actually miss the English winters. The rainy and 'cold' seasons are quite tolerable, though, once you've acclimatised. Ý Ý

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:11 am on April 30, 2003

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