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When you plan to start a business in LOS or elsewhere, you need to find some competent staff and the tricky part is that : when you want to place an ad in bkkpost for example, you have to justify your company registration, etc... but what I need is to find staff BEFORE I actually start to operate my business.
What are your advices ? and where to place ads, u think ?
Thanks bros

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:21 pm on July 18, 2005
UK Shaga
I found it’s impossible to get good staff here. After spending at least 6 months trying these where some of my choices.

1 Well over paid older guys with 0 drive, they have been here for years and want loads of cash for doing nothing.

( I work about 12 hours a day every day. I want some help, I am willing to pay close to what I make but I want a similar work load to be handed by them. The best I got from this range was a guy that offered to work 3 days a week I could have push for more days but he wanted same amount of money for what I take home my self and I am very well paid. Sorry and dose a 5 hour day at the most)

2 Dim locals that do not want allot of money but do nothing for the little money they get paid, every day try to steel off you and have no loyalty at all.

(one guy was so bad he broke into my house and stole my X business partners computer, 2 mobile phones and camera. Funny thing was it was also his girlfriends brother)

3 X English teachers trying to get out of there low paid job. They for the most do not have much of a skill set and are a combination of the above, not so much of the steeling though.

(I needed to expand what I was doing or fall so I got one guy, I thought he was good. I gave him the Raines so I could move forward once I did this he decided to be late every day and forgot to do emails once every other day and crashed 80% of my turnover making me start all over again)

When getting staff in other country’s around the world I never had problems, here I get only problems. What I am doing is now getting in people I have worked for me before and getting most of the work done outside of Thailand.

In short I am not saying that this is the hard and fast rule of workers here but this is what I have found so far. So if you must employ someone then do but if you can get away with not getting in staff then I would do that.

Who's buying the beers.

Bangkok Women : Meet Sensual Bangkok Women
Posted on: 3:18 pm on July 18, 2005
China Sailor
There are a lot of reasons for requiring a comapny registration:

1) To prove that you are not an unlawful operation (such as Human Traffickers)

2) To prove that you are a legitimate employer and not a 'lookie-loo' (the Newspapers' reputation requires that they only take ads from legitimate sellers/employers)

3) For Tax purposes. If you are a business they are required to provide a 'Tax Invoice' and that requires this number.

The consulting firm I own does business in several locations around the world, and in each location I have been required to provide a business registration prior to doing anything. For many countries, this registration number is required on all documents relating to your business.

If you are serious about starting this business and are not a 'lookie-loo' who is playing around with the idea of starting a business then need to go ahead and register your business.


No kidding mate, I have had this problem not only in LOS but in Indo also. I usually end up having to recruit locals who have attended Western Unis to get the quality I need. The only problem here is the turnover because once you get them trained-up they take employment with some multi-national that has promise of sending them back to the 'promised land'.

Thai Girls : Meet Sexy Thai Girls
Posted on: 4:11 pm on July 18, 2005

Quote: from reloading on 2:33 am on July 19, 2005
When you plan to start a business in LOS or elsewhere, you need to find some competent staff and the tricky part is that : when you want to place an ad in bkkpost for example, you have to justify your company registration, etc... but what I need is to find staff BEFORE I actually start to operate my business.
What are your advices ? and where to place ads, u think ?
Thanks bros

where did you hear this??

simply not true.

rocked up at bangkok post yesterday.

visitors registration, ground floor. was whisked up to third floor, where a cute little desktop publisher took care of my ad.

after several changed my ad was completed.

2 columns/4 inches, 28'000 baht.

ad starts tomorrow for 8 consecutive days in bangkok post and today, and will be online for 30 days.

I did not bring any papers and wasnt asked to produce any.

payment by cash or credit card, electron not available.



Bangkok Girls : Meet Sexy Bangkok Girls
Posted on: 10:27 pm on July 18, 2005
Interesting post 'ringthebells'
When I passed the ad in the classified sections, I was asked to fax them the company registration.
Well noted anyway. Was your ad in the classified ?

Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 12:05 pm on July 26, 2005
China Sailor

Was your ad for the hire of employees or were you selling your moto??

Bangkok Women : Meet Beautiful Thai Girls
Posted on: 12:36 pm on July 26, 2005
Never heard of any pappers, but I guess its better to go there in person.

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 1:28 pm on July 26, 2005
current bussiness model I am looking at is as follows

engneering company

2 foreign engineers me and a friend
3 rd thai national (whom I have known for 14yrs male uni educated engineer)

turnkey engineering projects to be assembled in thailand and shipped to europe

1 foreigner based in europe 1 in thailand (3-6 month swap around)

thai national doing all the initial contacts with local companies with the foreigner staying in the background comming in for testing and stage sign offs

still crunchning numbers to see if its a viable buisseness

Thai Girls : Meet Active Thai Girls
Posted on: 2:17 pm on July 26, 2005
Notwithstanding the total crap UK Shaga posted. Well, I shouldn't say that because that's HIS experience, but it isn't that bad.

You don't have to advertise in the paper. Lots of Thais read JobsDB and other job sites, though JobsDB seems to be pretty prominent here in Thailand.

You can hire good people here in Thailand. The first problem though is finding them. You'll get a ton of responses. You then have to weed out likely candidates (be forewarned that you really need to do background checks on what they write on their resumes. Foreigners may stretch things, but many Thais seem to think it's okay to lie outright on a resume).

Then you have to sink time into training them. Here you have 2 choices. a) Working out almost all the procedures in their job so they don't have to think very much and they can grow into the job; or b) spend time to train them to think on their own. Either way it's about 1 to 2 years before you get a good productive employee. Then you have to worry about retention.

This says nothing about personality fit!

Unfortunately you are talking about a small startup firm so that's about the best that's going to happen.

The positive side is that it seems you'll be needing a marketing major. Thailand just abounds with a gadjillion marketing majors. Many of them specialized and/or majored in International Marketing.

Want a cool interview question? Ask them to explain the difference between International Marketing and regular Marketing. I've met well over 100 International Marketing majors and I've received only ONE, yes ONE, answer that I thought was passable. This also includes overseas graduates!

Not a great batting average.


Thai Women : Meet Matured Thai Women
Posted on: 3:18 pm on July 28, 2005
China Sailor

Quote: from gummigut on 4:30 am on July 29, 2005
...Then you have to sink time into training them. Here you have 2 choices. a) Working out almost all the procedures in their job so they don't have to think very much and they can grow into the job; or b) spend time to train them to think on their own...

That is the problem gummigut.

In my business the client expect you to know how to think on your own when you come in the door. And as for creating clearly written proceedures, that is what our clients hire us for...

Bangkok Girls : Meet Attractive Thai Girls
Posted on: 7:59 am on July 29, 2005

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