Just wondered if any of you fine fellas are shifting any Thai produced gear through websites ? I'm in the process of setting something up but wondered if anyone else is actually making a decent liveable income out of it and what pitfalls can be avoided.
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:41 pm on June 2, 2005
I sold DVDs/ VCDs for a while. Some good titles could be buoght a MangPhong for 99 baht. Sold most of them for US$12 or so.... Started low at US$ 0,01 and charged US$7.95 for postage (which actually only costs 60 baht). Nowadays only B movies at Mangphong. The A titles are around 500-600 baht, not worthwhile.
Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 3:01 am on June 3, 2005
As posted in another thread I run 4 websites in the UK. Just info sites (in high revenue subject matters) with about 400 pages between them but the "Google Ads" revenue is around $6500 a month from around 71,500 unique visitors a month. Outgoings around $1,800 Income rises as I add more sites or pages - costs are not exponential. Anticipate profist of around $7,500 within next 6 months Its not really rocket science though it is very time consuming in the early days. If you use content management sites you dont even need any web design or ftp skills - I certainly dont have any. If you set up info only sites or sell other people's products via affiliate schemes then you are truly borderless - my sites are UK based and hosted but administered from anywhere in the world. If I found a truly worldwide market then I would be even happier. One thing to remember is a fairly straightforward rule of business. There are 20,000 farang (I think) in Bangkok, 10 million thais, and many billions of people worldwide so WHY do people insist on setting up businesses selling to the 20,000?????? It actually makes no sense at all but we see it all the time. Go where the markets are my sons..................
Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:53 pm on June 17, 2005
whitespider, can you give more details about how to earn money from running info websites ? How do you get money, from ads only ?
Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 2:26 pm on July 18, 2005
Whitespider, I would like to how you get (based on an avarage of US$0.03 per click) 216,000 clicks out of 71,500 uniques. Looks like a lot of bull to me....
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 11:23 pm on July 18, 2005
Actually I am the other side of Adwords which is what I think this is about. I set up campaigns to promote web sites based on search words and I decide what words, what countries and how much I am prepared to pay per click. Thats on Google itself and Google also has partner sites where, I assume, there is a revenue split with the site owner. Some key words I pay 50 cents per click and in some areas I have heard it goes much higher. Similar to a webmaster program promoting Adult, Gambling or whatever. A lot of people I know in Asia making nice money running those.
Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 6:31 pm on Aug. 9, 2005
Well there is plenty of stuff to sell from Thailand. You also link to travel websites. Google is a good way to make money
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:25 pm on Aug. 11, 2005
Dr - you have lost me. My pages get around 71,000 unique users a month. I have a CTR on my google ads at between 5 and 10%. Thats 3,500 to 7,000 ad clciks a month. Some adds pay me as much as $4 a click most less but not many below $1 Andy
Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:00 pm on Aug. 16, 2005
As an afterthought Im happy to share my experience and knowledge - it aint rocket science - PM me for email address
Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 11:28 am on Dec. 14, 2005
If you are looking for a way of making extra money - either at home or to fund a move to LOS, or just extra income oif you are already here then you could try this ebook whcih give some great ways to make money from (free) blogging. If you are unsure there are loads of positive revies on it on Google etc. http://www.bloggingtothebank.com/?hop=ifaguru
Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 5:07 pm on April 7, 2006