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Wow, a skill testing question!

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 3:46 am on Nov. 7, 2003
If you have at least 1 million baht or 2 million baht, you have at least two option:
1. Open Seven - Eleven Shop
2. Open Oil Station

At least my friend have two shop seven eleven which support him earnings arround 200 K Baht per month.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 6:05 am on May 11, 2004
so you are saying:

1 x 7/11 invest 2'000'000

get back invenstments withhin 20 months??

that would beat most girly bars, then.


Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:16 am on May 11, 2004
In my experience, it'll cost you more than that for both of those options.

CP Group has a plan A and plan B franchise for 7-11 operators. Plan A means you take over an existing location for them (these are invariably the poorest performing locations). Plan B means you provide your own location. Both plans involve a 39-45% (of your gross) revenue share to CP. Initial stock is typically in the 3 million Baht range (yeah, you get a lot of candy, gum, and milk for that). Plan B is by far the most preferable, and that brings up the issue of owning the location or renting. Being the owner is preferable and typically excludes 99% of foreigners. Renting is okay, but as in all businesses, plan to lose money at first. Anywhere worth renting will be 30-60 thousand Baht a month. The metropolitan areas of the country are rapidly expanding, so there are plenty of new markets. The bad news is that if you didn't get in on your property 10 to 20 years ago, a streetside front of the neighborhood type building will cost you 3,5,10,15+ million Baht. The best selling 7-11 in Thailand now? The Morchid bus terminal location (owned by CP, and not for sale). 600,000 Baht a day in revenues. Avg. transaction total is 76 Baht.

Gas station? That's another barrel of mackeral, and I'll tell you straight up that the only way to profit in the long run is to buy and sell gasoline that comes up through Chonburi that has managed to evade taxation. You have to cleverly mix this with legit gasoline and not get caught. Needless to say this is the type of business most foreigners do not excel in either because of the connections required.

Good luck though.

Myself, our family does a little of this and that, and agree with the poster who mentioned that most will not go into much detail about what they do. Our main thing is importing and selling packing and canning equipment/machinery. If you want to get into that business, you're more than welcome to try.


Quote: from DewAsmara on 6:05 pm on May 11, 2004
If you have at least 1 million baht or 2 million baht, you have at least two option:
1. Open Seven - Eleven Shop
2. Open Oil Station

At least my friend have two shop seven eleven which support him earnings arround 200 K Baht per month.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 11:54 am on May 11, 2004

I have some connected contacts here in Phuket and was offered beer bars for 30k per month with no key deposit in the last month... Say another 50k and some girls to equip sock and open absolute tops and not too bad a spot...

Of course the idea of running a bar is no good for me... I have enough problems with the sauce and it would be an early grave for not much return IMHO.

Down here these big money in property development... on the uber end of the market its hard not to make 100% returns at the moment.. Of course you need at least 10 mil to be playing the game but a 100% return inside of 12 - 24 months is not hard to achieve... I know a few recent arrivals that have already put big money in thier pockets from being brave with thier assets and playing this game..

If you had no morals you could set up some internet video rooms / wank cabins... Big money if done right... $2.5 usd per minute paybacks... A well run 6 - 8 feed agency can pull in up to 20k USD monthly... of course the legality is suspect and the boys in brown would need a slice... Shame my morals prevent me from this as it would be very easy to do.

I dispair of the bar room people I talk to always moaning of no chance to make a buck.. Theres lots of opportunities if you can get up and work... Of course if you stagger back at 6 - 9 AM each night (as I am doing ) forget it... Work = profit..

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 11:59 am on May 11, 2004
Wow, two and half years since the last post. But I used the search engine, this is where it took me, and I still am curious.

What kind of packages are expats living on over here?

I know the English teachers make around 30K-80K depending on the school and credentials. Managers and tech guys can do from 60K-150K depending on the role. Running your own business can be from 40K+ I guess. What about some of the higher flying expats?

I look at the Bangkok Post classified and I see condos and homes renting out for 100K-300K a month. Obviously, no Thai in their right mind pays this and I assume this is really for the people over here on a company expense.

But some of these expats do have localized salaries, any ideas about the range that we are talking about here? Figure the guys here on their company's dime (overseas posting) probably end up with about 150K-500K+ per month, right? Am I way off base here?

Just a curiosity that I've been trying to figure out. I know what they pay the expats and my company (software). Most make about 80K-100K and a few are pulling in 130K. I just wonder if this is true elsewhere?

Any takers?


Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:39 am on Dec. 26, 2006

back in the day....I sold condo's to a few expats..michelin, exxon etc..they made in the 300 to 400 thousand US a year range..I on the other hand pulled in about 75 to 80 thousand baht a month range...

then I got a job as director of sales for Chateau De loei wines and was pulling in close to 90,000 a month....

if you must work (non-pension)........ good jobs can be found....I dont think anything less than 75,000 a month is comfortable....and if you want to save, send your kids to farang uni, take holidays to the west need minimum 125,000baht a month


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:29 pm on Dec. 26, 2006
Mel Gibson
atl, I was offered a glass of Chateau de Loei last time I was in Isaan. I smiled nicely and braced myself for the expected abhorent / vinegar like flavour,,,,, was I in for a shock, it was bloody lovely. I'll be making a trip up to Loei this holiday to check the place out.


Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:40 pm on Dec. 26, 2006
SOme brought Loei wine to CHristmas dinner. Bloody horible stuff.

Only thing in Loei is gold........

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 10:55 pm on Dec. 26, 2006

I hate white wine but the chenin blanc that chateau de loie makes isnt bad...the shiraz is OK....but I can stand by the fact that it is the best thai wine...not saying much...but it was an easy sale as most resorts/restaurants wanted a thai wine on the menu...

it should be known that dr. chaiyut who owns italthai group (BTS/Amari hotel family) is the owner of chateau de loei....he was my old boss and a good man.........


Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 10:58 pm on Dec. 26, 2006

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